Attached: ERH2Py4UEAI2n5S.jpg (1148x2000, 2.59M)
Bentley Moore
Other urls found in this thread:
Xavier Cook
we're here for itzy
Carson Ross
making wony red
Jacob Anderson
Jaxon Powell
Benjamin Phillips
who was the biggest one hit wonder in kpop?
Landon Sullivan
ting ting and 24hrs might get me to buy the album
Connor Nguyen
redpill me on DCs black or white
Brandon Torres
i scream you scream
Daniel Roberts
making hitomi pink
Xavier Perez
any girls in serbia wanna fuck with me? big neet
Charles Sullivan
is it anything like MJs black or white?
Ian Morris
momoland innit
Chase Miller
crayon pop
John Russell
post your most powerful gaprin
Jace Hill
im working on this painting.
its supposed to be an idol commiting suicide
obviously the face needs yet to be done.
do i put in goo haras face or sulli's?
Michael Rodriguez
Chase Martin
Charles Hall
Jason Reyes
that guitar/bass line is cool
Grayson Miller
Josiah Wood
nancy is not for cute
Gavin Jones
too bad she got fat since then
John Barnes
looks like wony
Adrian Bennett
Hunter Parker
David Davis
Parker Hughes
Landon Moore
im glad she's still literally perfect
Connor Lopez
long to be the filling in a wenrene sandwich
Juan Torres
I know the song is good guys. i'm asking wether the song is about miscegenation or not, i can't understand gookspeak.
Julian Foster
If you grew up in 1930's Germany, you probably would have been a Nazi too.
Brody Taylor
listen pal, i ain't never gonna be watching no react videos like some fag so don't bother linking this shit capisce?
Austin Garcia
any chewers in
Isaac Anderson
how do you go from this
Zachary Bailey
Dominic Hall
Carson Bell
Not kpop related but I'm already a nazi tho unironically
Charles Ward
why not just look up a translation?
Anthony Davis
based prits stan
John Wilson
so wendy had a suspicion that irene gonna kick her down the stairs
Nathaniel Johnson
no it's not you moroni
it's about world not being simply black or white but having many shades of gray
Michael Campbell
Jayden Thompson
massaging yeji's cute tits
Brayden Cook
busters would look cute in those
James Turner
Carter Miller
Sebastian Carter
Daily Dubu!
Carson Fisher
if i grew up in a toilet, i'd probably be a piece of shit
wait a minute...
Jonathan Nelson
every fromis poster is me
Jackson Torres
one year in kpop is pretty much 5 years normally
Adrian Green
why are maknaes like this?
Jaxson Parker
i needed you to tell me that it is about miscegenation
Noah Foster
what about youtube gamers
Charles Mitchell
Owen Johnson
naky you fucking whore
Austin Jones
i thought it was about the the many flavor of yoohyeon's butthole a little vanilla and a litttle chocolate
Logan King
that's true
Cameron Jackson
stop spending so much time on /pol/ bro
Sebastian Ward
based kevin
Ryder Nguyen
Blake Johnson
naky the fucking
Ayden Howard
stop being autistic
it's literally about that there are more things about life/love/person/whatever than black or white, good or bad, etc
simple song really
Josiah Evans
this is next level autism, good job
Leo Gomez
Cooper Reyes
shit grows inside people not toilets
Connor Turner
i only visit weekly to check up on the corona memes tho, i just want to breed sua very badly
Cameron Barnes
unironically kill yourself
Charles Gonzalez
Jace Thompson
literally every kpop song is about relationships
Dominic Nguyen
what does pewds think of the yeonp?
Dominic Powell
based mainstream 3rd gen bro
Juan Howard
this explanation doesn't help me blast tho
Bentley Young
post lewd yooas pls
Hudson Walker
Ian Ross
sua doesn't have sex without protection.
