>yeah bro, tool is sick
Yeah bro, tool is sick
Other urls found in this thread:
seething tool fan
Not even. I just don't want phoneposting r*dditors, such as yourself, shitting up my board.
yep tool fucking sucks
death to casual posting
ban wobbling
I dont really like tool
I listen to primus, have you heard them? They suck
Holy based.
>tool? primus? never heard of them. you know two great groups? the melvins and faith no more.
>yeah bro, tool is sick
you are a phoneposter too, clearly new to the site as well but its ok newfag you'll learn the ways
>making fun of based ARMY
>why yes I main fox, how could you tell?
No clue what the point of this post is considering this guy looks completely normal & average
Based diaper poster
why tf is army being posted on Yea Forums im so confused
>my board
A young lady i was into wore a Tool sweatshirt one time and i completely lost respect for her. i mean they were fun when i was 17 but jesus christ she was about 28 years old.
that guy has colon cancer wtf
Some kid in a tool shirt stole his lunch money and called him a bitch in highschool i'm guessing
>Yep, I've mained Luigi since 2001
You're cancer.
That would be disappointing, but not a total boner killer. You should have pumped and dumped.
>implying she would even be interested in a drooling sperg that actually cares about what music other people like
post body
Tool IS sick though
if you don’t at least like Aenima or Lateralus, there is something wrong with YOU, not with Tool
all four of them are good bands
>Army starts wobbling your favorite music what do you do