Attached: NHL Minimalist logos.png (580x483, 252K)
Luke Nguyen
Other urls found in this thread:
Robert Gomez
Do not reply to this post.
Think about ice instead.
Dylan Powell
where does the time go lads
sharks dynasty in the 20s too
Chase Thompson
Luis Fisher
So when does the next prospect post in /hoc/?
Jason Cox
>plays 4D Chess
>dynasty in the 20s
Evan Allen
10 years looks a lot shorter when you lay all the months out like that
Jeremiah Wright
>wasted youth posting on a fucking anime image board sport section
>summed up in a 607 KB jpg
Jordan Edwards
hows everybodys saturday night lookin
Jacob Walker
Looking forward to the Roaring 20's, Dirty 30's and the Holocaust pt.2
Ryan Barnes
all that time and you've never gotten laid user
Blake Edwards
cant wait for the post gary era
Connor Murphy
i’m getting married in august
Jordan Young
I'm looking forward to the 60s when I can be a rambling old man like Don Cherry
Jackson Brown
congrats, whats his name
Noah Bennett
Easton Young
I first lurked Yea Forums in late 2010, First posted in early 2011. Haven't been here that whole time though.
Brayden Perry
your mom
Hunter King
you didn't lurk for two years, start from the beginning
Andrew Williams
sounds chink-y
Jaxson Sanders
No, it was a couple months.
Ayden Sanchez
i lurked /hoc/ for aboout season and a half before i started posting.
Nathan Butler
Exactly, start over
Kevin Sanchez
could a NHL team go 82-0?
Ryan Roberts
If anyone could, it would be the Sharks
Justin Gutierrez
Don't worry, I'm sure my meds will kick in again soon and I'll stop posting again.
Isaac Brown
had a couple beer and some bong tokes lads, gonna tidy my place up now
Jordan Peterson
I think the habs came pretty close to a perfect season back in the 70s
Juan Watson
Brandon Watson
the golden knights will this season m8
also, where the FUCK are they in the OP pic
Chase Lopez
it's cool man you're doing good, just have some water
Brody Sullivan
which one of you faggots started spewing your 4chin lingo onto my insta? every other comment on public posts begin with "imagine..." and clown emojis
Landon Roberts
Do you think you are worth enough for someone to stalk your social media?
Ryder Rodriguez
John Reed
Samuel Price
Wyatt Allen
Yea Forums is the top of the pyramid of internet culture. All our memes eventually get to twitter, facebook, insta, reddit, etc.
David Turner
yeah maybe 9 fucking years ago when memes weren't just wojak faces and /pol/ shit
Gabriel Diaz
>imagine thinking about pondering
Gabriel Wright
only 6 months left in the decade, lads
only 6 months left to improve yourself
Eli Cook
pol shit is everywhere, where do you think all the clown world stuff comes from?
David Bennett
possibly the worst 6 year stretch in the history of the nhl
Jack Wilson
Dubs and I skip my meds tonight.
Logan Parker
>Regarding Joe Pavelski: no doubt in my mind they will get calls, and plenty of them, tomorrow when the window opens. The two sides aren’t even close right now
Mason Myers
you've got the rest of your life to improve yourself, not just 6 months
Sebastian Gray
sure you'll do it tomorrow, i get it
Ryan Allen
Kayden Sullivan
Ian Martinez
>Cap is going to be around 83 million
>lol just kidding 81.5 a few days before free agent day fuck you
Gary is a rat
James Hill
people can no longer cover their eyes
if this disturbs you then walk away
Parker Allen
there is time to kill today
Eli Price
speak for yourself, I've been doing lots of self improvement you bastard
Jack Harris
>i'm over a third done
Jordan James
i LOVE posting in /hoc/
Benjamin Cruz
How have you lads improved your lives in the last 5 years?
Andrew Jackson
what are you even talking about schizo
Kayden White
It was all grim up until the caps won
Brody Perry
I shagged yer mom
Kevin Diaz
eating clean and shall be getting a membership at a new gym lads.
Jayden Thomas
In the trash where they belong. They make the patriots look like the raiders with how much refpuck they get. Even losing to the sharks they ignored 2 calls that gave them goals and even 1 that took away a goal from the sharks. But muhhhh refpuckkkkkmkn
Owen Taylor
wear a sweatsuit like Rocky
Juan Ross
i'm going mad lads.
