Football is turning into (american) Football with this VAR thing

Football is turning into (american) Football with this VAR thing

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okay this is now the stupidest post I've seen today. OP is a faggot

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no because there aren't many fat players and still no ads during var

I agree. It slows the game down unnecessarily. Soccer _WAS_ nice when the word of the ref was final.


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Daily reminder that pre-VAR trophies no longer count

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Just waiting for “this VAR review is brought to you by Volkswagen who remind you to: please forget about that time we tested diesel emissions on live primates”

>live primates
I call it "americans"

enough zoomers whined about "rigging", now they reap what they have sown
video assisted rigging
faggots, the lot of them

(goal line tech was a good idea though)

Only goals and straight reds should be reviewable.

don't give FIFA any ideas pls

>that flag
>that post

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>VAR introduced into CL
>barca dies
>juve dies
>RM dies
>buyern dies
bretty good actually

and that's a good thing

>dieselgate happens in usa
>american says it had with testing with diesel emissions on live primates
Yes, americans.

>VAR will be honest and call it down the middle
>hyperclubs won't get friendly calls
Now, why would you ever assume something like this?

OK, fine. I'm sorry we made your cousins breathe diesel fumes. There. I said it. Are you happy?

I don't have cousins in USA, thank god. Would hate to have fat people in my family.

Oh boy, he's getting really upset. Monkey's about to start flinging feces.
Come on, monkey, I'm right here, just outside your enclosure. :^)

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Soccer needs more ad breaks, more replays, more cheerleaders, less chants, and more contact on the field

Why would you sling feces?

Comon, mono, he was just bantering with you, no need to call him a fat primate.

Indeed, I'm sorry. I'm sure he'd notice the resemblance if he could afford a mirror.

I wish that power outage in '99 never got fixed so the communist Brazilian barneyfag would never shit up this board
Don't say you aren't a barneyfag because you are

Why are you so angry? Is it the blood pressure being too high? You should really lose some weight.

I austically want to create and American/association football hybrid it just can't be done.

I doubt he's the barneyfag. The average lifespan of an Amazon macaque is like six years.
He's long since been killed and eaten by Amazon Indians.

>Why are you so angry?
As he starts with

must be mating season in the Amazon or something.

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It's just banter, no need to smash your keyboard over this. But the weight loss part is a good advice.

Var in football is a good idea. Stupid Americans call football very funny. Socer - WTF - I don't like America and I'm happy I live so far from that idiots. League in us is shite - nobody in Europe doesn't care about american soccer - is boring with shite players or granpa's from Europe. One more important word - stupid american must learn how show 'soccer' in television - they can't so far

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I know. I'm just fucking with you. I realize that even though the unemployment rate in your country is a laughable 12.7%, you probably have a great job that pays enough to afford to raise a family in whatever industry Brazil has.

and less games, franchises instead of clubs, they need to change their team logos every 5 years and move cities every 10 years. They need to get rid of their own young players from the city area and implement draft system. Football plebs doesnt even know that the season itself doesnt even matter, winning the draft lottery is what counts.
Of course they need play offs too. And no relegation. Teams in the second division must remain there to cut all competition and the leagues intention is to keep stakeholders satisfied.

God damn i hate football

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drunk? having a seizure? pakistani?
which is it?

Yes, I do. I don't even need to triple mortgage my house to afford a car.
Also by house I mean actual house, brick and mortar stuff. Not a wooden box from the 1930s.

Just a prank brah
Same one every thread

You're doing ok so I assume, then, you're in the PSL. How does that work, when a new party comes into power? Do you have to swear allegiance to the new party or are you simply murdered?

it's literally the same fucking Brazilian dude. He comes on here multiple times a week and just throws feces around like a monkey towards every US flag he sees. Genuinely seething.

No, we're civilized, no need to worry over random lynchings like when Trump got elected.

what the fuck is the difference between brazil and the US

human who don't like us. White not drunk not stunned. I just don't like this stupid nation - biggest robbers in the word

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There are ads during live games here in Colombia, I’m from the uk so it took me by surprise

when did Brazilians become worse posters than Canadians? Christ it’s just pathetic watching these yammering macaques cope with living in a tin shack by insulting Americans. Has the 7-1 shock finally sunk in so they’re lashing out by insulting their betters?

