Well, Yea Forums?
For me it's the reds
Well, Yea Forums?
>one won their domestic league and the champions league many times
>the other never won a title
hmmmmm, tough question
Liverpool has 6 CL titles, obviously it’s them
For me, its the one from the Norf
But that graphic is wrong
Liverpool never won a single title in their history
Stick to your own league tranny
Low quality bait, bacteria
cheeky sport innit lad
>6 european/champions league cups
>3 eufa cups
>3 super cups
Seems to me that Liverpool are much much bigger. Nobody else around the world really gives a shit about individual league titles or mickey mouse trophies like the FA Cup.
For you
in england its united because of ferguson's personality cult
in europe obviously liverpool after the last 2 seasons
they are both red retard
Everton la
New England Patriots.
Man United easy as
>football started in 1992
guess brazil only have 2 wc wins then
Manchester united easy. Only irish subhumans care about scousers
Neutral Arsenal fan here, Liverpool are FAR bigger than Manure
How can an Arse fan be neutral when they hate Man Red way more than Liverpoo tho
Still more than anyone else bar france
What the hell difference does it make who's "bigger"?
What matters is who's better.
And that's Liverpool by a country mile.