Overrated Musicians

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He was the best guitarist though, in that his improv skills were sensational

Technically Eric was better, he just didn’t have the sex appeal Jimi had or created

>Technically Eric was better
Lol no, what the fuck

His improv was largely pentatonic scale runs though. He wasn't anywhere near the best guitarist, but he was likely the first (at least first to get mainstream appeal) guitarist to apply those blues scales in a more modern context with heavy distortion. He was no more talented than BB King before him.

Most overrated band of all time

Attached: 1960s boyband.jpg (2000x1333, 339K)

call me boring but there's no such thing as a "best" guitarist. i don't believe such a person exists.

you can be objectively good or bad at an instrument

John Fahey

After radiohead.

>pentatonic scale runs
>BB King
Did you just google "blues guitar opinions?"