Who is this annoying bitch from the NHL Awards...

Who is this annoying bitch from the NHL Awards? She literally just wears team shirts and says stats like an annoying cunt. Anyone can do this. Why the fuck was she plastered all over the NHL Awards?

Attached: AnnoyingBitch.png (1478x790, 1.42M)

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She's Jillian Fisher, a YouTube "sketch comedian" who's videos get like 50k views. I think she's their attempt to connect to zoomers. This years' NHL awards were top-level cringe, so I'm not surprised that she was included. DESU I'd prefer it if they'd invite guys like Steve Dangle or The Hockey Guy.

Milkies though

Steve Dangle milks his videos for SO long to get ad revenue...

The Hockey Guy is at least a little more human and does his videos (mostly) in one shot, but he just feels like he is just trying to get attention for telling storied of the games he watched.

Nothing wrong with any of that, but damn it's just not entertaining. And thats what sports are supposed to be. You every see UrinatingTree on YouTube?... now that shit is funny, fast, and the guy doesnt even sell his face.

So, anyway, this Jillian Fisher bitch is completely overacting and annoying as fuck. This is not "sketch comedy". This is "Wikipedia and NHL stats board reading". ANYONE can do what shes doing.

To be clear, I'm not attacking YOU user. I am agreeing, and fueling the fire.

>"I can read stats and I have tits. Make me popular"

Attached: AnnoyingBitch2.png (1275x635, 1.01M)

I get you. UrinatingTree is funny af, but as a Tampa sports fan I've been roasted one too many times by the dude to really enjoy the videos. (Not trying to come off as salty) But yeah, for whatever reason a lot of corporations seem to think stats and facts are funny as long as someone makes retarded hand gestures and faces while saying them.

The state of hockey YouTube is really sad when you consider that the best hockey YouTubers for the most part aren't even focused on hockey.

that's enough for me desu senpai

she looks like she can cook a nice steak

Salty is fine. He torn down my St Louis Blues for years. Still a good laugh if you avoid the shit he flings.

But yea apparently anyone can be an annoying bitch and be popular.

Let me go buy a shit load of jerseys and shirts and starts just reading the wiki pages of every team in order. Is that how you get attention?

Bottom line, this bitch needs to stfu.


How has no one slain this dumb cunt yet?

If it's any consolation, her most popular video still only has 92k views. Guaranteed she wasn't their first choice of youtuber, probably just the only one to say yes.

I guess thats fair.

My best video has 316k views. So I own this bitch.

Still.. WTF is the NHL thinking putting this waste of redundant protoplasm on the Awards show?. Fuck shes fucking annoying.

I live in Canada and I haven't watched hockey in like 15 years. If a Canadian team won the Stanley Cup I wouldn't even care.

Damn... that's cold blooded.

Fuck, that's brutal. What sport is your #1 cananon?

Poor little white boy has way more than 316k views my dude

Hell yea! Thanks!

>"Look at me, I have another team shirt"

Attached: AnnoyingBitch3.png (1484x792, 1.46M)

have sex lul

Attached: ccb.jpg (604x689, 43K)

>scooter magruder does the exact same thing
>Yea Forums sucks him off
You could just admit you hate women

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Literally everyone you see on a screen is there because they can read and look good. Why are incels only realizing that with this girl?

I hate women.

I think I saw a piece of this at the gym and someone was getting an award for being diagnosed with bipolar or something. What was that about?

o-ok but it's going to take a bit more, you know what im saying

I’m surprised Dangle wasn’t featured since he has a contract with sportsnet. As nice as UT would be, no way the NHL gives a guy who bashes and shits on franchises, owners, playersand management relentlessly, a key role in its awards ceremonies.

At least UT has his facts in order and calls more than just the face of the game. Calls out contracts and ownership shit. Still, fuck this bitch. She horrid. Like having AJ commentate games. Cringe.

The Hockey Guy is about as neutral and non abrasive as it gets

Some Jewtube thot. Just ignore her.