Failing all my classses because of depression

>failing all my classses because of depression
music for this feel?

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just take adderall brah. i haven’t failed a class or made below a c since high school

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tim heidecker - i am a cuck

1. Eat better
Start eating salad now.
2. Address vitamin deficiencies
Start taking vitamin D
3. Go for a walk. Now.
Get your heartrate up.
4. Find happier music
5. Stop looking at porn, smoking weed and drinking as a way to band aid your pain. Address it at its root and learn to be sober.

You can't take this your whole life
i know its late and i took all year but
you can stop complaining cause im finally here

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you americans have it so fucking easy man, i wish i could get adderall

How about you listen to stop being lazy you fucking faggot, it's your fault for being depressed. Work out, diet, study, and actually try

You really don't need adderall when you can just drink coffee. I used to drink up to 6 cups a day in college, adderall just lasted way too fucking long and made me unable to sleep.

wow dude, because getting good grades means something

doesn't it just make you stay awake though
maybe i'm not drinking enough coffee

you should talk to an academic advisor for your program if this is the case :( i know you won't listen though

>Work out, diet, study, and actually try
you're posting this HERE

not literally for the entire remainder of my life but definitely for the long term
stay made gradelet
where do you live user?
coffee just isn’t the same

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Caffeine is an amphetamine just like adderall, cocaine, etc. the rush you feel is very similar, you're hyper focused and able to get tasks done quickly. The difference is that adderall stays with you longer and some versions are more intense than others, coffee isn't as strong. And I'd say doing a line of coke is about the same feeling as chugging like 3 cups of coffee very quickly. The trick is to just spread your coffee drinking throughout the day.

I am seeing a therapist. Next I'll see him is on Thursday.
I've had depression for years now but only recently has it become bad enough that it's seriously effecting my life. Last semester I did decently well, my grades were okay and I passed everything.
These would help, though listening to sad music actually makes me feel better sometimes.

>going to school
ha, what a waste of time and money. just post here all day. A+

same here, luckily I've finally worked up the courage to change to a major that I'll actually enjoy and feel the motivation to make good grades in. still have to pass this quarter though, and I'm not confident I will

>coffee just isn’t the same
I feel you, I used to love listening to music during the initial stages of an adderall high. I had to stop though because the comedowns were just too rough for me, gave me terrible anxiety.

>where do you live user?
AFAIK it's illegal here
currently studying for finals and i wanna cry
interesting, thanks for the info user
i usually drink like 2 a day max
wonder if yerba mate would have a similar effect

>final year of uni
>no motivation to do anything
>don't go to 90% of my classes
>hand in everything late

You'll make it user, I skipped classes all the fucking time, made D's, completely blew off a final project for one of my classes and didn't even show up to present, my university still let me walk.

Caffeine and cocaine are not amphetamines. These are simulants, but an amphetamine is a type of stimulant. It works in the brain differently than other types of stimulants.

Coffee is not the same thing as adderall and can cause anxiety. Same with cocaine, which can lead to greater feelings of helplessness after it wears off. Do not use cocaine to medicate for depression.

>Caffeine and cocaine are not amphetamines
Did not know this. I wasn't trying to imply that coke, adderall and coffee are all interchangeable but for me, the effects are similar. And in my experience, adderall gives me worse anxiety than coffee or cocaine ever have.

this right here, but unironically

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work on being a better person rather than asking Yea Forums to indulge in your depression

Do You have friends there?