*MUHndes edition*
Other urls found in this thread:
why is the cow noping
and where are todays games
OP, why don't you do your job?
so many questions...
what are good labels for business shirts?
again we wont see brazil's hot meme thanks to yet another SHIT op
this isn't the thread
wait for brazil FFS
Um Sweetie we are watching AFCON.
And England and France are playing. You're one of the daft kids, aren't you?
>90+ minutes of BVB circlejerk
absolutely nope
at least we're not the only country that's going down the toilet, feels less bad than expected man.
jz 1 Nutellabreadlet
Is Jogi out of the Krankenhaus yet?
he's dead m8, let it go
does it matter?
no he deadlifted
*he was dead and lifted to heaven
No one knows. We'll have to wait until he writes his quarterly email to the DFB.
Title contender - yes or no?
put mutumbu up front
what happened to Alcaca? Why are all Dortmund bandwagoners putting Fatze up front?
Alcacer is better coming off the bench
I was hoping for a real answer and not TM voodoo.
Probably because Alcacer has like 5 touches per game
Echte Liebe Status: It's complicated
>VfB sign Fabian #Bredlow. The 24-year-old goalkeeper joins from 1. FC Nürnberg on a three-year contract.
That midfield is deadly.
cant believe tobi still posts here and is as autistic as ever
>The German Football Association have completed their coaching staff for Germany’s youth teams. Manuel Baum will take over as head coach of the U20s, ahead of the 2019/20 season. His assistant coaches will be René Rydlewicz and Engin Yanova. Baum will also have a role in helping to develop coaches as part of the association’s coaching courses.
>no regista
another one:
why won’t you fucking cringe inducing frog posting babyman leave already?
doesn't matter if two result in goals.
Fuck off tom (delaney)
>scores 4, concedes 6
a-are rüsseltiers allowed?
yes hello
Tuchel would have unironically played that, no chance with Favre though. Favre will either play 3 CB + offensive Hakimi, Schulz or Delaney-Witsel CM with one of Brandt or Hazard benched.
Junge hier nimm meine Prille der Pass kam nich gut an uezs
would have sold Götze and bought a solid old striker desu, maybe not mandzukic but someone similar.
>Klopp bevorzugt SVW-Leihe
>Grujic-Entscheidung naht: Werder bei Liverpool dank Kohfeldt hoch im Kurs
where were you when Kult-Kloppo saved the EL for Werder?
He did it because Werder is having a Vollgasveranstaltung
you're god damn right *muffled ACDC from afar*
raycist germans at it again
Are any of the u21 teams good?
did you not watch the game yesterday?
>"Habe die Entscheidung getroffen, beruflich etwas kürzer zu treten" - Matthias Sammer wird nicht mehr als Experte die Bundesliga bei Eurosport analysieren, bleibt dem Sender jedoch erhalten.
any of the other teams, my nigger
>Habe die Entscheidung getroffen, beruflich etwas kürzer zu treten
Anyone want to buy Weltmeister Andre Schürrle? He assisted the World Cup winning goal.
lmao easy walk to the final
yes hello i am interested in the Schürrle
Where we lose to the Amis.
have sex, incel
burgers here we come
jungs bin da jz
the Schürrle der Schächter von Schalke
Warum nicht mehr #zsmmn?
fuck off tom you spastic retard
wo warst du man
come on dont be leik that
>Exit talk has been sparked as a result, with it possible that a move could be made in the summer of 2019.
Tom? Opfer.
Okay, pull down your pants.
What did he mean by this?
> Bayern's chances to sign Rodri from Atletico are now completely over. [via @cfbayern]
daily reminder
well he wasnt that far off with the germany prediction
it was meant to be, but arrogant Baumgartl interfered with destiny. Not my fault
Mateu Morey will leave Barca on June 30th and sign a 5-year contract at Dortmund. Dortmund will only pay a training compensation fee.
Laut übereinstimmenden spanischen Medienberichten hat sich der FC Bayern München die Dienste eines Talentes des FC Barcelona gesichert. Wie die katalanische Zeitung „Sport“ unter Bezugnahme auf den Journalisten Gerard Romero („RAC1“) berichtet, steht der 17-jährige Rechtsverteidiger Mateu Morey (Foto) vor der Unterschrift in München.