Daniel Butler
>They make the patriots look like the raiders with how much refpuck they get
stay mad with your geriatric/injured team retard
Bentley Hall
get some help if you need it. this isn't group therapy
Henry Moore
it was your fault
Luis Cooper
goals for improvement:
read more
internet/phone less
eat healthier
i'm already fit from playing hockey my whole life, probably need more cardio though
Blake Sullivan
yes it is you stupid faggot
Levi Kelly
Austin James
no it isn't. if anything it will makes mental health worse, faggot
Hudson Carter
>friend simulator
>not group therapy
Aiden Perry
Nicholas Sanchez
Is therapy a meme?
Justin Collins
I'm absolutely sick of this shit on /hoc/. This isn't hockey culture. This is borderline sucking-another-man's-dick culture. You faggots need to wake up and realize this is a board for HOCKEY, not group therapy. Take this shit to /r9k/. None of you will ever get pucks deep, but will come here to talk about how you thought you had a chance on the rush, but missed out on it. Then the other 50 of the same cockslobbers in this general will hit you up with the "I know that feel, bro." It's the same thing, day in day out. There is hockey on right now. "But I don't follow the Wild, they're pedophiles." Well guess fucking what? Who cares? If you wanted to talk about your faggy feels with other beta males, do it on some other general or down at your local mall's Hot Topic store. You cancers need to leave /hoc/ and come back when you have something worthwhile to contribute. /hoc/ culture my fucking ass.
Jeremiah Foster
hockey is on
Juan Phillips
if you use this as a substitute for friends then you really do need help
Xavier Hernandez
why not i guess
Jace Perez
you people are not my friends and you don't talk to eachother like friends
Gabriel Richardson
go thunder
Josiah Rogers
it can be helpful for the right people but for some its just a waste of time and money
Leo Phillips
any AIHL on?
Chase Thomas
how can people have flies in their house and not be bothered by it? it's a massive annoyance to me until i kill the fuckers
Brody Rogers
why aren't you out with your m8s now?
Cooper Reed
Yeah, for me I'd rather just meditate.
Gabriel Watson
this moment suspended in time
Ian Allen
ill be at hot topic later to talk about my feels if you want to meet up and suck my cock. bye
Adrian Mitchell
Pay attention to this stream cucknadians and amerisharts. This is how REAL men play hockey
Jaxson Gonzalez
pretty sure its a meme that preys on the weak and self-centered
its crazy the amount of women i know that have a therapist or are doing therapy sessions. have never met a man that goes or has gone to therapy
its basically just talking about yourself and your childhood, then they give you their opinion
Aaron Baker
any of you leaf bros remember playdium?
Jaxson Green
bruh i worked at hot topic as a lad from 2004-2006, it was a magnet for pusy
Eli Long
based pusy poster
Christopher Walker
Julian Sanders
I have to get up early for church tomorrow
Jacob Carter
have heartburn lads
Jaxon Bailey
how bad goes goth pussy smell? be honest.
Oliver Barnes
i can relate
Angel Wright
Lucas Jackson
drink a carbonated beverage
Nolan Gomez
just packed a bowl, lads
Sebastian Davis
not as bad as punk pusy
Justin Flores
they didn't have them where I lived but they look cool from the pics on google
Tyler Bailey
gonna do that too, no ice cubes though (sad face)
Joshua Anderson
just bated
Caleb Reyes
your balls are shrinking
Gavin Thompson
yeah playdium still exists i go there from time to time
the one in mississauga if your wondering
John Bennett
how many /hoc/posters are high right now?
Luis Mitchell
not me
Adrian Brooks
sober as a judge, bud
James Robinson
high on jesus
Dylan Moore
Jaxson Martinez
do the jannies have the night off? i'm tired of looking at that mans butthole in the catalog
Jaxon Martin
k*pshit is on suicide watch
Adrian Martin
why are you in the catalog
Nicholas Ortiz
our season??????
Connor Morgan
It never is and it will never be
2011 should have been a reality check, not hope
Michael Rodriguez
had such a based thought for the thread but forgot it, lads
Landon Lee
i like watching soccer webms and looking at hope solo's vagina when /hoc/ is only going 1 post per minute
Xavier Brooks
your season for riots i hope
Julian Price
you're a >rags fan silly binlan
Christian Morales
come on try a little, nothing is forever
David Williams
Feeling an life crisis lads...
Blake James
Henry Williams
how do i stop procrastinating, lads?
