How come their women's national teams are so bad when they only have one sport?

How come their women's national teams are so bad when they only have one sport?

At least Europe has an excuse because all the Africans they imported for their national teams are too busy raising their twelve children but what's their excuse?

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Our women stay where they belong, in the kitchens.
Only genetic trash lesbians play football over here.

This whole thread was an excuse to make that negroes in Europe joke, am I right?

Women here act like women, they are not trying to become men like in degenerateland

Wait are you excusing importing immigrants?

Based Chile, Will continue to root for you to win your 3rd Copa in a row

Yes they are

Comunachas aren't women.

Hey Chileans, how is life in Calama these days?

Socialists aren't people

Mechonas don't count

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I'm from the south but i've heard calama is one of the worst cities to live in

have sex

Dang. Crime or what?

t. peroncho choriplanero

crime (specially drug drug trafficking), infrastructure and poverty, like any other chilean city really. it's a third world country, what the fuck do you expect? however, miners and engineers in calama can make a good amount of money, they have wages comparable to first world countries.

Female football was looked down here until recently. Marta was reprehended as a child. Decades ago it was forbidden by law. In a word, sexism. But even then our players individually are better than yours. Team.organization is the problem.


>caring about women's sports.

Come on americans, even though you like to pretend they matter deep down you know its a meme.

Not even women watch the fucking games.

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Our women play mostly hockey and volley. Football is for men.

It's a side effect of it being a hotspot for illegal immigrants

same but replace hockey with handball and martial arts

you can't evolve if you don't have sex and therefore, children to spread and then evolve. Do you know how children are made and how to sex, right?

lesbians play soccer
>usa top candidate

the only sports related activity that women actually care about around here is olympics stuff.

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our media is trying hard to make lesbian kickball popular, but since most fans are men, it does generate profit

Why are you asking for life in that shit hole? It's not a tourist city, just a city to stay for work, with no places to visit, little utilities and shitty people that are convinced earning 5 times minimal wage means being rich.

You go to Calama by plane just to go to San Pedro de Atacama, the actual tourist town about 1 1/2 hours away

Explain ths cunt.

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Third world countries like Chile and Mexico and Germany don't allow their women to play sports. That is also why they have "men" dressing up as women to play a women's sport like soccer
And yet, your men act like women


wgo the fuck cares or would invest in womyn sports you idiot

This is what happens when communists manipulate the ignorant and masses, they put monsters in charge

(((they))) shilled her so hard here, literally made this country worse but the cucks still like her because she smiles like a mother

I can't believe how the international press keeps praising her after she went to Venezuela to congratulate Maduro and spit on the opposition

Our women have children