Julian Collins
>if you grew up/lived in a dictatorship you'd pretend to be like those in power so you wouldn't be killed
sounds about right
Xavier Price
rolling love~
rolling cake~
rolling kiss~
rolling dance~
i like the cake part
Zachary Barnes
I would life if I told you I don't know that feel but you need to start thinking with your brain not dick
DC songs' lyrics have nothing sexual about them
Scream is about hateful comments ruining the world
Austin Gomez
Kevin Evans
literally every kpop song is about sex
Alexander Kelly
he is married so he wouldn't be able to say what he really thinks
Joshua Rodriguez
literally every idol is a prostitute
Sebastian Gonzalez
Anthony Smith
literally have sex
Luke Edwards
>being ugly
>being fat
>being a virgin
Kayden Stewart
every omg song at least
Brandon Hill
Gavin Wood
Christopher Williams
Jaxon Scott
especially bar bar bar
Caleb Wood
love this lighting on tzuyu because it hides her skin
Joshua Lewis
Carson Sanders
Andrew Scott
Basically because of the shitskins flooding Europe and Jews controlling everything
James Carter
Julian Martinez
Jackson Smith
yonhee is starting to have an effect on my primal urges
Jason Flores
what a sexycute
Adam Perry
I couldn't believe that Secret Garden lyrics were real when I first read them
they are literally singing about their pussies/wombs
Anthony Lee
Justin Watson
my wife on the left
Daniel Thompson
he is white so he is still better than you LMAO
Robert Morales
pol retard posting 158* images while talking about interracial and fapping. stop replying
Wyatt Robinson
Jordan Anderson
IZ*ONE and LOONA are trash. Dont bother to respond.
Nicholas Hernandez
Nicholas Miller
she will for the right man
Camden Garcia
one of the reasons I like Dreamcatcher is the fact that their songs aren't about loving the oppar
Hudson Cruz
yooa is for rough fucking only
Matthew Williams
dtna2 when
Camden Reyes
Julian Gray
>ugly and fat
>better than me
Parker Cruz
I'm not ugly nor fat but I'm still a virgin
Matthew Taylor
why would she need protection when she fucks Siyeon?
John Garcia
nice eyebrows bitch
Brody Foster
>trannies roasties and homosexuals leave
>/pol/tards come out
How many times has this been amended by now?
Oliver Myers
Samuel Thomas
Robert Wilson
same, how can I expect my waifu to stay pure if I don't do the same
Robert Gomez
the only kpop song not about sex is hush by miss a
Joseph Hernandez
Aiden Lee
the only decent thing abou LOONA is Chuu's fat pussy
John Morales
Jeremiah Reed
imagine cumming in irene's ass while she looks back at you with total disgust...
Kevin Anderson
is your country corona'd yet bros?
Wyatt Powell
Hunter Williams
c'mon dubu, don't be shy
Dominic Foster
i like her eyebrows
Mason Wilson
Liam Long
what happened to her hairline
David Jenkins
Grayson Reyes
who is /ourYoo/?
Yooa or Yoohyeon?
Juan Taylor
you forgot about heej, oribia, kim lip, hyunjin, choerry, yves, jinsoul, go won, haseul, vivi and yeojin
Cooper Lewis
Jose Wilson
Jackson Collins
imagine breaking her mind and them using her body in any way possible
Hudson Robinson
you may be right
Isaac Anderson
don't forget olivia's fat tits
Jeremiah Williams
got just over a dozen confirmed so far
Isaiah Johnson
Ethan Perry
i'm not a fan of brown tzuyu
Colton Wilson
yo why's my dick hard
Austin Cox
yes, but it's just a flu bro
Wyatt Sullivan
yoohyeon posters can have the yoo prefix
we like xiaxia or shasha
Matthew Butler
Leo Cook
it's always been like that?
Caleb Powell
yeah they were so deep in the trash that i couldnt see them mb
Jack Cook
heej, oribia, kim lip, hyunjin, choerry, yves, jinsoul, go won, haseul, vivi and yeojin
Jason Lee
>kpg poster being a decent human being
is this christams already?
Joshua James
no man can resist this softness, they know that
Jonathan Ward
Michael Gray
yoohyeon posted here before
John Hernandez
thinking about SinB...
Easton Wright
Zachary Butler
Brandon Torres
is this heaven?