Thats not Leverkusen.
favre is too much of a cuck to field that lineup
4-2-3-1 with a Witsel-Delaney midfield, Schulz as an offensive LB, and Reus or Brandt as an inside left winger is more likely
>it was real in my head
no this is neverkusen
>scores 3 concedes 7
*finishes 4th*
>in the CL group
Truly the Granaten
What did he do again?
scored against Augsburg in a 1:1 draw at home
made goretzka look good
Redpill me on Andrew Wooten please. Apparently he's been scoring a lot of goals lately, but is he just a meme?
I work at a union, I have colleagues who literally walk around in bare feet and St. Pauli t-shirts.
I wear chinos and Oxford Button downs and am in the 10% best dressed.
Nice business shirts just aren't part of my life.
Its almost as if Bayern doesnt remember the games vs Liverpool. Gnabry is invisible against good opponents.
the only visible thing in the liverpool match was tummels belly as he cleared everything he could while being pinned to the box.
>Dalian Yifang suspendiert Carrasco – „Bewegt sich nicht mal beim Training“
I promise you when I do the next OP it will be brilliant
REALLY want to see brazil's fresh meme but kevin has to fuck up everytime s m d h
Doubt. Bayern have Kimmich. Would be easier to get into the Barca squad.
>he actually believes this
yeah i meant shirts (freizeithemden) like pic rel
could you take a pic of what you would wear at your firm on any given day regularly i really need to buy new clothes
i noted oxford button downs and chinos ty
Just dress like Jogi (unironically)
Just dress like Ulle (ironically)
Studentinnen sehen alle uniron so aus
Fußball-Bundesligist Borussia Dortmund hat mit der Verpflichtung von Mats Hummels vom deutschen Meister FC Bayern München für den bislang spektakulärsten Transfer des Sommers gesorgt. Zuletzt mehrten sich die Spekulationen, der BVB arbeite an einer weiteren brisanten Rückholaktion.
Immer wieder tauchten in deutschen und englischen Medien Gerüchte auf, wonach die Borussia auch Mittelfeldspieler Ilkay Gündogan zurück nach Dortmund lotsen will. Der Nationalspieler war zwischen 2011 und 2016 für den BVB aktiv und feierte mit den Schwarz-Gelben das Double aus Meisterschaft und Pokalsieg im Jahr 2012.
Nach jüngsten Informationen von "Sky" ist an den Mutmaßungen über ein zweites Engagement Gündogans, der bei Manchester City bereits zwei englische Meisterschaften und einige weitere Titelgewinne einfuhr, allerdings nichts dran.
Der Sender bezieht sich auf eine "Quelle aus dem Umfeld Gündogans", die einen Kontakt zwischen dem 28-Jährigen und dem BVB dementierte. Auch die englischen Kollegen von "Sky UK" vermeldeten, dass es momentan für ManCity keine Option sei, das Mittelfeldass überhaupt ziehen zu lassen.
Aki is batshit crazy.
Buy a bunch of these (maybe some in white too) and roll the sleeves up to around the elbows
And these trousers
They are perfectly fine quality and you can always add more expensive things later.
I also wear these on my feet
It’s not very flamboyant but I enjoy having a uniform. I wear this to work, when I get together with people, when I go shopping, when I go to family parties etc.
„Wir wissen, dass wir viel Geld in die Hand nehmen. Aber wir haben auch schon gute Erfahrungen mit der Verpflichtung von Axel Witsel gemacht und glauben, dass wir mit Mats einen deutlichen sportlichen Mehrwert bekommen. Die Mischung im Team aus Jugend und Erfahrung muss stimmen“, erklärte Zorc gegenüber der „Bild“. Den damals 29-jährigen Mittelfeldspieler Witsel hatte Dortmund im vergangenen Sommer für 20 Mio. Euro von Tianjin Tianhai verpflichtet. Mit einer kolportierten Grundablöse von 30,5 Mio. Euro setzt sich Hummels, der laut Zorc in seiner ersten BVB-Zeit „etliche Wechsel-Chancen ausgeschlagen hat“, nun an die Spitze des Rankings der teuersten Klubzugänge.
>Aki is batshit crazy.