Liam Ward
it's just hokkei withdraws
Isaac Garcia
just woke up, lads
Parker Young
Carter Nelson
i hope the canucks pick up corey perry, shannon would be on suicide watch
Wyatt Howard
Noah Cox
*shoots at u 99.4 mph* heh.....
no i cant be its too mainstream t. hipsterpro
Cooper Johnson
get to work you piece of shit
Easton Smith
>our year
>every year
Alexander Lopez
ah yes, well in that case you are relegated to the hurricanes .
Jayden Wright
>yfw the islanders sign mitch marner
Joseph Edwards
Xavier Gonzalez
It's almost 11pm and I can still see a tiny bit of sunlight in the sky
Matthew Campbell
For me, it's elite Fenno-Brazilian talent
Jeremiah Howard
looks like obama
Lucas Cruz
Hudson Gomez
That's cray. How?
Eli Murphy
how did you know?
Jordan Robinson
Top row third from right?
Bottom row third from right
Bottom row far right?
Brandon Edwards
Austin Howard
sunbelt retard
Cooper Cooper
Blake Lee
fucking retard
Jayden Morales
get that filthy kike out of here
Evan Parker
absolute fucking retard
Luis Evans
Jose Adams
Landon Cooper
That’s the Ottawa Centurions, you blithering retard
Nathaniel Morris
fukkin st0ned
Easton Brooks
>you now remember Robyn Regehr
Cooper Gonzalez
Sorry, Snes are pretty irrelevant in my eyes
Jaxson Morgan
Graduated college
Made a girl fall in love with me and I love her back
I make 43k a day, humble living. I know I could make more elsewhere but right now this works for us and preparing for when we start life together
Watched the Wild get BTFO in the playoffs my whole life though so fml
Nicholas Allen
Unironically I do remember him
Parker Sanchez
very confused
Levi Russell
>you now remember krzysztof oliwa
Kevin Walker
Well first it got really, really shitty and now I'm currently experiencing the dead cat bounce. So go me.
Alexander Rodriguez
>Only 43k a day
I wish poorfags wouldn't flaunt their poorness on /hoc/ all the time
Jason Turner
Never jumped off a boat? I pity you loser
Carson Brown
i want to go to my grandparents house and take all of there old hockey cards
Cooper Scott
Entirely depends on where you live. 43k a year is enough for a four person family in rural areas
Not a pretty one but enough
Jose Perry
Blake Kelly
I see you dipshits don’t know either, thought so.
Unless that guitar pic on the top row is supposed to represent the fucking Predators or some shit
Landon White
Sebastian Miller
it came to me in a vision after i overdosed on snus
Adrian Hughes
brain dead retard
Christian Nelson
Predators literally had a logo that was a guitar pick with the Tennessee flag on it or something.
Andrew Butler
>>a day
It was a joke, son
Adam Cook
Dylan Wilson
Grayson Williams
Wow, /hoc/ is so good today.
Matthew Baker
Ryder Wood
also i just had a wank lads
Nicholas Collins
>mass replies
Christopher Bennett
Lucas Evans
apartment is clean now lads, just need to vacuum but it's too late
Easton Ross
Unironic Reddit
Robert Watson
you're a wank
Easton Allen
yeah but have you ever tried dmt?
Carson Davis
You're right that was way too much effort.
Nathan Williams
Middle row far right?
Bottom row third from right?
Bottom row far right?
Jack Kelly
oh fugg not my motherboard
Charles Long
It's all about putting in zero effort.
Blake Howard
Parker James
bottom two are dallas stars and pather's I'm guessing
no idea what the other one is supposed to be
Elijah Watson
Mikko Kokkonen without k and o is just Mi nen
Jayden James
>durr I'm dumb and can't use my brain please spoon feed me guys
End yourself
Colton James
Who /SwampRabbits/ here?
Anthony Watson
Blake Torres
Phonechad here. LOL
Owen Brown
if you dont snus you lose
Hunter Allen
Second from bottom row, third from right are stars, I was wondering about the one below them. As well as far right. As well as middle row right
Aiden Martinez
who else /saterdaynightjazz/ on cbc music
Hunter Smith
time for bed now /hoc/ you have church in the morning
Parker Baker
Top middle 3rd from right?
Bottom right 3rd from left?
Middle 3rd from the bottom right?