Why you got to bring Trump into this? He and Bolsonaro are friends. Both want to make Brazil great ag...for the first time.

Don't you want to be great? Imagine the rest of the world doesn't look at you as a source of raw materials. Imagine you hold a World Cup or an Olympics and the rest of the world doesn't laugh at how much money you wasted.

Do you often imagine your country not having 2/3 of the population overweight?

You know you are free to leave, right? Specially because besides /mls/ (which is a fuckfest) you hardly discuss sports.
Yes, I'm implying the PE games you play are not sports.

>be soccer fans
>pride yourselves on the "flow of the game" even when it leads to refereeing errors that change the outcome of games that can't be reversed
>complain about rigged refereeing when mistakes are made

>finally implement a replay system that can fix these game-changing errors
>complain about how slow it makes the game


No, because it's just niggers and poors. I don't have to deal with either of them. That's the great thing about America if you've got money.

Literally, going on 4channel and dealing with third-worlders like you is the only time I have to interact with poor people ever.

So you go squat in your favela and seethe about it.

Guys, I gotta be honest, this thread fucking sucks. This stupid flagposting is almost kindergarten tier. Why can't we all just be friends like the good old times?

>pride yourselves on the "flow of the game"
>complain about how slow it makes the game
american logics

the fact you would prefer to have a game run smoothly and have massive refereeing errors that change the outcome of games (that you then complain about) rather than have a few video referee reviews that take a few minutes to make sure you get game-changing calls correct shows how retarded the typical soccer faggot is

This poster is shook, insecure, and seething. He’s getting defensive because he knows he’s one step away from going back to the jungle and playing footy with a mango. The coping mechanism is astonishing for a patrician from the 1% of the global wealthy like me. Fascinating.


Projecting much? Just said, it's banter.

complaining is part of the game, which you don't understand

have to admire the genius of the FIFA though
>we'll just introduce instant replay but only use it when the ref wants to and he still makes the final call
>now they can't even say it's rigged any more hahahaha

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>getting the call right isn't important

>(goal line tech was a good idea though)
Scousers might disagree, but they blame the police for stands invasions and stampedes.


Don't start none, won't be none.

You’re free to go /r/soccer/ where people circlejerk in a hugbox over one faggy sport

Do they discuss NFL in /r/soccer/?

Don't start getting hungry talking about primates you Favela monkey

I know
Some Brazilians are definitely chill but it's insanely obvious this guy just hates America. He admits he's a commie so that's probably it

>once he realizes his attempted display of dominance was rebuffed by the stronger, superior specimen, the common macaque retreats back to his tree in an attempt to save face. The macaque attempts to play off his attempt at dominance as mere playful buggery but the larger more intelligent American great ape is unmoved by the apology. Later, the clan of American great apes will return to ravage the macaques family and eat their young.
>t. David Attenborough

A guy without money to buy a razor convinced many people to steal planes and throw them into buildings.
In your country.

I heard that he's a favela rat and caught his monkey girlfriend sexting an american. Can hardly blame him desu, i'd be mad too.

>He admits he's a commie so that's probably it
So it's only a matter of time before based Jair enrolls him in a re-education camp. Best thing for him, really.

>the macaque lashes out! he attempts to parry the attacks of the superior American but little does he know that the American is immune to his tricks. He knows that the macaque is living on borrowed time. It’s only by sheer luck the macaque has managed to survive this long but soon the parasites coursing through his veins will infect his heart. The American, comfortable and confident in his dominance, knows that every time the macaque feels a tickle in his anus that the worms grow closer to consuming the macaques organs. The American knows that one false step for the macaque could mean certain death at the hands of piranhas or jaguars. The American need only wait for time to do his dirty work for him. Such is life in the Western Hemisphere. A harsh life, but a fair life.

Currently the choice is thus

>VAR but the flow of the game is totally ruined
>no VAR but the game flows as it should

Other sports have done a better job of it

Playoffs only really become annoying when around half the teams in the league can make them. Also, US clubs have to have divisions, because US is a really spread out country.

Got cucked by based American BBC, figures

Learn to cope

Powerful statement

Trying so hard only shows desperation

Crime. Their leading industry in favelas is crime.

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Spotted the Pajeet

t. brazilian

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>and still no ads during var
omg now its time to sell UEFA to (((Liberty Media)))