Gündogan is unironically among the 3 best central midfielders right now at the age 28 with 1 year left on his contract. Im not saying its going to happen (even if Gündogan wants to be closer to the Ruhr), in fact I highly doubt it, but if Gündogan goes back to Dortmund, they win the league with 99% certainty.
stop drinking Soja milk and quit Sozialwissenschaften
>saving thumbnails
not a big fan of those shoes
hob gschissn
Wie soll man "Piëch"aussprechen?
>ENG and ROU trying to score goals
the future of ENGlel...
>English goalkeeping
>english goalkeeping
>Autismod handing out more ISP bans
oh nonono
awkward result for Italy tobihoeneß
wait coman plays for romania?
Always rated Romania
>english goalkeeping
das is sein couseng
he assisted their only goal
he had a good season with sandhausen. now his contract ran out
Thanks for replying, but I was really wondering whether he's actually good or not. He's coming to >my team in July.
good enough to go doopin mental in the MLS
I believe it. Also our left back (who is probably top 5 in the league at his position) came from 3. liga, embarrassingly. There are pretty much zero good fullbacks in MLS though.
Norwich won the Championship with a team full of 2.Liga players /Bundesliga rejects. Just go for those them
Imagine being you guys and not watching AFCON right noW LMAO
Oops, I forgot to add the meme arrow
i truly suffer in this climate. how do i best escape the heat jew?
do have access to a sousterrain?
jump in your pool
the Yottachad, smoking 50 cigarettes an hour and drinking a few glasses of nutella a day while Till Schweiger is only known for being a horrific actor and having retarded children.
>not sitting naked with a wet towel and a bucket of ice water at your shitposting station
It's 21°C here you fucking crybabies.
Til Schweiger nutzt die "Schauspielerei" und sein Werken als "intellekteller Regisseur" nur als Tarnkappe um seinen florierenden Kristall-Mett-Handel zu verdecken. Er gibt das Schwarzgeld an Obdachlose, die seine Filme im Kino anschauen. So erklären sich die Zuschauerzahlen trotz seiner unterirdisch schlechten Filme. Durch Filmförderungen und GEZ-Gebühren wird das Geld so indirekt gewaschen. Ulle war zunächst nur Kunde, ist dann aber voll mit ins Geschäft eingestiegen. Weil es bei der Aufteilung des Gewinns Streit gab, kam es zu den Handgreiflichkeiten in Tils Ferienhaus. Zur aktuellen Geschichte: Die "Nutte" ist in Wirklichkeit im Vorstand einer riesigen Firma, die offiziell mit Elektromotoren und Industriebedarf handelt (und nebenbei noch eine Schnellesskette besitzt) und gleichzeitig Methylamin zur Herstellung des Metts in großem Stil vertreibt. Nachdem der Streit zwischen Til und Ulle in der Öffentlichkeit hochkochte, drohte sie mit dem Ausstieg. Beide waren auf Mett unberechenbar geworden, und es würde nur eine Frage der Zeit sein, bis sich einer von ihnen verplappern würde. Dummerweise waren sie (mal wieder) total hoch, als ihnen diese Nachricht übergeben wurde. Til schnappte sich seine Schreckschusspistole (Requisit aus dem "Tatort") und Ulle die Sattelstütze seines Siegerrads (Aus Kohlefaser, nur 20g schwer!). Mit der Pistole bedrohten sie die Frau und drängten sie in ein zuvor gemietetes Hotelzimmer. Ihr Plan war eigentlich, sie mit "guten Argumenten" davon zu überzeugen, weiterhin mitzumachen. Dabei wurden sie jedoch gestört (Zimmerservice). Der Hotelfachangestellten bot sich ein bizzares Bild: Der nackte Ulrich bedrohte eine Frau mit einer Pistole und schrie dabei "Na, wer will den aussteigen? WER WILL DENN AUSSTEIGEN? KEINER WILL AUSSTEIGEN! NUR WEGEN DER PAAR SACHEN DIE EH JEDER NIMMT!!".
>It's 21°C here you fucking crybabies.
Til war währenddessen auf dem Klo um seiner Aufmerksamkeitsschuchteley nachzugehen. Er twitterte mit dem Telefon beim Kacken: > Geschäftlich unterwegs wegen #Flüchtlingen. #Keinohrhasen9 wird super werden!!!! Das ermöglichte ihm witzigerweise die Flucht in der Zeit, die die Polizei brauchte um einzutreffen. Ulle hatte die Pistole auf den Boden geworfen, als er merkte, dass sie nicht funktionierte. Er versuchte sich mit der Sattelstütze gegen die Beamten zu wehren, durch das geringe Gewicht war sie aber so effektiv als Waffe wie eine Papierrolle.
