Achieves as much at derby as steve maclaren

>achieves as much at derby as steve maclaren
>gets fucking top 4 prem job


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Becasue he's based and redpilled

steve was the england manager

He solved football

muh club legund

No he didn't derby still no better then they have been the past 5 years

t. bielsa

>implying steve mcclaren isn't a top coach who got poached by treble winning man utd, won eredivisie with fc twente and won league cup with fucking boro

muh club legend

apparently he got high iq.

Im a Chelsea fan and I think this is fucking stupid

fuck off mate mcclaren was shit

BIG brain

Honestly should have to put in another year or 2 at derby
If he crashes and burns, he can ruin his reputation as a club legend

Muh pashun

That’s it. I’m one of the few Chelsea fans who wanted Sarri to get another year.

It all has to do with Zidane

I wouldnt of minded him staying but everyon kinda hated him and with the transfer ban I dont blame him for fucking of to juventus

honestly I'd get arsne wegner in for a couple seasons he knows how to finish top for with no money to spend

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Super Frank will rape Fraudiola & Flopp. He will also solve the Premier League.
Based. Screencap this.

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couldn't even solve the championship

>making good decisions