Are we the bad guys?

Are we the bad guys?

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I can't find a single topic where Americans are the good guys

>women’s sports
No one cares fatso

Since July 4th 1776

when they die from obesity related consequences

Guess we should have let you be butt raped by Germans


>all your history knowledge comes from shitty hollywood movies
Thank god I'm not an anglo

Oh than what really happened Carlos? The French saved themselves? Do you really think that Russians would have bothered with the Russian front after chasing the Germans out of Russia and Poland? If they did do you think Russia would have treated France any better than the Germans?

Yes, just embrace it bro. Villainesses are hotter that Mary Sues anyway.

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>all your histroy is mutting up the third world and creating the most insufferable language imaginable

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Guess we should have let you be butt raped by the English

Good one jose, did you forget when the french aided us against the evil english empire? How soon we forget France has been one of our longest standing allies.

How about some recent history where Spain is relevant in anything?

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France started it ITT Tyrone

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USSR would have easily reached portugal
The minimal (in comparison to USSR and Germany) forces the US sent to europe was simply to prevent communism from reaching portugal

don't kid yourself, when the US joined the war in europe, germany was already losing

I literally admitted to that in my statement Sven

But that's England

The answer to both these questions is yes.


Unironically during the Cold War (minus the retarded Vietnam War)

>inb4 buttmad Commies

But yeah, the US has really gone down the shitter ever since.

indeed, americans went to europe only to save themselves. europe the biggest market for america would have been conquered by commies. wew

Ehh every country has had their share of bad moments

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Space exploration

whoever wins is the good guy
whoever loses is the bad guy

You're not bad guys, but the team doesn't seem to understand that they constantly undermine their own case.

>we deserve to be paid as much as the men!
>but you scored 13 goals against a Thai side that aren't even professional soccer players, they all have other jobs

The greater, unaddressed narrative regarding WW2 is how the US saved Western Europe from a century of communist bullshittery. Eastern Europe still hasn't recovered in HDI and GDP.

>Eastern Europe still hasn't recovered in HDI and GDP.
>american education

Western Europe ALWAYS was more developed than Eastern Europe.
It was before WW2
it was before WW1
it was before USA became relevant
it was before USA was established
it was before America was colonised.

its not about MUH commies - otherwise - this is exactly what caused commies on east. You reversing cause and consequence.

Eastern Europe is underdeveloped compared to Western Europe not because communism, but communism raised there, and no in Western Europe, because it was underdeveloped in beginning of XX century(and XIX, and XVIII, go on)

>fund the commies in their fight against the sworn enemies of communism
>sweep in when said enemy of communism is already collapsing
>heyyy guyz we are actually enemies of communism, nevermind that we prepped them up to the point they'd steam roll us if it wasn't for nuclear weapons :^)
>continue to plant the seeds of cultural marxism in around the world in the name of """free""" trade
sasuga eternal anglo-kun

Yeah, capitalism really was just what Eastern Europe needed.

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>wrap up yurop's crusades for them
>suddenly they think we're the bad guys

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> not realizing the nazis were time travelers trying to stop globohomo from happening

Yes. And that's a good thing.


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El AmericANO


Women are the bad guys in general.

>He doesn't believe hollywood movies and reads actual history
Never gonna make it senpai.

>I'm going to protest racism and imperialism
>Scores multiple times and screams in the face of third world country minorities while celebrating
>But I didn't sing the national anthem so it's fine
>All the while my success is bringing tons of money to the American government
Rapinoe has got to be the dumbest bitch on the planet. If you want to protest, don't fucking play. That's what the Norwegian lady did.

almost all the countries that the us "freed" from communism is in a worse shape now

Lmao literally every western European country is better off today. If your county didn't murder so many journalists maybe you actually would have learned something about world history.

Probably. We're too good. Success creates jealousy.
We're favorited to win, but it's a knockout tournament so one team has a greater than 50% chance of winning. Gotta love our chances still.

Germany is the true villain though. They have more world cups than any other country.

This is factually incorrect, states like Poland, Georgia, even central Asian countries are more developed, better integrated with the world economy, and generally better off in terms of standards of living. Even the Baltics are much, much better off than they were during Soviet regimes. Only places that still align hard to Russia are in a poor state, such as Belarus and Moldova.

It's either us or the French for all the bs calls going they're way and liking royally screwing Nigeria.

>Are we the bad guys?
>posts women


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>turning on France, literally our oldest and greatest ally

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How big do you think Megan Rapinoe's dick is?

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When are you not?

There are no good guys.

There are good women


Yeah, I totally remember storming the beaches of Normandy with you.

ok doug stanhope

Is the womens football worth watching or should I just stick with CACACAF and CUMEBOL

Name one.

incel freak

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Is curious how France avoided getting fucked by Germans but couldn't avoivd getting fucked by africans.