>t. Greterjünger acting like absolutely every weather is catastrophic hell
Ergibt Sinn, tatsächlich.
Get an AC. Best 3000€ i ever spent.
not everyone is an oligarch like you
the sarah summer next week is going to kys you weeklings
wrong, we're all millionaires here.
Jet a job ffs, it's not that much money.
English goaltending am I right
How un-Greta of you.. hope the Greens make you pay a CO2 tax on that crap
can't wait to beat Dumbele and his ninja turtles in the final desu
Based French commentators can’t stop mentioning that Konate and Upa are teammates at Leipzig
real /bundes/ hours
still 1-0. i dont know what to think of france.
not title contender material. We beat them in the last friendly before the tournament, and they werent going easy there
reminder that there is at least one zoomer on /bundes/ that didn't know Alf.
kek i never rated these boomer shows.
your mom was a boomer show
predict the u21 final
Germany - Denmark, Germany wins 5-1
shows I rated:
Alle unter einem Dach, Full House, Wer ist hier der Boss, Prinz von Bel Air, Hör mal wer da hämmert, Sabrina total verhext, Roseanne, Al Bundy
plus most cartoons
it was a different time
>Sabrina total verhext
best show, hands down
Germany - Romania, Germany wins
dunno if that could be a semi-final already
true, funny cat and always mini-rocks on all females. It had everything
90s were peak television
yes yes
>90s were peak television
hmm intradesting, i have the same final in mind. but i say romania will win.
era of the bull
what was this fucking name of the show with that one dark wavy-haired girl as MC?
Die Nanny? No idea otherwise
nvm, i found out how insane google works these days. "die nanny" it is.
heh, nice moves kid
bought an electric Fliegenklatsche today
>france is first in his group with 3 goals scored
based 90's
quick rundown NOW
am I too zoomer because I rate koq?
hmm no, sweetie, that's romania.
I rated it too, its somewhere in between boomer and zoomer
still hilarious and pure hatespeech by current year standards
>you should see what he's like with midgets
>the proper term is 'little people'
>well that's the proper term for anyone standing next to you
Remember when the football experts say FAs should play the same kind of football from the U teams to the senior squad? Looks like France is doing that.
already grilled a mosquito, feels good man. I like the smell of burning insects in the evening. Smells like... echtliebe
time for an embarassing confession. i'm actually half ösi..
thats not embarassing, thats a good thing
basiert und rotpilliert uezs how can ge*mans even compete with us??
My ancestors only crossed the Weißwurstäquator once and that was thousands of years ago
time for an embarassing confession. i'm actually half Preis..
t. Bavarian
bayern moar leik GAYern lmao
Warum kauft ein Bayer keine Lose?
Because he already lost the birth lottery?
na jz bin ich gespannt
Könnt a Preis drin sein
I can explain it to you if necessary
na dann hau mal 0n raus jz kollege
>austrian humour
>"Danke Gott, noch 45 Minuten FC Bayern, dann Urlaub und dann nie, nie wieder!", wetterte der 21-Jährige laut "Bild" in der Halbzeit des Freundschaftsspiels der Münchner am 29. Mai in Lindau durch die Umkleide.
Was fürn Saupreis!
You mean:
>crosses the ball into the box
>Matip scores own goal
It's a pun on the words "Preis" (prize) and "Preuß" (Prussian) which are pronounced the same in Bavarian
aaah trues that preis and saupreiß LMAO good one ösi
>still bright enough to go innawoods without flashlight
thats why i hate summer
Is rafinha still a buyern player?
we are all watching the NHL Draft tonight, right?
who give a shit s m d h go drink a pint
nobodoy give a shit about icefight u nerd
I want to know if I can look forward to rafinha get ripped on the wings this season
that's sad. I guess kimmich getting shat on will have to do
aah ok but no rafinhao will play in brazil now afaik
ok good night frens
Manchester United were heavily interested in Mats Hummels and offered him a bigger salary than Dortmund (€12m/year) but Hummels opted for BVB for sporting reasons as they are in the Champions League.
what are you doing innawoods at midnight?
how do you say kaapo kakko in german
like ca(r)-po Cu(t)-co
This formation would lose 7x0 to Bayern
t. skinwalker
ich liebe die /bundes/ uezs tßqh uezs LOL
basado y rojopastillado
give me one stock to buy plus reasoning and I will spend a cheeky 1000 on it
how are Koln doing?