Jayden Sanders
blackhawks, coyotes, and blue jackets
you FUCKING idiots
Austin Hughes
t. Angry dork who can’t name teams in question
John Mitchell
nope there's no way you're correct on this one.
Carson Rivera
real retarded hours
Jayden Cooper
Based bigbrain user
Levi Peterson
yeah but that pussy aint retarded YEAH DJ BREAK THAT SHIT OFF FOR ME ONE TIME
*humps the mic stand*
Jason Morris
What’s the razor blade in the middle? The one next to the dart board with one wing?
Owen Gomez
Nicholas Ross
Team that just set a record for moist points in a season EVER.
Big Cup favorites
Cooper Ortiz
>panarin said on instagram live that he didn't wanna play for the panthers because they have no fans
>now he's been talking with the panthers
well which one is it
Jordan Smith
i’m moist too
Cameron Cruz
Hunter Rogers
Panthers have Finnish fans desu
James Butler
watching an anime series for the first time lads
Jacob Torres
But they have Q and Barky.
Kayden Richardson
yeah but he literally said he doesn't wanna play in florida because they have 0 fans
Matthew Torres
Yeah, I’m thinking that this is based
Colton Hernandez
Brayden Bailey
Of the nigger is only concerned with skin color during the draft
Joseph Baker
imagine - no goaltending
Jonathan Bell
Bob and Knight
Brandon Edwards
Easton Ramirez
the rags lineup still looks pretty bad even with kakko in it
Grayson Rogers
Levi Collins
That shade of brown is about as dark as I’m willing to go
Alexander Gray
which one lad
Mason Sullivan
Christian Price
i've heard it's a good one
Wyatt Howard
thinknig the devlels miss the ploffs and subban gets traded again next june
Evan Stewart
not happening, trouba and kakko make their team too good to be a lottery team unless kakko busts in his first year
Liam Hughes
Why is the Panthers logo not a fucking cat?
Nolan Murphy
Minnesota is going to jump 6 spots in the draft and get him next year tbqh
Jackson Russell
Why is nashville a guitar pick and not a child predator?
Isaac Adams
better hocket is on
Cameron Anderson
Newcastle southeast stars
Joseph Bennett
Evan Hughes
Thinking I fucked up lads
Aiden Jones
>its not the ICEDOGS
that's a shant from me
Brandon Martinez
how painful is it to be a snes fan right now?
Michael Ramirez
that post fap when you close 30 tabs
Bentley Scott
B-but muh Tkachuk......
Ethan Gray
what'd you do
Mason Wright
Been procrastinating for 18 hours now
Bentley Morgan
he's pretty good tho
Kevin Rogers
>only goes to 77
>in the year of our Lord 2019
what are you, some kind of fat fucking defective that also lives in a shithole and refuses medical treatments?
If you live in the West and don't make it to 90 you weren't even trying
Jayden Morgan
Maybe try lasses next time?
Aaron Thomas
Adrian Jackson
going to give my bloody valentine loveless a try
Oliver Russell
The pick is supposed to be Nashville?
Alexander Williams
Dylan Adams
Shield's vocals are 100x better than Bilinda's and it ruins the album
Thomas Cooper
Joseph Howard
Evan Gomez
turn it up loud
Christopher Barnes
Kanada hyvä jääkiekko
Jaxson Roberts
Google it, you mong
Jeremiah Cooper
Adrian Martin
Kaapo Kakko eliitti jääkiekkoilija
Isaiah Richardson
calm down ya simp it's literally my first time listening to this album
Samuel Myers
thinking bout siring an heir lads
Jaxon Reed
Jacob Martinez
thanks will be posting on mammi
Jason Ross
The male vocals are better than the female vocals, personally I think the female vocals stand out way too fucking much while Kevin's blend into the noise like the album is trying to do
Jonathan Lopez
so far the first two songs are alright, to here knows when sounds like distorted shit
Charles Howard
>Listen to shoegaze
>wtf why is it distorted
To be honest, it's not that good of an album anyways, crucify me
Isaiah Ross
Who did you think it was?
Jaxon Murphy
i mean it sounds more distorted than usual. i'm not big into shoegaze anyway, the only other band i know is slowdive and they have some great stuff
Easton Allen
What kind of name is Kappo Kakko?
How does it feel he's on the >rags?
Angel Lewis
Belinda Carlyle
Michael Cooper
but that's the solo singer
Jack Torres
heaven is a place on earth is such a good fucking song
god damn it
Adam Thompson
Yeah, so?