Kayden Flores
stay mentally ill
James Peterson
Andrew Taylor
sakura is so fucking ugly what the fuck were they thinking
Jackson Parker
David Mitchell
Yoo Jiae
Leo King
my favourite white girl
Aiden Allen
Eli Rogers
Hudson James
>jumpscare warning
Jackson Ramirez
Elijah Robinson
Andrew Moore
Josiah Price
if nancy wasn't half white she'd look like heejin lol
Lucas Smith
you could just skip the first part desu
Parker Perry
yeojoonking isn't allowed yet
Evan Myers
Lalisa Manoban
Luis Cruz
wtf is that real, friend?
Gavin Williams
I told Yoohyeon about this place during that euro tour fansign
Samuel King
David Brooks
sua looks like a raper
Matthew Hughes
oribia, heejin and midget are blastable imo
Henry Wright
you know better than that
Luke Carter
remember the tropical house meme?
Lincoln Hill
my country is holding strong on 0 but people are already panicking
it looks good stfu
ending ruined
Kevin Kelly
no lol
Hudson Perez
wish iz*one would let me forget it
Jaxon Allen
Ryder Robinson
Jaxson White
Grayson Collins
twice is literally music for children
Nolan Allen
>natty goddess
Carter Barnes
Anthony Smith
it's rapist friend
John Campbell
Blake Johnson
why does everyone here love izone and hate twice??
Daniel Mitchell
engage in intercourse
Cameron Anderson
they killed fitty men
David Adams
Adam Thomas
i love this girl with my entire heart
Aiden Nguyen
Brandon Lee
Isaiah Lopez
have they put her back together yet?
Liam Thomas
5. [+142, -3] Stage lights can almost make you switch race..
Dylan Myers
Clown shoes
Nolan Collins
at this point madagascar and greenland have been corona'd
Grayson Gonzalez
i've read the hobbit many times but i can never remember all the dwarf names
Ayden Davis
probably beginning of July.
actually, I don't know... but it would be cool.
Nolan Robinson
bungee has mystical/shamanistic lyrics thinly veiled as lovey dovey shit
Lucas Davis
gooks desperately trying to look as pale as possible is cringe, just like white bitches turning into niggers during summer
Ian Butler
I thought TT was rather well produced.
Jeremiah Cooper
>those shoes
She really doesn't like being a womanlet.
Hunter Perry
Landon Carter
someone needs to replace the card with a condom
Leo Ward
/fa/ as fuck
Alexander Sanchez
not really if it looks good. I remember seeing an old pic of young Nayeon and she seemed tan as fuck. good thing that changed.
Brody Smith
yes, she's doing well
Charles Jenkins
i think it's hot, imagine throwing her around... omo
Adam Anderson
i love girls in nazi themed outfits
Tyler Allen
i'm on it, ill do it first thing in the morning
Lincoln Gonzalez
brown nayeon can be amazing
Isaiah Lewis
pic unrelated
Nathaniel Martin
how did the lgbtq+ girl group get away with this?
Ayden King
Gooks look way better white what are you talking about
Tyler Clark
Josiah King
Ayden Powell
is chunghas career over now she has cv?
Henry Perry
Jonathan Wright
this nayeon in this exact moment in time is the only nayeon I would like the ass of
Isaiah Williams
she's not 80 so she'll be fine
Christopher Morales
i want to lick the sweat off her back
Adrian Robinson
Bro, delete...
Zachary Flores
her body is 95% plastic at this point, she's immune
Jordan Gutierrez
Julian Smith
thank you based purepop
Henry Reyes
Parker Lewis
binnie was like 16 here what the fuck
Kayden Sanders
Go back to r/twicememes fag
Alexander Sanders
which one do you rate higher, face or body?
Camden Kelly
it's not from there
Samuel Ross
does she really have corona?