Basf because German autism
T. Owner of Bayer and Siemens shares
jz 1 halbe
is mannheim a decent town
Imagine not having ac everywhere
it got a big castle but most of it is industrial working and living area. BASF is next to it.
good night
n8i n8i
for me, it's eintracht braunschweig
Sure thing, Mats :^)
You are wrong
is wrestling always this gay?
sure looks gay to me
and that's how it should be!
they gay
that made my penus feel funny.
I'm not gay btw
>I'm not gay btw
hello yes yes
building a new pc
thingken of an RTX2060 and an i7-8700k
what else do you nerds suggest
for what do you need i7? do you do heavy video editing?
kysses you ;)
well a wwe wrestler did just get a video leaked where he was fingering his asshole.
so yes,it is always that gay.
Um... could you not Brandt? We need you not injured for next season...
no, heavy video gayming
>I'm not gay btw
oh you
overclocked i5 is the way better choice then
not futureproof
>just realised it was brandt and whatnot in the video
so very gay
it is futureproof for your application though. what does an i7 offer more for the price? not enough to justify the price
i have an i5-3570k since 10 years or so and i never had any problems playing any game whatsoever
nothing is
Which GPU do you use alongside?
GTX 1060, which obviously is not up to date anymore. if you want to play modern games GPU>CPU
Yes but any i5 will bottleneck an RTX2060, even overclocked.
doubt it t b h.
you can doubt facts all you want DESU, doesnt make them less true
It has arrived.
Please buy our i9’s if you wish to play games or edit video. Anything else will need replacement in a few years and is not a good investment.
t. Intel shareholder
absolutely based. Cracking open a can for you.
Era of the plastic
Greet the other five season card holders from me
buy 16 cores pls you really need it
We are here you incels
Have sex!
>19/20 buyern as of now
Only 3 german players
now recommend a tower with at least 4 USB slots at the front
why not 8 USB slots? its more future proof
cute, but pretty gay tßh
era of the bull
>the wrecker of Wolfsburg
>the stomper of Schalke
>the annihilator of Augburg
This squad will get eliminated in the first knockout round and then Kovac/Salihamicic will be blamed for the failure and fire.
Dortmund wins the league. Leipzig/Leverkusen the Pokal.
oge bin jz hier
Bayern barely even has 11 players currently.
Now post the bench they have with this squad. Boateng, Renato Sanchez, and?
Arp, obviously!
Wenn ihr wüsstet, wen wir schon alles an der Angel haben!
Martinez hab ich noch vergessen. Wird eng mit Champions League.
Jo, sicher Sane kommt bestimmt für unter hundert Millionen. Toller Umbruch, Wurstl.
Kai, juli and?
who is the other?
Since Rodrigo decided to go to City, Bayern has 70m they didnt spend, so I would say the Sane deal is more realistic than ever
Its in the webm, m8, Tristan Duschke, plays for some Regionalliga shitters now
>no one even remembers Goretzka exists
That's okay, I also didn't know him before the world cup last year.
maybe if you spend less time getting your boipussy fucked in BelAmi home videos with juli and kai, and start your pre season early your career may go somewhere Tristan.
Tolisso, Martinez, Arp, Davies, Boateng. Sanches wants to leave and Bayern wants Boateng to leave.
Tolisso is already in the starting XI, but you forgot Goretzka.
Aren't these all the players Bayern has right now? Everyone else is a literal, LITERAL who.
Löw remembers him, unfortunately
>dortmund to buy yet another barca reject
what is this madness? do they want to return to the days of having a 45 man squad?
Hab Durchfall.
Drei Wettbewerbe
Nkunku to Leipzig according to L’Équipe
Don't come N'kunku!
