Never posted on Yea Forums before but I want your thoughts on the Women's World Cup

Never posted on Yea Forums before but I want your thoughts on the Women's World Cup

Is it just me or is no one who enjoys football talking about this? It is literally just the media reporting on it. No talk of this at work, in bars, no celebrations in the streets. No one seems to give a flying fuck, but the news/Google/Youtube, etc... would have you believe the world is hanging on the edges of their seats.

tl;dr Does anyone else get the feeling that media cover of the WWC is massively overcompensating for public disinterest?


> Friend from the US
> Currently on holiday in France
> "In a bar in France, as the final whilstle blows and the French team claim victory"
> Posts video
> If it was the real world cup, in a bar in France, or anywhere in Europe, it would be going fucking mental
> Literally just one scrawny French guy and a few of his friend overacting a reaction whilst a few people clap (Pic related)
> Funniest thing was two middle aged French guys who appeared to bear wearing France t-shirts lazily turn around to see the TV at full time (In the foreground).

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>"guys, I don't think people care all that much about the women's World Cup!"

riveting insight

More people are at bars and cafe's watching this than coverage of our mexican concentration camps.

>Does anyone else get the feeling that media cover of the WWC is massively overcompensating for public disinterest?
No shit, OP.

no banter => no real connection => no one cares

Women are basically property.

People DON’T really care about the WWC. Look at the stadium attendance.

It’s still fun to watch desu. Besides, as an American transplant, it’s nice to see the US do well.

>It is literally just the media reporting on it.
Because no one truly cares aside from feminists and white knights. It's the most meme tournament this year.

I work in the söy-ridden field of tech and in my office there are umpteen empowered feminists who have always been the “lol who cares about sports all xD” types that suddenly are lifelong fans because it’s the women’s World Cup

people care a little bit since football is #1 in summer and our men's team never make it to a tournament so we're kinda starved for international competitions.
also the media is pushing it a lot in order to not seem like they don't care about women.
that said, most people i know at work etc don't care that much.
>did you see the game?
>yeah a little, it's exciting, hope they win the next game
the end. move on

So why make a thread dummy?

Because I don't follow sports, and wanted the insight of sportsfans for verification

Spee watches it because we are lost souls. Old spee: heh they are shit but they don't dive and muh heart.
Neo Yea Forumsol: reeee fucking feminists are oppressing me stop aaaahh

People are talking about it & getting into the US games. I think it's just because our women are actually good & it's summer... you can only watch so much meaningless baseball

Maybe next time don't stage it concurrently with 3 confederation cups.
Football fans, some, will watch it if there's nothing else on.

Literally no one cares where I live,not even women, I went to my mom's house the same day Brazil was playing France, she was going through the channels and when she saw it was on she just went "Oh look, the dykes are playing" then switched channels again



Not even /pol/ are claiming feminists have anything to do with it. They laugh at the feminists pretending to care about sports, but the WWC is so easily dismissed it isn't worth getting pissed over. It is like female Ghostbusters; Only brainlets got angry because is was destined to be a flop.

It is just kind amusing the media pushing it this hard, and no one gives a shit.

One bar that is literally in a shopping mall was holding an advertised screening of the Canada game today. I only noticed because a really soi Jew I know shared it on Facebook. It’s not even a real bar either, it’s more like a mix between and arcade/bowling alley and a restaurant that happens to sell booze. I’m in a graduate program for arts, so there are plenty of girls I know who have been acting like they care about it but you can tell they haven’t watched a game in their life, but it’s kind of funny because a few of them have tried to talk to me about it because they know I follow soccer

I'd say women's football in general got a big boost in popularity here after Ada Hegerberg won the Ballon d'Or. A lot of people seem to follow the championship. The game against Australia peaked at record-breaking 900 000 viewers last week. Will likely hit a million against England. Pretty huge numbers for a population of ~5 million.

To be fair most athletes or teams conpeting on a world class level get instant popularity here. We're a small, closely knit country, so whenever someone achieve or have a chance of achieving success we get together to cheer them on. Even Magnus Carlsen, our chess champion, attracted nearly 750 000 viewers near the end of the World Championship last year.

>I’m in a graduate program for arts, so there are plenty of girls I know who have been acting like they care about it but you can tell they haven’t watched a game in their life, but it’s kind of funny because a few of them have tried to talk to me about it because they know I follow soccer
You better be tappin that arthoe ass leafbro

Is it just me or has there been too many teams behaving really poorly? The US team ugly celebrations, Cameroon chimping the fuck out etc.

Of course the interest is low compared to men's football. In Sweden I think about 90 pubs purchased the rights to show the WWC compared to around 1500 for the WC last year. But since our women's team is better than our men's team relative to their respective competition I feel like there's still a modest interest. I currently watch some WWC mixed with the U21 euro


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only a few hipsters and lesbians care about women's soccer here, maybe a few dudes jerking off to the players. it's irrelevant here but the networks promote the fuck out of it because there's not much else on in the summer and it fits their political agenda