ITT: Beautiful nature-themed album covers

Attached: jacobcollier-aotm.jpg (1024x1024, 196K)

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Not this shit again

holy based thread
vol 2 is a good example too

Attached: DjesseVol2.jpg (600x600, 185K)

This guy's obsessed with his face

fuck off jacob

Attached: sbr3030-plantasia-300_grande.jpg (600x600, 50K)

>This guy
More like the corporate mind working at Universal marketing team wants us to become obsessed with this guy

Looks fucking retarded

Attached: thefragile.png (300x300, 123K)

Attached: collier.jpg (1015x235, 79K)

I'm not that cynical. I think he's just a self-absorbed dweeb


>Jacob Collier
Lmao this guy is obsessed with himself his ego is biblical

Attached: collier.png (605x308, 38K)

that last paragraph is cringe but i agree with the rest

the whole post is cringe af
why should someone as good at harmony as Jacob stick to doing covers?
also which song is he talking about?

Nothing to disagree with here.

also, wtf? 3:19 is such a powerful moment

God this song is terrible, it has no substance at all, pure musical wankery that just sounds like disney schlock in odd time signatures

He's an industry plant

give it more listens, it'll click

This. Collier is completely soulless.

This is psychosis. This is insane. Everything is happening for no reason. Where is the direction? What is this supposed to make me feel? It makes me feel as if I'm watching an ad for Berkeley. It's not even bad, the composition is clearly very high level. It would have been better if he expounded on one idea instead of using a few dozen that go nowhere. At 5:09, what makes this need a ballad? It was just 'funky' a minute ago, why is it 'sad' now? Holy shit this is the kind of shit I mentally generate late at night if I drink too much cough syrup.

subjectively pleasant to look at the most disgusting thing i’ve ever seen

this is the exact song where I realized that Jacob's music's only value is as so-bad-it's-good entertainment