>Harald Schmidt spricht Jan Böhmermann Eignung als Moderator ab
I read Goretzka in the starting 11 lol. Forgot Pavard
That's the echte liebe spirit I tell ya whut
Based. Er ihr in die Fresse geschlagen-
you've given away your location yet again OP
But that's my Traumjob ;_;
absolutely based
fuck dünner sojajunge
yes yes I am beer now
>de Ligt to Juve
And Kabak to Milan, does that mean Boateng will stay after all?
stealing jokes from kohl now, what has this subreddit become
>Teammates Refer to her as the one who sleeps all the time
>Expresses Surprise at being included in the older side in team practice matches
>Curiously missing from the team socials
>Dabritz Gwinn Doorsoun are now ze Social Media darlings
Is she done for lads?
Boateng will definitely stay because they can't find anyone to take him. Realistically they still need a CB though, this is starting to get clownmode.
pavard will be a blindgänger desu
they bought both Hernandez and Pavard too early desu. just so Ulrich could say "wenn ihr wüsstet was wir schon alles sicher haben für den Sommer".
Eintracht with the obscure quality transfers meanwhile the only schalke rumors are about selling people. Absolute shambles.
Wenn ihr wüsstet...
yes. thats why keeping bummels for another season wouldve been good for a proper umbruch in the defense
I don't even think no one wants Boateng, but Bayern just wants way too much money for him.
Is Hernandez still injured by the way? Pre-season is already starting in a few weeks.
Who did Frankfurt sign? Didnt they just sell Jovic so far?
Schalke got some english meme and are heavily linked to Raman, basically all but confirmed and tbf they have a lot of shit player to sell (not Embolo tho, would be pretty stupid if they sell him to Gladbach)
>but Bayern just wants way too much money for him
and Boateng is probably asking for too high wages. can't blame him, I would pimmel around at Bayern for another two years as well, then leave for free. Same with Schürrle at Dortmund.
based and neetpilled
Bellerin on Twitter: Not good enough to play for West Brom though Congrats my bro I always knew you were the best @SergeGnabry
All Mia San Mia certified
Nigger hand
>Bremen buying Gregoritsch after already getting Füllkrug
>also getting Grujic in a loan
The fuck are you doing, Baumann? Please get a new defender instead. You already have like 400 offensive players. Atleast sell Harnik, he is worthless without his bumbuddy Kruse.
This is Mandzukic 2.0
>doesnt want to leave
>insists that he has a contract
>gets mobbed to leave by everyone
They had like 7 CF on the field against Bayern in the Pokal, they need a lot of offensive players (but yes they also need some more defenders and another 6er)
not so fast
absolute state of Wenger. Absolute village of Pulis
I'm still mad we let him go
To be fair, if the Grujic thing goes through, Eggestein will probably play on the 6 more often while Grujic and Klaassen play on the 8, even though I'm not super happy with relying on a loan player you can't afford to buy afterwards. It's the defense I am worried about though. Buying Friedl was good, but they still have the same three and a half center backs with Moisander (getting old), Velkijovic (kinda inconsistent) and Lamgkamp (just backup) - Friedl is not actually a center back, he just had to help out there. For the left and right wing back they still rely on Augustinson, who is really good, and Gebre Selassie, who is really old at this point, and the last season where he didn't get a single break until the very end really tore at him.
>the absolute state of Fußball-""""Großmacht"""" Geyer
Geyer Geyer lutsch mir die Eier!
more like TSV Gayer
fucking chumps
Granaten potential now being recognized
>my bro
kek now that is a post
Zeit für ne Buttermilch.
>dscherom to bvb
Its funny how it went down. A few weeks ago on tm.de
>Rumor: Boateng to BVB
>all the Bayern fans are happy that this "dead-weight" will join Dortmund and "hell help Dortmund since hes better than Akanji and Diallo"
>Suddenly last week
>Hummels to Dortmund confirmed
>"Hummels is shit, glad hes leaving to BVB"
post kemme
based Jessi
both are lazy boomers. thank god jogi kicked them out
Hummels actually has been pulling his weight in important games ever since he got löw'd. He's a whiny bitch but atleast he has mentality.
Hummels unironically is the best German CB right now. Süle is big and strong, but lacks intelligence. Tah is literally the same. Löw will regret having kicked out Hummels for the Euro, when he realizes he doesnt have 1 good CB that can open the game.
because I don't need 8 slots in the foreseeable future
0-22 btw
>hamlet of Geyer
jz 1 cömfy regen
>based jessie
Habe hier noch ein feines Roggenbrot rumliegen, was hol ich mir jetzt vom Rewe um das da drauf zu ballern?
