I'm gonna teach a class on rock, and I think it makes the most sense to teach about the 50 years from the mid 40s to the mid 90s. Here's the basic breakdown:

>Chicago Blues
Descendants of slaves play blues, move from south to Chicago, do electric blues. Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Little Walter

Kids like blues music on radio; to market to them, labels have white groups cover blues. It's milquetoast until they find white artists who are actually passionate about the music, Bill Haley & The Comets, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry.

>British Invasion
Inspired by American rock groups, British groups combine American sounds with British pop and folk sensibilities. Mod counterculture. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who.

>surf, garage, folk rock
Inspired by British groups, many American groups form, setting the stage for rock counterculture. Beach Boys, The Ventures, ? & The Mysterians, Bob Dylan, The 13th Floor Elevators.

Late 60s, rock bands become more ambitious, with longer-form music. Rock becomes popular youth counterculture. The Doors, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Pink Floyd.

>Hard Rock, Glam Rock, Proto-Punk, Heavy Metal, Prog Rock
Early 70s leads to post-hippie era explosion in sounds. Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, The Stooges, MC5, The Velvet Underground, Yes, David Bowie, New York Dolls.

New York Punk scene forms, inspires British counterculture. Ramones, Richard Hell, Patti Smith, Sex Pistols.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>80s Mainstream
NWOBHM takes over British rock, punk-influenced pop bands become popular as New Wave, Glam Metal. Iron Maiden, The Police, Mötley Crüe.

>80s underground
In backlash against mainstream, underground forms. Interconnected Hardcore Punk and Thrash Metal scenes. Thrash escalates to Death Metal. Indie/Alternative scene forms. Minor Threat, Bad Brains, Metallica, Slayer, Death, Morbid Angel, Possessed, The Smiths.

Underground punk/alternative sounds find mainstream audience with bands like Nirvana.

In backlash against American dominance in British media, new British rock movement forms. The Stone Roses, Suede, Oasis.

>Black Metal
In backlash against saturation of death metal scene, Scandinavian bands create violent, transgressive, primal counterculture. Mayhem, Emperor

This is all obviously very reductive, but it's meant as an overview. Suggestions appreciated.


You can't TEACH rock. It's gotta be experienced

You can play songs and show clips in classes

>I'm gonna teach a class on rock
Where, why and how?

Old high school, I'm subbing and might go into teaching full time anyway. Probably in the next semester.



Seems pretty good to me. I took a class like this in college that was pretty good, but it more or less completely glossed over everything related to metal and hardcore punk and focused a lot on the development of American Black music (funk, soul, disco, rap, etc.).

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Im an ethnomusicologist and your course is going to lame. Highschool teachers are experts at nothing and just help spread memes. Why don't you just get a book written by A Ph.D that know what they are talking about instead of inflating your ego with your Yea Forums core meme class.

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velvet underground was a 60's song, not a 70's should mention proto-punk somewhere in there as its own thing with the velvets, stooges, mc5, maybe the monks, maybe the sonics, etc

>*60's thing
sorry, it's late for me


I have a master's in IR/poli sci, and I don't believe for a second you're an ethnomusicologist. I know more about some of these movements than others - I could do an entire course on punk - but I think this will be fun. You're also a moron

Fair point, I wound up putting it there to keep it separate from the psychedelic part. But you have a good point, maybe I should just make the proto-punk section part of punk, or mention it as a counterpoint to the psychedelic scene that was happening in California.

But I am and youre still mediocre thinking being a fan of punk music makes you knowledgeable. Tell me the common musical quality that ties all these genres together. What are some common chord progressions, scales and cadences that would notify the listener that the music they are hearing roots back to rock and roll.

Holy fuck you're retarded.

Hur Dur slaves made the blues. Not even any mention of the gospel tradition or ragtime jazz. Not very progressive mr White Gaze. I hope a crafty students calls you out on your white supremacist world view.

Keep whining, kiddo

Also your narcissistic exercise will cost you any potential teaching opportunities. You are forever a subsitute teacher and will never be hired as a full timer. You made it about yourself. Nothing more than a babysitter bro.

Have you read any literature on rock history? Do you know music theory

Im in bachelors right now and interested in doing an MA in ethno if possible. If I don’t go that route how could I teach a popular music course for highschool kids? Any literature you’d recommend

NO man there is no work, look you got dumb asses like OP making up courses. If you dont have a STEM degree forget teachers college. You will never get hired full time.

Go do a post grad course that has a job at the end of it. Are you able to do an MBA or are you too dumb for that? I mean there is a time to throw in the towel with academia.

Its for rich people. We are middle class suckers in a pyramid scheme buying useless degrees.

ok jack black

Id only do masters if I could get a full ride. There is work for teaching certification in my area, so I’m not as concerned about that. If I have to go back to school for something else I will.

I got a full ride, it still will cost you money and waste 2 years of your life where you could have been earning income, but whatever make your own mistakes. Dont ask for advice when you already made up your mind.

I was just asking for ethno literature about North American pop music not on whether I should continue studying music.

good luck on your endeavor

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Don't be afraid of Elvis. He did rock.

if you dont at least do a cursory summation of grindcore youre a hack and you need to quit your job

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i agree with this cunt
i want to see some Big Mama Thornten and some depth.
otherwise they can just go watch vh1 while you sleep off your hangover

I wonder why goyim.

Personal anecdote, I took two of these classes as free electives in college, one jazz, one rock, same professor.
The rock lectures were insufferable and had misinformation of basic info sprinkled throughout, but the assignments and project were typed reflections and a research paper that required some level of skill. The jazz lectures were more bearable and seemingly more well-researched, but the assignments were multiple choice pulled straight from the textbook and the project was to make a pamphlet. The one trait shared between both classes was that the tests were laughably easy.
TL;DR: that musicologist from earlier probably implied this, but these classes seem really easy to fuck up and based on your subject layout alone I'm not convinced that I'd leave the class really learning something.

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just make sure you don't go full jack black school of rock and just teach kids about the beatles and led zeppelin and all the other bands everyone's heard on the radio 1000 times already. get real in depth, hit the lesser known shit.

That doesn't really make sense to do in a survey course.

No mention of post-punk wtf

>no yacht rock
kenny loggins does not approve of your faggotry op

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I'm alright, nobody need to worry about yacht rock

Post-punk is shit for goth posers.

No Marilyn Manson? Dafuq