what did manchester united players mean by this?
What did manchester united players mean by this?
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What did Piers Morgan mean by this?
based piers
kill them asap
Idk who that is in the thumbnail but it's way too dark to be Lingard. Is it Martial? Does he still play for United?
Based negroes. Why are people virgins freaking out in the comments i don't get it.
jamal branker. just a friend of theirs.
>Getting shit on by fucking piers Morgan
why does man united seem to attract the players with the absolute worst characters ever since alex ferguson left the club?
As opposed to before Fergie left and they had a white guy with cornrows, a man who was recently fined for illegally gambling on football, a man who karate kicked an old woman and a man who fucked his brother's wife for years?
>r since alex ferguson left the club?
need i remind you of giggs fucking his own brother's wife or rooney cheating on his wife with hookers
need i remind you?
alright alright, why does man united seem to attract the players with the absolute worst characters, period?
parvenu with riches and success, but a small club mentality underneath all that glamor
sad thing is that rooney is the most likeable out of the player mentioned in this thread
What about Ribery, Mathhaus, Hoeness? I'm sure I'm missing some others from Bayern.
There's literally nothing wrong in shagging grannies
fucking based
See Raheem? This is why we keep you locked up in the Manchester City Training Centre (tm), so you don't behave like these savages.
>*inb4 raheem escapes for 10 minutes and gets a gun tattoo on his leg*
How will Lingay ever recover?
based manlet destroyer
when will they ever learn sp?
I would rather 1000 Ribérys than fucking rash*ord and l*ngard
Well yeah, you're American so.
>it's real
holy kek
also, didn't know Lingard was THIS much of a manlet desu
It's the Mia San Mia mentality, you wouldn't understand
is it possible to come back from this?
The most punchable face around.
Ngubus shouldn’t be dabbing when they are wank
The karate kick was based but the rest was cringe
>getting shit on by a guy who hacks dead kids phones
Based Morgan.
ywn be iq81 monkey making 300k/week, plus free hotels and free planes, by your favourite physical activity you're very good at
>very good at
Stopped reading there. If they were good, people wouldn't mind.
>Giggs fucking his sister-in-law
>Rooney caught with 40-year old prostitutes
>Ferdinand doing cocaine and possibly PEDs
>shagging grannies
The "granny" was in her 40s, she was just a slut who had a kid super young so her daughter already had kids making her technically a grandmother. It wasn't like Rooney was rolling up to a retirement home looking to hit on the residents.
They're the ones humping a pillow, not me
Holy fuck
>Stopped reading there
At the end of the post? Reckon we all did lad.
It's just a banter. I sometimes hump my bros and we have a good laugh about it.
Why do people find humping a hotel pillow disrespectful?
lmao this fucking boomer
holy based
holy shit
brutally B T F O by Piers fucking Morgan top kek
Jesse is a good lad.
Pier "Morgan" Moron (...thanks Private Eye) is what you grow into if you spend all your life being an edgy fuck.