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/chart/ thread
Other urls found in this thread:
oneohtrix point never - replica
Holy cow that's based
yabba dabba doo
Vektroid - Polytravellers
Transient Stellar - Rkodr
Coaltar of the Deepers - Submerge
Seefeel - Quique
streets of whiterun makes me cry
Roedelius - Wenn der Südwind weht
Nuno canavarro - Plux Quba
nouns - dogs
nice i think ive seen this chart before. killer
Hovvdy - Cranberry
i used to love mute math, they're legit. nice stuff on here.
Family Might - Floor Connections
++2814, Bark Psychosis, Nujabes
+many others
you listen to Uyama Hiroto? he worked with Nujabes a lot and his albums are maybe even better
anyone know of any good reggae albums/comps/eps/etc?
skyrim soundtrack is a masterpiece
first kill bill poster i've seen kinda a 50/50 of based and cringe
really good shit here anons
Kirlian selections- the flashbulb
World's end girlfriend- dreams come to an end
Dirty projectors- dirty projectors
Sparks- kimono my house
Tak shindo-mganga
Great taste in ambient and jazz.
Jon Hassell - Forth World and Aka/Darbari/Java
Mo Boma - Myths of the Near Future
Paul Schutze - The Surgery of Touch
Stephan Micus - Listen to the Rain
Tomasz Stanko Quintet - Dark Eyes
Jan Garbarek - It's OK To Listen to the Grey Voice
>clock dva
Based, I prefer their earlier albums but buried dreams is also great, hide is one of my favourite tracks from them. Try Severed Heads - Since the Accident.
The Dream Academy - The Dream Academy
Grover Washington Jr - Winelight
>naked city
Also based
God - Possesion
Psykovsky - Da Budet
sorry for lazy
UMO- IC 01 Hanoi
No excuses, reply to others IMMEDIATELY
globe unity - compositions
ghost - ghost (1997)
camilo tirado - outdoor museum of fractals/555hz
morricone - veruschka
bogdan raczynski - boku mo wakaran
porter ricks - biokinetics
matthias urban - gideon's disease
woo - which ever way
meitei - komachi
gil & jorge - ogum xango
the alchemist - israeli salad
12 year old tranny
oingo boingo nothing to fear
yes, the gladiators
if you enjoy this :
shawn kemp - softwehr
enduser comparing paths
mlfaw by goreshit if you haven't checked it out yet
ugly cassanova - sharpen your teeth
black heart procession - 2
cassiber- man or monkey
I just imagine you sitting in front of your computer for hours coding in C++ in one window and snorting at memes in the other. Probably wears glasses and has an above average computer. Wears big chunky motherfucker headphones.
Trentemoller - The Last Resort
Vangelis - Themes
CCCP - 1964-1965
LSD and the Search for God - s/t
I'm going to rec you Sun Ra - Atlantis just cuz
I feel like you love Fleetwood Mac but won't admit it
Harlem River Drive - s/t
Sorry I can't
Royksopp - Melody A.M.
OMD - Architecture and Morality
ABC - The Lexicon of Love
You fucking boomer
Love - Forever Changes
T2 - It'll All Work out in Boomland
These recs are too good. You honestly don't deserve them.
Miles Davis - On the Corner
I don't know anything except that album by flying lotus, but one of your albums say Detroit, so you're good by me.
Also, I gave King Krool a listen last week and it wasn't bad. You can tell he actually puts effort into his work.
The Sound - Jeopardy, my dude
You'll grow out of your "Progressive Rock = Best rock" phase soon
>the sound - jeopardy
listened to it already thanks tho
the index - index (the black album)
Glad you liked him
I rec ptah, the el daoud - alice coltrane + pharoah sanders and quasimoto - the unseen (personal favorite)
Fire! Orchestra- enter
I heard it when it came out. I was impressed, but it's a little too atonal for my taste
I'm not too good at recs so I'm just gonna post my chart
No, too dissonant, that's what I mean.
Also, it has a bit of that "too artsy for it's own good" thing going on and I'm not about that shit.
This should be Yea Forumscore!
goldfrapp - black cherry
lou reed - the black mask
Based Ecco2k
Tatsuro Yamashita - For You
or anything in my chart
Kid Dakota - So Pretty
Standing on the Corner - Red Burns
N.O.D - Niggaz of Destruction
Teen Wanted Men - Wanted Dead or Alive
Listened to all of those, love em besides the SOTC one
Nice, have you listen to H.O.H - Livin In A Casket?
Gangsta Boo - Enquiring Minds
Mauve Sideshow - Dark Flowers
Twink - Supercute
Old Hearts Club - Old Hearts Club
What qualities do you perceive about me?
new so cant really recc
No I haven’t thank you
I like his collab with Chris Travis I’ll check it out
>Bolt Thrower
Methinks you are quite based
what albums are the bottom row?
Helvetia- Headless machine of the heart
Absolute based boi
Gastr del sol - upgrade and afterlife
Lord snow - solitude
Ricky eat acid - three love songs
David attias - elephant
very good chart, try scars - author! author!
leonard cohen - songs from a room
more alternative/outsider pop recommendations?
all big name major label. industry insider albums....
Momus? Katie Dey? Hoops? They're big names? With the others I guess that's true.
idk man I want more weird lofi pop stuff that isn't super experimental or abrasive
Holy shit you’re a drone. Listen to more music for ten years before composing another chart
Where's your chart lad
>Twink - Supercute
wtf bro I'm not gay
Shove your head in a garbage disposal
Beograd - Remek Depo
Videosex - Videosex84
Clan of Xymox - Clan of Xymox
Front 242 - Official Version
Nitzer Ebb - That Total Age
im terrible at recs.
Probably because you barely listen to music.
Listen to more music user.
i do im just retarded
You are a hiperactive yet shy girl who needs to listen to tiger trap self titled album