Kääs natürlich
Ja logo aber was für welchen?
hab hier noch Wildpastete, Brudi
willste die?
Hatte ich gestern schon, wollte jetzt aber lieber was leichteres.
thank god i quit formula 1 aka mercedeswinslol just in time.
It feels good knowing that /bundes/ is truly visited by the elite and only the elite.
Kefir > Buttermilch
who is this Milchknilch?
yes yes
>8 gig ram in 2019
you gotta be shitting me
also no noctua cooler its like you doing this on purpose
valid point, hence the 2x8 note
>muh Noctua
gonna buy some meat now
than I'll beat a different meat when I come back
wtf are you doing
it is 2019
shit lads I almost missed the 24h of Nürburgring. This will be a comfy night, feels good man.
When was the last time you used more then 8GB of RAM? Be honest. Shitbpostin
anything more than 16 is silly desu
R, tensorflow, etc.
depends what are you doing
fair point
what do you use 32GB for?
>what do you use 32GB for?
raw datasets
fellas, your weight and height pls
>raw datasets
is this what you call your porn?
that would be the lewd datasets
What do you train? Also switch to PyTorch
Is that the dancing Thot?
I already posted it on here a few years ago
let's say stuff for automotive applications
ehh, I rather stick to the tf c++ api
being the fucking cheapskate that I am, I opted to only buy a grafix card (and one SSD) for now to see how performance improves using the old CPU
>gangraped by Chilel a team that didn't even qualify for WC
Ach Neini
jz noch schnell einkaufen
So you're still in university? PyTorch has a C++ API as well, a very nice one at that... but idk, I use Python like a sane person.
why would he handle datasets on a lurkstation?
>"lmao! Learn Java. Nobody uses C anymore, gramps."
1 kg down from 5 days ago
training shitpost bots?
181, 69 kg
198cm, ~100kg
but you're already doing that for us
yes yes
193 / 230
>Störtebecker and Franziskaner
based and Völkerverständigungspilled
a Saupreis!
Alex Popp is cute. CUTE!
honestly Franziskaner is utter piss and I personally don't like to drink it
lose weight
as a kanisterkopp i wonder how life with her as a small headed person is like
back to /cyc/ Froome
you daily dose of Helge
based lower league banter
Are you guys even hyped for my up and coming OP? It's going to be over the top. It will change /bundes/ forever.
10 minutes to ko boys
back to your containment thread
it's ご not こ
188cm/80kg masterrace
No u
>Super Falcons
but that's wrong
>3 mins in, no goal
same jessie that claimed the sané to bayern deal to be announced last thursday?
I don't think this girl squirt slurping sport is for me.
>looks like a female Schürrle
we're all watching the 24h race yes
Doesn't matter unless you're an autist with 200 browser tabs open at all times
prost hier
What's the point if you're using more memory than can fit on your GPU
love /bundes/ tbqhwy
watching the womens match, race and Dota here
The only excuse for this might be if you wörk at Lidl.
I love you too!
Guys! what are >we watching right now. women's football or women's tennis?
solid beer desu. ofc theres better ones out there but not at that price tobiharnes
He's loading the whole dataset into memory. Easier and faster than parsing stuff on the fly.
sauber reingepoppt
>stands still and ducks in the box
Wasn't this a penalty in one of the other games?
other way round would have been called offside
Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz Dabritz
*daebs respectfully*
have sex
>All this clapping by white people for NIG
Is this sarcastic or self hate?
1,80m and ~79kg
humans are humans, Marek.
NIGs and Frenchies I understand but Why are Germans doing it though?
only in Bavaria
>England has money
>spain has real and barca messi and ronaldo
>italy has historic dominance, juve and ronaldo
>germany has an upset old bavarian man who feels left out and wants more attention
Neither Hoeneß nor Rummenigge are Bavarians
Not me, that guy wishes he was me though lmaoooooooo.
Anyway, i only came here to ask Denmark a question, is she here?
no, fuck off neinhold
she'll be here in 30 mins
visited the Annaberger Kät today yes yes
I don't think Denmark would tell me to fuck off hehe
Thanks ill be waiting :)
>Visited Annas burger pussy?
you had sex?
