He meant that pejoratively.
Straight people claiming "everyone is bisexual in a way" or saying they wish they were gay are about as cool as Rachel Dolezal. Pathetic, disrespectful, delusional, ridiculous and offensive.
>when asked, "Well, are you gay?" by Monk Magazine, Cobain replied, "If I wasn't attracted to Courtney, I'd be a bisexual"
What the fuck does that even mean? You're either a bisexual or you're not, you lying little fuck. Being attracted to the same gender is NOT something you can simply use to appear cooler among your peers and irritate old people, you disgraceful dead bastard.
>I'm definitely gay in spirit and I probably could be bisexual
Gross. Fucking gross. Gay in spirit? What is a gay spirit? Gay people are all different. Some of them can be good, others can be evil. They have different interests, some can even be homophobic unfortunately. You don't know what you're talking about, immature cunt.
>Some of his song lyrics, as well as phrases he would use to vandalize vehicles and a bank, included "God is gay",[58] "Jesus is gay", "HOMOSEXUAL SEX RULES",[58] and "Everyone is gay"
Revolting. Homosexuality is a joke to him. That's because he has never experienced being homosexual and experiencing the pain of homophobia.
I fucking hate Cobain.
All time top cringes
>t. butthurt (literally) homo
It means he wanted to fuck dudes but was scared of getting aids and made fun of by rednecks in the 90s
Calm your tits, faggot
That's actually what this line was making fun of. That he would say outrageous cringe woke things too much
oh boy
Mama mia
>they keep giving the fake tranny attention
Zoomer Yea Forums is so predictable.
This is unironically based. Cobain's gay posturing was wildly out of touch. Guy clearly thought he was some kind of progressive hero in spite of doing literally nothing for gays or any other marginalized group. If he was still alive people would be digging this shit up and throwing it in his face on a regular basis. It's like when James Franco claims to be gay in spite of having no attraction to men, just shows he doesn't even have a proper grasp of what "gay" actually means
Being gay to own the homophobes is a good bit
Why did he have to do shit for gays? He had progressive values but he was far from an SJW crusader, and wasn't obligated to be one. What today's generation would think about someone like Kurt Cobain is beyond irrelevant.
I took it up the ass to piss my dad off
I wish I just told him AC/DC sucks instead
shut up verty
Nah man just you, everyone in Aberdeen told me you were and the statue of you there looks like shit
He was a real life shitposter.
Reminds me of an answer Damon Albarn gave in a 1994 interview.
>The first pop star I fancied was Adam Ant, but I wouldn’t have wanted to shag him. That was never on the table, or in the bed for that matter. I never went through that latent homosexual phase. I never even thought of sticking a carrot up my bottom or anything like that. I’ve always been more of an intellectual bisexual. I wouldn’t get a hard-on looking at another bloke, but I like the idea of bisexuality. It’s just that I’m not physically capable of coming up with the goods. I’ll say this though – I’m more homosexual than Brett Anderson. Always have been. As far as bisexuality goes, I’ve had a little taste of that particular fruit, or I have been tasted you might say. But I’ve never been able to get very excited about all that. When you get down to it, you can’t beat a good pair of tits.
The 90s were a dark time.
AC/DC and sodomy are both good