So if messi has shit teamates why can't he win? Maradona won the world cup with a team of literal who's
So if messi has shit teamates why can't he win? Maradona won the world cup with a team of literal who's
Does it fucking matter? In order to EVEN be considered as a GOAT you HAVE to, HAVE to have won a WC, a Euro or Copa, a Supercup, a CL, a ballon d’or, a FIFA world player of the year, a World Cup ballon d’or, and must have played in 2 or more leagues.
Stfu your copypasta is not funny mate
Never reply to me again
U mad brah
Because three of Maradona's shit teammates managed to score in the final while Messi's bottled it completely
Uhm, literal who's to you, elskan.
Maradona had, at least, three other competent and prolific players by his side.
He fed the ball and the others did their work. He played alone in Napoli and took them to the next level, for sure, but as far as the NT goes, he had top tier teammates. When you combine GOAT skills with proper teamwork and a bit of cheating, you get the World Cup.
Maradona is a holy figure, i don't even see the debate between Messi x Maradona, it is just wrong to compare the two
So Aguero, Di Maria and Lo Celso are not competent players.
So ronaldo cant be considered the gost because he has no cl
Have you watched the game last night? Di Maria managed to lose the ball more times in half an hour than the rest of the team in 90 minutes. Aguero is fine as long as you don't ask him to hustle outside the box.
Lo Celso stole more balls than he gave foward passes. Please explain to me how the fuck does the midfield cope with such a disaster pass foward/backwards ratio.
did you watch the match last night? there was literally no midfield and Aguero and Di Maria lost every single ball they got
Maybe a rigid static garbage 4-4-2 is the problem
Yeah or its the fact that they, for some reason, decided to literally play without a midfield
>cherrypicked screenshot
another example
Yes, imagine playing for Real Madrid, Barca, inter, milan, psv and never winning a CL
see And here is an older one, its happening all the time
4-2-4 master race, or even 3-1-2-1-3 for her pleassure.
We don't have a proper 5, 6, 7 or 8 position, we just have a proper 10 stacked with defenders, literally imposible to score a goal unless it comes from a penalty, free kick or corner kick. Except our average height is like 1.65 cm, so trowing crosses becames futile.
Best WC performance ever, but Messi was a superior player overall if you look at their whole career
Kraut is right though. If you have watched at least one match you would see what he's pointing out, may seem obvious, but it keeps repeating every single match.
*saves argentina*
Honestly i saw a team playing 4-2-4 live and that was a good fucking team
Messi never won the WC
The disappearing midfield is the coach's falt, not the players'.
yes and?
Basketball fag who’s trying to get into soccer here, is it true Messi never won a title for his national team?
Messi never won anything relevant without Xavi and Iniesta.
Then he’s not the GOAT
I think he won a medal with u 21
he’s been to four international finals and lost all of them
Were those his best teammates or something?
yeah, it's Pele
Messi is still better than Maradona
>individuals mistakes are team mistakes, those who are in charge of the team are the ones to blame.
You sure sound french as fuck user, like one of those uni teachers who drive around in a Renault Fuego trying to hit on their students while at the same time professing that it's societie's fault to blame for their demise.
>winning league + national cup almost every year
>hasnt won anything without xavi and iniesta
>o-only the cl counts!!
Lmao learn to appreciate consistency
Wait really? I’m new soccer, so sorry if sound ignorant, but why is he considered the goat if he never won the most important trophies?
>Per journalist Juan Arango, Maradona told reporters after the match: “When I played and had a bad game... [Jorge] Valdano, [Jorge] Burruchaga showed up and had my back. Messi has no one. It’s all on his own.”
The Champions League is higher quality than the World Cup these days
It's once every four years and pretty random
>>winning league
Isn’t hard to do in la Liga lol
>Renault Fuego
>Don't know it, google it
Holy shit that is pretty low. Nice joke user
Wait, but if it’s every 4 years shouldn’t it be worth more, due to its rarity?
>conversation about the GOAT
>no mention of Beckenbauer or Cruyff
Bitch pls, I know this is let's mock Messi time but don't overreact, the WC is the most important sports event on the planet and way harder than a CL, you are reaching too far
Tell that to real Madrid who have won like 2 in the last decade.
Because this is a team sport and Messi does seem to crumble under pressure, but if we only look at his footballing abilities, no one comes close
Its worth way more, anyone that says the cl is better than world cup is just coping
Like I said previously I’m a b-ball fag who is getting into soccer (football, if you want me to say that), and in terms of raw talent lebron is probably the greatest but the consensus is that there are other players greater than him.
I didn't say it's not the most important - it cleary is
However it's not the best measure to judge a players ability
They have VAR now so scoring with your hands wouldn't count.
Yes. Retards on this board like to claim that Messi was carried by these two but they just all complimented each other so well, they actually liked running into space and passing forward unlike all of messi's teammates nowadays. Retards expect messi to do all of iniesta and xavi's midfield work as well as his usual forward stuff. It's the boards fault for not finding adequate replacements for them
I think it’s more to do with captaincy and leadership. When Xavi was captain, they would win literally everything, when Messi assumes the captaincy they crumble.
Whats your opinion on Nowitzki?
shut up negre
suce ma bite
negrillon, qu'est ce que t'es con le negre.
Great player and legend, greatest European of all time desu.
continue à rager fdp
>in terms of raw talent lebron is probably the greatest
Jordan, Kobe etc are better, lebron is just more athletic
The absolute state of you.
he's right tho. the quality of football is way higher in CL. last wc had like 4 good matches ffs
t'es trop grillé negro, t'as toujours des opinions de débile, je sais toujours que c'est toi quand je vois tes posts de merde. c'est pas une question de couleur de peau, negre. casse toi de Yea Forums retourne ou t'étais avant la coupe du monde
the CL final was dogshit
Va consulter le détraqué
Club football is ridiculously superior to NT football, has been this way since like the late 2000s.
>the quality of football is way higher in CL
Uhh, maybe because the teams are better? That doesn’t mean it’s a more important or meaningful trophy.
good opinion tßh
you now remember roma and slipperpool
Who accomplished that?
he didnt say it was
Ronaldinho never won ufea supercup or wc golden ball.
that was actually a pretty cool car back then, you were young and drove in one of those you were surely slaying pussy all the time.
>messi is a better player than maradona ever was
oh fuck off, unless you're 40 years old you never saw Maradona play.
>they didnt have cameras in the time maradona played
maybe not in greece lol but the rest of the civilised world already had those back then
those are griezmann fans silly
>haha i'm so unique I saw old videos of maradona
The beast of Betis
>Messi is still better than Maradona
So, the american knows more about football than you huh
I doubt that
It's subjective which one is better, they are pretty close
But don't forget that Euro is harder than WC because European teams shit on everyone else.
Do you have autism? Whats so unique about it?
>euro is tougher than WC
This is "the prem is tougher than the CL" tier autism
Hes right though
Atleast you didn't deny because you know I'm right
Zidane has deposited 2 cents in your account
All Japanese people love Zidane, they have a school to emulate him for God sakes.
those 2 are way too meme to count
Gerd Mueller
Nah, if you can’t beat a Europa league team then it’s over for you, plus you should be the best player in an international tournament, no?
German players always get underrated
Yeah I agree with this too, would you also agree that the team is bad because they're only fielding two of the 3 best midfielders of all time? maybe their overall team ability has more to do with that
Maradona was such a "strong mind", he carried Argentina and scored all these goals in finals.
Mehmet pls go
strongest of minds
the absolute state of schluchtenscheissers
worst goalie ever
He literally is.
>Euro is harder than WC
What a dumb opinion