Robert Bailey
>one-quarter Japanese
>"Suzuki first player of color selected in 2019 NHL Draft"
Sports were supposed to be the last true meritocracy left. Why are they pushing this tokenistic shit.
Jackson Perez
this album is a solid 6/10 so far
Wyatt King
What album?
Austin Fisher
For me, it’s Circle in the Sand
William Rogers
the first three episodes of evangelion were good
now i'm watching the new suspiria
Dylan Collins
circle in the sand....................
Josiah Cooper
Colton Mitchell
by who?
Blake Lee
my bloody valentine
Oliver Edwards
hello hoc when is the free agent day
Juan Gray
listening to belinda carlisle lads
Jackson Russell
What's kakko's number? Can he keep 24?
Carson Perez
siri play maneater by oates and hall
Henry Harris
thking of that hot summer day in 92
Charles Moore
i fucking HATE reading comments from old music videos. every single comment is some boomer shit like "when music waz good...."
fucking boomers
Chase Lewis
Leo Jones
>still listening to this classic in >current year
Jace Cooper
literal npcs
Matthew Diaz
>guitar pick
>rectangle stick
>pine trees
>robot penguin
>2 swords
>3 stars
>musical note
>C on fire
>jagged polygon
>circle stick
>centurion helmet
>razor blade
>dart board, one wing
>avian footprint
>flag and pole
>satyr with 3 amputations
>a fuckin leaf
>dart board, one wing - clipped feathers
>palm tree
>tear drop
>canine footprint
Jose Bennett
whats his name i forget
Sebastian Martinez
Aatu Räty desu
Luis Jenkins
fuck off randy
Henry Miller
Kayden Thomas
getting sick of this fruit fly
Bentley Reed
put down some fruit and spray it with bleach
Benjamin James
thinking about mikko kokkonen desu
Kayden Carter
Carson Wood
I recently saw the Stanley Cup in person once.
I didn't touch it. I couldn't touch it. I'm not worthy.
Aiden Baker
Lincoln Roberts
Aiden Sanders
gross feet desu
Jordan Sullivan
we’re gonna make it bros
Cooper Moore
he did not say that on instagram, someone commented that "florida has no fans", he read it out loud and chuckled.
I still think he's gonna sign with the >rags, bob is pretty much a "done deal" though imo
Jackson Ramirez
I'm not. Because I made the ripe decision to go to bed at 7 last night I woke up hungover at fucking 3 in the morning
Dylan Walker
>Texas’ kino bro thread gets pruned
>literal Arby’s thread featuring hope solos cavernous cunt still up and running
what are the jannies even doing
Nathan James
I haven't had a good night's sleep since January. I wake up in pain every few hours. I think it's these new pills I've been taking but I'm not sure.
Joseph Bennett
Damn didnt know huberdeaus gf was such a qt
Camden Jenkins
pain from what
Nicholas Perez
man shoulders
Bentley Parker
would suck on her toes while i fuck her like a gorilla
Josiah Peterson
is hockey really the most popular sport in finland?
Benjamin Perry
wrong shes qt
Andrew Hernandez
is basketball really the most popular sport in canada?
Julian Scott
her face, sure
Justin Ward
is hockey really not the most popular sport in america?
Grayson Anderson
only in a few places
Chase Green
how can you not like hockey like wtf
John Diaz
>he doesn't like a woman with nice, elegant shoulders
>he doesn't understand that taller (and objectively better) women will have naturally broader shoulders
>he doesn't realize that it still complements the rest of their figure, even if the rest of their body isn't in the frame
>he doesn't enjoy a beautiful set of collarbones for god-tier décolletage instead of a pair of barely-visible twigs
>he doesn't want his sons to have strong shoulders
/hoc/ gets grimmer by the day.
Daniel Gomez
Got a raging morning wood
Isaac Martinez
dreamt about bulju huh
Kevin Fisher
1. Ice hockey
2. Track and field
3. X-country skiing
4. Biathlon
5. F1
Jaxon Scott
cope ya fucking incel tranny lover
Luke Gomez
god morgen norge
Jeremiah Adams
GoooOOOOD MOOOOOOOOOOORNING /hoc/! Just a reminder that we are one day closer to the OFFSEASON (yes, the OFFSEASON) taking a serious toll on my mental health!
Isaiah Myers
Blake Jackson
>Ronnie Attard
Is he /ourtard/?
