De Ligt trades teenage girlfriend for model

Do you approve?

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cringe desu

Left = soul
Right = soulless

big yikes

Cringe with just a minuscule microscopic drop of based

mah man looking much happier in the second pic. First girl looks like mom-material, but as a prof footballer you should probably wait with kids til you retire.

we will need more more samples to deliberate

>not wanting your kids to see your career

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Big mistake

Left is cuter

I don't like any of them desu-nee. Porn fucked me up.

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Yeah I'm gonna have to say based, that roastie would have done the same shit for much less.


>a model
so a whore?

Honestly, the one on the left looks more cute. Idk man it all depends on the personality of these chicks. Hope his new gf isn't a roastie tho

raiola got to him presumably. his teenage gf might have brains and give him reasonable advice, an airheaded model being his main sounding board will make him much easier to manipulate

This isn't about sports my nigga

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Based but blue pilled

Let's be honest here for a second: We all would do the same in his position.

Hot gold diggers are just too hot to resist even if they're trouble in the long run.

He traded a woman for a succubus. This will end poorly for him. Should have followed Ramos and Pique and gone the mommy gf route.

>the Virgin med gf vs the CHAD Aryan goddess