Phew, that was sure a close one, wasn't it?

Phew, that was sure a close one, wasn't it?

Attached: 1536157120398.png (643x368, 15K)

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Come on now OP.

Where have I seen this is score again? It's on the tip of my tongue

Attached: unnamed.png (384x384, 25K)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA watch coreans mumbling about "m..muh 2-0" with their faked alternative history bogus LMAO

is this the official north korea recognized score?

This is the official Fifa recognized score.

What are you even on about lad

Attached: berenstein-bears-bunkbeds.png (900x895, 1.18M)

not OP but he's doing a great service by dispelling the fiction that corea won against us in the world cup. somebody has to correct the record.

Well it's certainly not Germany vs Brazil at the 2014 FIFA World Cup semifinal in Belo Horizonte since you lads couldn't even score two

Watch out that they don't get you, OP. They will try to tell you that the truth is but a mere delusion.

The truth will no longer be hidden from the public

>allowing your opponent to score a point
>not even getting into the double-digits
Wew lad, imagine celebrating *that*

Now where have a seen that score before?

u won the group fair and square, germans. well done.

Attached: butthurt.jpg (490x322, 42K)

The average Germ is a retarded football fan, showing their subhuman behavior when football and cars are the topic.

Attached: typicalGerm.png (483x480, 187K)

Thanks, though you gotta admit you got pretty lucky when you scored that free kick against us in the last minute

>group stage match
>goals in extra time

You have clearly no idea what's the difference between extra time and injury time

The average you os a sad cunt.

I wish I was German desu

anyone can be these days so just come over here mate