Blake Howard
Cameron Martinez
Sebastian Sanders
Noone knows what it's like, to be the sad man
Jaxon Anderson
one man does and he plays for the edmonton oilers
Chase Adams
this is the post that saved the thread
Nolan Bailey
thanks ove
Thomas Flores
Most watched but football is the most played
Jose Carter
you mean soccer/
Hudson Turner
new suspiria was based.
slow burn, but those are my favorite kind of horror movies desu
Jaxon Kelly
For me, its the Syracuse Chocolate Bars
John Rogers
imagine having a player on your team literally named fagemo
Xavier Reyes
When will there be INTERESTING TRADES??????????
Jackson Nelson
Typical swedish name
Elijah Martin
Dominic Mitchell
Which teams without a pick in the top 5 of the first round had the best draft?
Mason Taylor
nice trpis
Jordan Myers
god morgon
Jordan Clark
golden knights
Parker Diaz
How much money will they get from Florida?
Lincoln Cooper
500 rubels
Jaxson Foster
Barrie trade soon
Benjamin Baker
Bob 8,5
Bread 11,5
Lincoln Taylor
fug I mean . not ,
Aaron Kelly
>Bob 8,5
LOL@anyone giving him that kinda money
Jayden Robinson
Joseph Torres
would wear sunglasses made from her poop, any time
Liam Johnson
If I got drafted this song would play
Easton Miller
Imagine trading a top-5 overall pick in 2020 for a 40-point cap dump.
Good thing I don't watch this shit any more.
Xavier Stewart
Post butt
Kayden Ramirez
i just want to kiss you
Noah Cruz
can you guys believe I dreamt of ice?
Carter Morris
>liking small asses
Christian Ward
Only if your breath smells/tastes like this.
Henry Perez
let me kiss you..
Ryder Williams
Petite women are nice. I dont like the thick trend.
Jose Hill
sticcs are for playing hockey
thiccs are for holding hands
no wonder everyone hates binland
everyone knows sweden is the superior scandinavian country
Easton Moore
Match my small dick
Isaiah Jones
Brazillian """education"""
Carson Butler
more like
Ryder Evans
>gets called out for being stewpid
>immediately goes to bad-mouthing in a fit of negro rage
Calm down chimp.
Joshua Young
Bob 9 mill
Panarin will sign elsewhere
Aaron Perez
I have as many Stanlee Caps as your country in this millenium
Blake Scott
You also have as many bits of white skin as my country has stanlees in this millennium
Gabriel Garcia
If it was so, your country would be in a dinasty.
Colton Cooper
I dont make the rules, gorilla.
Michael Jenkins
To be fair, I don't think you do anything in your life.
Henry Walker
To be fair, i think you live in a Favela.
Jeremiah Wilson
And you are wrong again.
Damn, Can'tnada can't get anything right.
Michael Peterson
>thinks finland is scandanavian
Julian Sanchez
>thinks canada is white...
Jaxson Clark
>...and brazil is black
Nicholas Davis
>Brazil wrong again
For someone who is wrong a lot you sure like calling people out on it.
Elijah Lewis
I don't make the rules, "white" gorilla.
Logan Hernandez
You also don't post facts.
Angel Perry
Shhhh now, "white" boy. It's over, no need to rage over this.
Aaron Sullivan
no /hoc/key discussions allowed!
Xavier Nguyen
wtf i love brazil now
Aiden Ross
Brandon Jackson
It would be extremely painful
Cooper Anderson
>still implying I think Canada is white
Why are you so mad that you dont know what Scandinavia is that you keep making stuff up?
Aiden Anderson
Mason Sullivan
Only good prospect in the system.
Jason Robinson
Colton Hill
Jace Powell
Posture: 6/10
Waist: 9/10
Hips: 6/10
Panties: 10/10
Ass: 3/10
7/10 Average
Parker Rivera
Mason Brown
i lol'd
Hudson Ortiz
Just took my morning Tavares
Ian Russell
Did Marner sign his 8x11 yet?
Jaxon Ortiz
In a way, you could consider the trade to be 2 first round picks for the ability to sign whoever they saved that cap space for. No different than an offer sheet. But here they get him for 2 picks instead of 4.
William Morales
>Boston... You just activated my trap card...
Oliver Peterson
Hi /hoc/ - It’s pride month and I founded Australia’s first and only LGBT hockey team. To mark Pride month, we got to step on the ice with the guys from the AIHL’s Melbourne Mustangs - thought you guys might enjoy!
