What are your opinions on Ezra Miller and his future as a musical artist?

What are your opinions on Ezra Miller and his future as a musical artist?
He’s making music with his band Sons of an Illustrious Father and also as a solo artist. How could he improve his music, in your opinion? What genres should he try next?

Here are some of my favorite tracks:

Acoustic: streamable.com/qxbz2

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he's great for the pr business

Imagine your life if you were this handsome.
It’s like starting life on Easy Mode.

I hate the first song, but I love the second one.

I'd recommend he drop the annoying neo-psychedelia stuff, and focus more on modern singer/songwriter stuff. I'd specifically recommend he check out John Cale and Gaz Coombes.

It seems like he could have a decent sounding voice if he dropped the odd whiny screechy affectation.

I noticed that too
I like the affectation he did for that acoustic song, it didn't seem too forced
He has a strong voice, I think he just needs to learn how to use it better especially if he's gonna do solo stuff

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Didn’t this kike play the Flash in Justice League?

Yeah, and will be in future films/solo movie.

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yeah he's pretty much perfect

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imagine looking like this

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WHy is life so fucking unfair

It's not... He gets to be a model and a movie star and you get to be you. It's totally fair and everyone gets exactly what they deserve.

He is so pretty it wouldn’t even be gay to kiss him a little

nigga you gay

He's handsome.

It would be gay. He looks like a gay cross between Jim Morrison and Buffalo Bill.
You know he says to himself, "Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me HARD."

Don’t fall for the Hollywood attractiveness meme

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You don't think he does the tuck dance?

Yeah but I would too if I looked like this.

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He definitely mastrubates to his reflection tho

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so this is like kpop general for faggots

I just watched We Need to Talk About Kevin and he’s super creepily beautiful in that. You can’t look away.

He looks like he might chop you up and eat you

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Or wear your skin as a woman suit.

As lucky as this Chad got with his face, his frame/body is terrible. He’s built like a Taiwanese tranny with wider hips than shoulders: So the universe balances things out I guess.

i hope this faggot dies in a painful way

What is this image trying to imply?

Only adds to his androgynous look but on the lookism scale you are probably right

I guess it's to show that he grew up. No idea.
He does have a big ass, but his hips aren't so wide you'd think he looks like Akhenaten or a woman.

>He does have a big ass
Why haven’t you posted pics fag

People like this annoy me. You can't be a famous actor, a famous model, a famous designer AND a famous musician. Fucking pick one.

We get it, you're handsome and born into wealth with connections in all the biggest artistic industries on earth and you can just do anything you want without having to worry about it going south, you don't need to rub it in THIS hard.