Chile vs Japan

we are fucked ;_;

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I wish Chile had gone on to become a militant naval powerhouse after the War of the Pacific and battled Japan for dominance of irrelevant islands during WW2

Inb4 VAR fucks you

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Chile gonna 3-0 their puny asses.


Does el pitbull still play?

ay penalty dijo el var sinson

yes, but he is old and slow now

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>3 hours

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アニメが嫌いなら, あなたは大豆です

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can someone explain to me the support to japan??

because you like their cartoons doesnt mean you have to suck their dicks

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They have a decent team, especially for AFC standards. Also, fuck Chilel

The other option is supporting Chile... isn't quite obvious?


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>tfw no qt nipponese gf


that red card last night was a joke

Why are Japan and Qatar palying in Copa America? If they aren't South American Countries?

muh invited countries

We actually became the naval superpower for 20 years in the Pacific, then Germany decided to invent a lab method to create powder without needing saltpeter and our money run out and we were fucked.

Our dreadnoughts got bought by the UK to aid in their war effort during WW1 so no ships allowed. Besides Imperial Chile only was a technicality, Chile annexed Rapa Nui (Eastern island) through invasion making us an XIX colonial country but that was it. Then we shit the bed for half a century and slowly rose up, so no way for us to be involved in WW2 in a relevant way

Don't rape us based Nippon lord Masters of ninjitsu

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yfw Japan versus Qatar in Copa America finals?

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Can't wait for the 7-1 against Chile

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I pedrict 2 - 0 in favor of anime.

Nippons enjoy futbol, or they only care about baseball?

kuso no inu

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Glorious Nippon 3 - 1 Gayass faggots

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They sent their C-team


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Where are the english teachers?

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There are 10 CONMEBOL countries. Inviting two from other confeds makes a nice round 12.

i like this

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chile reminds me of hotdogs.


Name my band Yea Forums

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Chile and Japan aren't even in the same WC group, I don't get it?

Minimerk2 (aka los siempre chinos)

>WC group
This the Copa America you idiot, and yes they are in the same group, group C.

Los jovenes e inexpertos scalonis



Suporting Chile becuase I want to fuck their stinky jewish nigger feminist progresist and degeneratw pussy in the enivitable CLASICO DEL PACIFICO

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Japan has a really young team

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Alexis Sánchez 169 cm? I never realized he was a midget

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>Kawashima and Okazaki in the bench

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we all are manlets, but based christiane endler is going to fix our race

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post a stream with the silly latino man who goes goooool

starting XI

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I want her to reverse mating press me

>being a male named "Ayase"
oh no no no

It's a surname though

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friendly reminder
im@s > Love Live

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Based and bestwaifupilled

Is this the comfy thread?

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>he still watches men's football

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Shut up Mieru.

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>Samurai Blue
Well, at least they look more attractive than the Japanese Women's NT.

Hod do I learn nip lads? I am stuck after hira and kata. Kanji, vocab, and grammer may be too much for my brainlet mind.

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Lmao trash

Take it slow. I kept going all in and burning out immediately. Also it takes a while to get used to everything being backwards so start simple. Read example sentences with vocab, find raws and compare them to translations if you can't figure something out, refer to tae-kim or other grammar guides etc.

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>Kanji, vocab, and grammer may be too much for my brainlet mind.
All there is to it is practice. My Japanese isn't that great either, but I do know that the more spoken Japanese you hear (anime, films, etc.), the better you get.
Kanji are a different beast though. You'd need to read a lot to get aquainted with them properly.

This game sucks ass


nippon faito!

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