James Clark
>gets traded for literal depth pieces
>wins the cup and scores 4 straight goals in the finals
does buffalo want that trade back?
Juan Davis
they got fucked taking him from Colorado and got fucked trading him to St Louis. everyone says buffalel will beat Vancouver to the cup but that's obviously retarded
Angel Turner
the sad thing is that buffalo still can "compete" in a way, but I feel uncertain about them. maybe risto and dahlin work well, or maybe risto gets traded and they get more offense in return. Im sure eichel craves to see the postseason at least once before hes like 25
Ryder Rivera
Is that janitorial ass?
William Miller
Anyone got the pic of Leevi Aaltonen(male)?
Levi Thompson
just fetched this one
Adam Morales
Ryan Jackson
think he'll be going to xheattle dickgirls together with the rest of the gayjonat?
Landon Green
Are there any tops in Leijonat?
Juan Gomez
i doubt it
Ian Baker
Ryder Peterson
some mad lad is giving himself a root canal on Yea Forums right now.
Joshua White
is every zoomer now a video game addict or what the fuck is wrong with his eye bags?
Ryan Edwards
you aint seen shit
Mason Fisher
Guys I’m taking a massive shit
Tyler Wilson
Christian Brown
Nice, don't forget to wipe it properly with baby wipes. Take a shower after, preferably.
Andrew Garcia
For me it's Strong Finnish Bull
Adrian Anderson
>karlsson will sign an 8 year extension with vegas
What the fuck are you doing vegas? You have no cap
Connor Anderson
>tank the market in 2 years of operation
Vegas is west coast Toronto but less gay
Lucas Wright
11x7 kind of shit?
Easton Allen
12x10 this thing is a beast
Alexander Nelson
Jesus, this kind of shit shouldn't even be allowed
Evan Bailey
What is Finland's endgame here?
Landon Davis
To crash this league
Isaiah Williams
distract everyone else with players looking like bottom homos (which they are)
Parker Green
Jack Jenkins
Would have been save of the year if he had gotten that puck with his glove. Damn.
Dylan Howard
just woke up
Blake Fisher
upper back/chest pain
Joshua Thompson
havent had a solid shit in months
Caleb Sullivan
too much booze
get a new bed
Hunter Evans
>lets hire that guy who traded forsberg for erat
>*trades away all your prospects and puts you in cap hell under two season*
Nothing personal Vegass
Jonathan Garcia
Colton Nelson
rinne got sonk'ed
Jason Perez
Reminder gallant called deboer a clown in a press conference before game 7
Nicholas Torres
thanks but it's not the bed
Julian Martin
Delet this
Jason Davis
>still need to sign karlsson
>all their future hopes are on the shoulders of a guy named Glass
Relocation when?
Jason Martin
>VGK cap space: -125,000
Kevin Gonzalez
Neighbors are working in their yard and cranking the REO tunes, lads
Carter King
based eric foreman
Zachary Harris
unironically love this song
t. boomer
Chase Carter
i love this album cuz as a kid i thought the name was great
Leo Bailey
this is a good one
a lot of their hits are too sappy for my tastes but this one rocks
Gavin Gray
Easton Howard
I can't believe the >rags got thr best player in the draft
Jaxon Stewart
Brayden Wood
>put together a team of cast offs
>they actually all work hard and play their roles, brining the team to a Stanley cup final
>instead of learning from this that good teams don't need overpaid stars acquired through fa or worse, a bad trade, they go out and sell their small farm for exactly that.
>now in cap hell with a team that is increasingly getting older with many vets sitting on comfy long term large contracts
>need to ditch some of those hard working role players that were essential to your teams success so you can sign 1 of your goal scoring stars
>only 1 legit prospect to that migh be able to join your roster in the immediate future
Yikes. Hopefully Seattle learns from that mess.
Lucas Cooper
>with the first overall pick, your Quebec Golden Knights select Alexa Lafreniere from some literal who in the league that makes you think "C"HL is the tier they play at behind whl Chads and communist faggot ontariBlow
Dominic Hall
daily fucking reminder they lost a great prospect in nick suzuki just to keep patches
Daniel Price
>great prospect
asian people cant play hockey.
Jackson Miller
Absolutely abhorrent trade. Suzuki will likely be a top 6 centre for the frogs in a couple seasons and Vegas will be trading more future away to get rid of patches contract.
