Math rock thread
Math rock thread
I dig the new tricot
woops wrong vid
pleasantly surprised it exists and it's good given I was lukewarm on the singles
Elephant Gym is nice as well. I'm just getting into math rock, although bands I used to go see live in the 90's are now considered "proto"math rock now lol. Like Shudder to Think, Hoover and Jawbox. Thats what Wiki says anyway.
listened to this today, to me it sounded like a solid mix of dlj, rodan, and some fugazi. great female vocals too
also Coptic Light is fucking amazing and its so infused with kraut and post rock it's barely math rock. makes for the best math rock
Inb4 no one posts a Primus song.
is there any good bands who use standard tuning, only one i can really think of right now is dilute or arguably slint
i think some user posted that he played math rock in his local scene and played in standard tuning just because almost every other band in the area never did and i'm pissed he didn't link to his band
Primus sucks