So user your telling me that you dont play any sports? Dont you spend all day watching them?

>so user your telling me that you dont play any sports? Dont you spend all day watching them?

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Doesn’t she have a venereal disease?

uhhhhh i got a good personality tho lol

Pls no, she shouldn't have done all that blacked porn.

Lana is a good girl

>some cuckold married this whore

What happened to your face, Lana?

>Hey I think I remember seeing a younger you doing some stretching and exercise videos, you were quite good at it. Did you ever manage to make a career out of that?

S-stop looking in my eyes Lana. You know I find that uncomfortable.

Tell me Yea Forums, why does she drink the orange juice?

Her eyes look so dead. I've been staring at it for 5 minutes and I see nothing alive in it. Is it all the nigger anal that crushed her soul? Why is she so dead inside?

>venereal disease


Shut up Veronica. Dirty whore.


No just a serious injury

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her eyes look fine. it's you who's dead inside

i don't have sex, but i spend all day watching that too

Thousand cock stare

Get pregnant

poor lana ;_;

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