Adam Butler
Ian Peterson
I want to coom
Benjamin Sanchez
Gabriel Brooks
Ayden Gray
ugliest shit
Jordan Gonzalez
i'd join the nsdap tomorrow if i weren't a mutt
Levi Rivera
this was their best styling ever
Christopher Sullivan
go on then
Tyler Robinson
Jason King
>nation's little slut loves omg
Ian Gray
>30yo neet bullying a 12yo girl
Juan Ross
good idea
Jayden Rodriguez
iu, nayeon, jihyo, naky
notice a pattern? all omg fans are sluts
Angel Bennett
commit suicide
Wyatt Butler
cute gooky girl
Levi Ross
got so horny I gave myself a yeast infection
Josiah Morales
not all!
Andrew Nguyen
u forgot sulli
Andrew Johnson
wich omg would u raw dog?
Eli Evans
another fucking papule has grown on my nose
how the fuck do I prevent this shit from happening
Leo Lopez
Little mutt getting mad, cute
Brody Martin
stop sucking cocks
Bentley King
which one could handle the responsibilities of being a mother?
Jacob Thomas
cut off your nose
David Nguyen
her favorite member is yooa. that says a lot
Adam Morales
beautiful face, beautiful eyes, nice ass, nice legs, nice feet
Jacob Price
yooa, no question
Zachary Flores
none. all of them would get abortions if we're being honest
Julian Green
All of them except yooa.
Hunter James
Matthew Collins
what did he mean by this?
Sebastian Edwards
all except
seungs - psycho
yooa - has something
Mason Evans
that he's a massive faggot
Christopher Reed
wanna lick her back, armpits, clavicles, traps, face,
Oliver Gutierrez
delicious idol sweat
Cameron Cook
Nicholas Morris
cope you small brain schizo
Ayden Torres
I just don't want to catch anything from her
Carson Smith
can I ask for a twice member instead?
John Hall
I can't stop laughing godfuckingdammit.
Matthew Smith
really want to eat her ass
Isaiah Evans
just start your own question
Joseph Baker
why are you laughing?
William Russell
>Red Velvet’s Yeri Opens Up About How Her Fans Became Friends Who Brought Her Strength
>Jihyo: The relationship between artists and mere fans is... interesting. We aren’t family, we aren’t friends, we certainly aren't in a romantic relationship. In fact, we are total strangers
Eli Ward
Henry Phillips
jiho got some thick eye slugs here
Matthew Lewis
I need more of this shit but with every group.
Imagine one with the small izone.
Juan Gray
why do you think seunghee is a psycho? she seems so sweet
Lincoln Hill
Gowon almost looks normal here.
Daniel Richardson
Oncels have a fetish for being treated like shit,that's why they are fans of Twice
Gavin Rodriguez
>shows feet and cleavage
>gets support and love
>meh, fans are just random people i have no connection with
Robert King
jihyos right
Noah Cooper
I'm a fan of Yeri's.
Ryan Thomas
Cooper Miller
there was a webm of her wailing on candy in the kitchen.
Colton Anderson
she deserved it
Carter Bailey
i want jihyo to kick me in the balls and tell me that I disgust her
Tyler Bailey
based if you ask me
Alexander Nelson
can you post it?
Julian Watson
Austin Price
>i want jihyo to kick me in the balls and tell me that I disgust her
This is a pleasure that is only conceded to Kang Daniel
Jaxson Wright
candy deserved it
Landon Martinez
Alexander Reyes
>10 years training to be an idol
>fans don't matter
Nathan Robinson
the virgin bluepill vs The Chad Redpill
Evan Lee
I want Jihyo to FinDom me
Landon Cruz
very pure outfit
Matthew Perez
they do, but it's true they are strangers
Cooper Jackson
Ryder Hill
i want her to fuck kang daniel as she stares at and taunts me while i jerk off in the corner
Matthew Davis
recently, yeri's sexiness has began to rival joys
Henry Rivera
Austin Watson
we want slug thread
Evan Ward
Nicholas Hughes
yeri is a fan favorite
jihyo is not liked by her own group
Nicholas Mitchell
yeri is the least liked RV member and was close to passing wendy until her accident. a famous person telling fans they're friends is one of the most cringe bluepills i've seen
Joseph White
>a famous person telling fans they're friends is one of the most cringe bluepills i've seen
it's called doing their job. if you don't like it u're in the wrong thread.
Robert Hall
the job of an idol that is.