Nice touch
nuck FIGGERS desu
Did you lie to me? :(
friendship with Braunschweig has ended.
now Chemnitzer is my best friend.
this is a lie too btw
m8 Aue buttfucked Geyer 22-0 today and Halle rammed Roßbach I think 24-0
it was Union Hohenweiden Halle slapped
sorry but i am not stuck in the past my friend. the future is now
how can you be this bad? not even kidding, surely you can pull off 5 minutes without conceding?
prost jz
what have I missed?
besides females winning
>PSG erwartet Leipzig-Angebot für Nkunku
this is the future you chose
I used to think that "Ngubu" was over the top, like the Yea Forums classic with Qu'qumbe but we're actually getting closer. Wouldn't even be surprised if there was an Ngubu.
Doorsoun is qt and all but wow what a bad game. Would get exposed big time against better teams.
Gets slept on far too often but best gal today
Trying to find the race car race on the tv
noice, what beer
>iranian father
>turkish mother
you get the rest..
Thank you
small version of
Hey Denmark :D
How much do you know about danish music?
Engen qt soon!
I'm not very hip to current trends
just pay a hooker tom
Thats good because its probably not a recent song i am looking for.
I saw a danish movie last night where in a karaoke scene they were singing a "classic" as they called it.
The subtitles said the lyrics were something like: "Call it love, call it whatever you want" during the chorus... seemed like a very karaoke-friendly song. One dude was singing it facing his wife so it was definitely about love and stuff. Can you help me?
So guys when you pay cash at the supermarket and you get like 1 or 2 cents back, do you patiently wait for your 1 or 2 cents or do you say stimmt so? I mean if you wait for like 1 or 2 cents the people behind you in the line (who of course observe everything like if the cashier does his job properly and in an effective manner) might think you are very poor and that you have to wait to get 1 or 2 cents back.
I usually dance while waiting.
I just walk away without saying anything.
every cent counts on the festgeldkonto
The only reason i even pay cash is because my dad gives me stacks of cash every time i visit him so i am glad to get rid of it. But i usually just forget to refuse the small change.
Instead i dump it into a container at home which now houses probably thousands of coins.
I just walk away without paying anything.
I pay too little and say "stimmt so" :^)
Yeah that's a real classic.
Kald det kærlighed by Richard Ragnvald
i usually do some push ups while waiting and flex my biceps
Sorry, it's by Lars Lilholt of course.
Oh my god that is the one. I knew i could rely on you, love!
Thank you. :)
>Instead i dump it into a container at home which now houses probably thousands of coins.
This. Also, thanks for reminding me that I need to dumb my coins from today into the Poster-Röhre that I use to store my copper.
wait for brazil you shit stains
Mein Opa hat mir mal ne Geschichte erzählt, dass er das früher so gemacht hat, bis er aufgeflogen ist und Ärger bekommen hat.
based opa!
reminder that tom is literally drawning in pusy while us sexist pics remain permaincels
this, now dont fuck up again /bundes/
stop threatening me, anime girl, you don't know what I'm capable of
who is tom?
I'm going to create a new /bundes/ in 3...2...
>t. Fuckmann, Fachkraft für bargeldloses Einkaufen
it will be disappointing and you know it
halt die Fresse tom, das ist hier nicht der Lesbenthread.
I'm already shaking!
I just noticed that I have a lot of "idle" in my free time where I just sit around staring at my comptuer screen. So this week I randomly decided to do some pushups or situps or Kniebeugen or whatever every time I catch myself not doing something productive.
Is doing that healthy? Just doing random exercises without any warmup? I'm not fat, so it's not like I'm killing my joints or anything, am I?
ok brazil now lets fucking do it!! come on, show us what you got man.
>tfw started scheduling my self improvement so rigorously that i have no actual free time left anymore
It's useless. Start a proper routine.
Man ich kann nicht, wenn ihr alle schaut scheiße VPN verg
Like what? Don't really have any money to spare for the gym. But taking one hour out of the afternoon to consistently do some exercises, does that do anything for the body? It's not like I'm looking to get swole or anything, just trying to generally get somewhat fitter.
>t. gainfag
HURRY UP! I can't hold on much longer
Brazil is dood. Wat nu?
Engen in 5 minutes!
you had your chance brazil