Imagine being the man mountain in that team and having to be all like "damn, Matthijs, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your running out of position and getting megged multiple times a game’ I would totally partner you, both for my club and national side" when all he really wants to do is win another CL with James Milner. Like seriously imagine having to be Van Dijk and not only cover while De Ligt flaunts his lack of footballing brain in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing his questionable descision making and slow turning circle, and just sit there, game after game, mistake after mistake, while the media repeatedly suck his dick. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous agent but his haughty attitude as everyone in the team tells him YOU DESERVE 300K A WEEK and DAMN DE LIGT IS THAT TALENTED??? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his stupid fucking face contort into types of grimaces you hadn’t even seen from Phil Jones. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of clean sheets and premier league strikers and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE TEN YEAR CAREER coming straight out of holland. You've never even seen anything this fucking annoying before, and now you swear you can taste the cringe that's breaking out on the nations face as he parrots 'PSG or Barca?' at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "genius" defending, the genius he worked so hard for with thes best academy in the world spoonfeeding him before he leaves at the first opportunity. And then he aimlessly runs into midfield and wants a bit of help, and you know you could kill every single person on the pitch before the security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're Virgil Van fucking Dijk. You're not going to lose your future balon dor over this. It is what it is. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Imagine being the man mountain in that team and having to be all like "damn, Matthijs, you fuckin' fine...
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ok now, this is epic
good thread
Based trip
but (((the media))) told me he was the best cb in the world
Okay, this is based
8/10 meme, -5 points for using a trip
excellent thread
based Yea Forums
Why hasnt he signed for barca yet, whats the holdup?
is this the arnie pasta?
turns out he dosen't love barcelona all that much and waits, until the offer him more money
damn right
As said, he isn’t some Barca fanboy and the Dutch are basically Germanic Jews. No doubt the likes of United and PSG are offering him silly wages so he’ll hold out until Barca make him the most overpaid teenager in the world
Why would he even love Barcelona?
Because of muh Cruyff
Ajax & Barca circlejerk over muh philosophy muh bootiful gayme
Doesn't matter. Barcelona should fuck off with their holier than thou attitude.
Fuckers are pretending like the only choice if you love football is to go to them, if you, god forbid, go to another club then you surely did it for money.
Fucking cunts. Mes que un shit. Also, De Ligt is overrated af, hope he does go with "footballing reasons". Let them both sink.
Yep, that's a buy we'll secure
still better than Kimpembe
based chimpembe still living on the hype from his game against barca at the parc
why do dutch names seem like they'd be easy to make fun of, but are actually kind of tricky to make something of
Shut the fuck up, van Dick.
mes que un club m8
because as the catlan put it "he's shite"
theyre too retarded to even bother coming up with something
like how can you make venegoor of hessellink worse than it already is?
That's a based name, fuck off.
as the current Nations League defending champions, watching that defensive performance has been a delight
>you now remember
is he a top 20 cb?
This was like watching Lovren, how is this tard so highly rated
shades of mustafi
I can't imagine him and Pique at CB. They'd be outdoing each other in being out of position and making mistakes.
Not gonna lie, James Milner seems like one of those very boring people but you know they are the most true bros of all
he has a twitter @boringmilner or something like that where its just someone taking the piss out of him
A man of culture I see
based retard
Based and redpilled
whats this in english
whats van gaal doing nowadays