Grayson Taylor
Kariya and many Finnish players would like a word.
Aiden Gray
Quebec needs its team back
James Nguyen
i dont care if it has music, this highlight reel is phenomenal
Ryder Lewis
I miss the Blackhawks dynasty so much
Gabriel Bell
yeah they can't either.
Wyatt Ross
but canadian players are everywhere
Asher Hill
now you're just recycling that one canadians "joke"
Landon Wood
didn't notice it
Asher Harris
Colton Scott
Why didn't Finland invade Russia after defeating them? You guys could be a global empire right now
Hudson Hall
They're are more Canadian players from other locations than just chinkouver.
Jonathan Robinson
Because Mannerheim and other leaders pussied out.
Austin Brooks
time to re-think your diet user
Owen Cruz
NHL E-sports soon
Carson Evans
>2010 to 2017
Ryan Sanchez
Seattle Rattlesnakes
Julian Cooper
eating this.
fennoswedes are pretty based tbqh
Jason Rogers
reminder this entire fucking decade was shit until the caps won
Asher Powell
Juan Martin
If only the PCHA survived and gave the NHL actual competition. The Metropolitans, Millionaires and Rosebuds would have put Montreal in it's place.
Adrian Scott
cuz Jack Poopoo is a beta
Hunter Bell
he is just intimidated by the finnish bull
Chase Russell
Jack looked really nervous around Kakko. Mouth kept going on and looking away. Sign of neurvousness.
Jaxon Hill
t. will from washington
Aaron Gomez
2010-2017 was so similar to 95-03 with devs, avs and red wings winning every year
Liam Green
>look at this hotshot
Eli Cooper
Well, it's been 4 years, time to talk about Justin.
Nathaniel Sanders
take the CHL pill
Austin Jones
for me, it's influenza
Isaac Green
The weak should fear the strong
Charles Allen
last digits confirms how many games Jack Manlet plays in the NHL before a season ending injury
Samuel Watson
Should be mentioned that Prince Albert raiders had 2 players drafted, which is probably a record considering 1 is rare af. Both drafted to the Caps.
Jackson Sullivan
They played a tough, hardnosed, series. Full of grit.
Elijah Myers
Prince albert is such a weird team anyway. not a terrible team, but compared to moose jaw, they are probably better. I think that protas is the better of the two anyway
Brayden Wilson
>swede's post is about swedish player
Jaxson Adams
isnt prince albert the name of a penis piercing?
why would you name your team after that?
Kevin Russell
what went right?
Xavier Harris
prince albert is the city. the team is called the raiders
kelowna and seattle are still the CHADS of the WHL
Mason Nguyen
why would they name their city after a penis piercing
Adam Morales
Protas has a lot of upside. You can tell he's a smart hockey player and has really good hands for such a big guy. I could see him being a top 9 forward in the nhl if he adds a by more speed to his game. Might be rough next season for him to drastically improve his points total unless he's traded early. PA will probably be quite weak as many of their good players were last year vets.
Justin Hughes
Prince Albert was married to queen Victoria. He was a German prince. Regina Sask is named after her and Prince Albert him.
Jackson Gonzalez
I kinda wanted my team to get leason or protas, but 5 picks in the entire draft wont make that happen
Hudson Edwards
why would she marry a penis piercing?
Caleb Myers
Why would they put a penis piercing in a can?
Gabriel Green
I suppose it was her fetish.
Samuel Cooper
the original fazer blue recipe was gifted from some swiss dude so it's basically swiss chocolate
Dominic Baker
Justin Stewart
Kek is that kakko BTFOing hughes?
Austin Turner
Fazer was swiss. Now the family is Swedish speaking though.
Parker Mitchell
why are speedy manlets so gay and cringe, lads
Eli Rodriguez
Only good manlet is one like Marchand or Gallagher. They need to play like a bigger guy and have an edge.
Samuel Morris
I hate max domi and his manletness
Connor Stewart
Will Torey Krug use the money from his new contract to remove the hideous mole from his face?
Thomas Gonzalez
Gallagher seems like a bro
Cameron Nelson
Joseph Kelly
seems like >my team has already taken it
Xavier Jones
is there a more narcisist country than sweden
dont think so
Owen Anderson
Parker Nelson
Hudson Fisher
LOL this thread is still up from earlier this week
Sebastian Walker
are you high?