It's the other way around.

It's consensual with Africans

I don't remember anyone complaining about The Dream Team winning by huge margins. Why the double standard?

No one else celebrates 13-0 win against thailand like they won the cup

You haven't been the good guys since 1969.

I'm old. I remember people complaining about that. Most complaints though were directed at the fact that professionals were playing in the olympics, even before the games started.
I never get involved those arguments largely because I don't think basketball or soccer should be olympic events.

Funny name for a girl desu

They didn't celebrate like they won the cup. They celebrated like they usually celebrate.

>Unironically during the Cold War (minus the retarded Vietnam War)
Agree USA was the good guys until then but went to shit after USSR ends. Maybe they will be the good guy in the coming war against the Yellow Menace and their drunken tatar cuck allies.

Why even celebrate at all after scoring that much though.....

Stay mad. At least they didn't pass out drunk in the sauna after winnign a meme hockey medal.

Others don't celebrate like that, there is no double standard here.

Here we go men policing women's emotions once again

What does double standards here have to do with gender? Dumb troll or a woman

what a retarded

Very few third world countries speak English
90% of them speak Spanish

Draw your own conclusions

The men would get shit on even more than the women if they celebrated like that, you realize that right? Imagine if a man scored to go up 9-0 on a vastly inferior team and twirled around the field and then the entire team gang-piled in celebration. You can't even imagine that because it's so ridiculous. That's the real double standard.

>Canadian education
I think you're trying to say that most English speaking countries are advanced (with the possible exception of, say, South Africa) and that most Spanish speaking countries are undeveloped. But that's not what you said.

What makes country a third world?

That is exactly what I said, Juan, very astute observation there.

Now go back to your 3rd world jungle shithole existence.

That's only cuz she's actually Canadian, the fucking traitor

You said 90% of third world countries speak Spanish, which is demonstrably false.
Also, this country is stuffed to the gills with Canardian tourists and snowbirds so it can't be that bad.

>posts girls
you might be a CHI but not a chileANO, those are the bad guys

based jap

>hyperbole is lost on the jungle-dwelling land ape

Yes indeed Carlos, the 90% figure is false and was an extravagant claim meant to elicit laughter amongst my peers.

And yeah, Canadians love your country in the same way they love a movie with subtitles. Bravo, paco

Couldn't get there soon enough. They bent over and presented for the goose steppers the second they came knocking.

Because they're a machine and they don't care.

>all these crappy factories shitting out sub par products were so great for GDP

What's it like living in a country that is so advanced yet you literally have to take your aggression out on peaceable countries elsewhere in the world because the low temperatures there inhibit T production and because you are forever cucked by the Eternal Burger and will never escape their shadow unless global warming destroys the world and Baffin Island is the last habitable place on earth?

It's not a gender thing. It's a USWNT thing. This is their mentality. They literally don't think about the opposition, they only think about themselves. It's like a cult. I remember listening to an interview with one of the players and they were like "what motivates you to perform?" and I forget who it was but she said something like "100 girls are trying to take my spot and I'll do whatever it takes to keep it". I don't think any other womens national team in the world has that kind of mentality. It's relatively intense. So when people ask them about celebrations, they consider the very topic insignificant and beneath them.

of course

based best coast

Research output of communist poland was too much for west to cope for, USA stole the Brain's from the roots

They fucked Africa up way worse tbqh

They threw a lot of meat into some sectors of Normandy beach, so thanks for that. Then ran off down the west coast and let the English fight SS tank divisions, claimed muh LIBERATION OF YUROP.
The moon, but that was mostly nazis anyway.

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No one watches so no one will know.

This. After the fall of the Soviets we've been doing nothing but wasting our GDP playing world police. I wish we'd just go back to pre-WW1 policy focusing on making our own continent God tier

*hides on island until the USA and Canada show up*

America are winners and bad guys always lose

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leaf faggot btfo.

Czechoslovakia had among highest gdp per capita in world in 1935, in 1991 they were poorer than Bosnia

>bad guys
There were times you weren't the bad guys, but never have been good guys.

The real answer to this question is actually very complex, since the definition of the word has change with time. That's why people say "developed" or "developing",

>let North Korea control the whole peninsula
>let Japan control the Southeast while high-fiving Hitler

gonna be a ‘no’ from me dog. Also, we need people to trade gibs with to ensure American dominance.

What about World War 2?

> After the fall of the soviets
>>let Japan control the Southeast while high-fiving Hitler
Absolute shambles of mutt education

> Americans as they invade another country to steal their natural resources

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yes, ever since we willing to do all the dirty work for israel and sending people to die for them
seriously what the fuck is up with that? is it because of the psychosis induced from the dick mutation at birth?

Å nej nej nej..

I thought from the thumbnail that was going to be Torers and Villa

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