Music Piracy

Was it really as bad as the industry said it to be? What are the benefits of piracy?

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>What are the benefits of piracy
It's free

It's free.

Damn, Tame impla o-O

It probably damaged the industry substantially, but I appreciate pirating because it allows me to enjoy the product of musicians who I personally dislike as individuals. I view that as a good thing.

Fuck the music industry, fr.

>Was it really as bad as the industry said it to be?
No, not even close. They still made millions and millions.
>What are the benefits of piracy?
Are you a dummy?

ever notice how music is bad all the time now? thank piracy for that

depends if you're pirating huge record label backed artists vs. indie imo
streaming makes it easy convenient to support everyone regardless, even tho i know they probably arent getting that many royalties from streaming services.

>Are you a dummy?
I probably should've clarified on that last part, I was asking about if it benefited musicians. I've heard that it helps spread an artist's music over P2P services, but I'm not sure about anything other than that.

Music is bad now because literally any dumbass can write a platinum song if they have enough of a budget, nothing's genuine anymore. Piracy does little to the actual industry.

How the hell did you come to that conclusion?


You got the mama jeans!

And a mister fantastic face!

piracy can be good for upcoming artists because it allows potential fans to try their music for free. the new fan would be more likely to purchase copies of the artists music and go to concerts, because the fan already enjoys the music and may want to show support to the artist.

So Richard White it's like I'm runnin' gainst a cheesecake!
Republicans need a puppet and you fit
Got their hands so far up your rear, call you Mitt
I'm the head of state, you're like a head of cabbage
'Bout to get smacked by my stimulus package
You're a bad man with no chance, you can't even touch me
I got four more years (two termz!) in the White House, just trust me
I hoped you saved your best rhymes for the second half
Cause right now, I'm 47% through kicking your ass

Whatever, that 40% thing got you real mad
What, did it remind how many decent parents you had?

Uh, look, I respect all religions, uh, but it might get crazy
If the White House has a first, second, and a third lady!

Ha, don't bring up wives, man, what are you doing?
You got hitched to the female version of Patrick Ewing!

Uh, let me be clear, uh, don't get it twisted
We'll see how pretty your face is after my fist has kissed it

You're a stuttering communist

Oh yeah? Well you're stupid

You're stupid





By the power invested in me by this giant bald bird
The President shall not be the shiniest of two turds!
You! I wanna like you! Don't talk about change, just do it!
I fought for what was on my brain until a bullet went through it!
And you, moneybags, you're a pancake, you're flip-floppity
It's a country, not a company you can play like Monopoly!
I'll properly reach across the aisle and bitch-smack you as equals!
"Of the people, by the people, for the people"

Who won?
Who's next?
You decide!
Rap battles of history!

>What are the benefits of piracy?
hurts the music industry

I didn’t pay for a single piece of music from 1995 until they all started putting it on Youtube for free in the 20-teens.

>What are the benefits of piracy?
it's fun

There have been no huge rock bands since piracy was rampant because they haven't figured out to adapt and thrive in the streaming era.

it took control away from the industry and allowed people to listen to anything
can't control the distribution if you aren't the only one distributing

Most people dont know how to pirate let alone use a computer.

You see threads on here every hour with people asking how to find music. Morons shouldn't be allowed technology.

And yet smartphones were pushed on the entire population of the earth

And all people do on them is look up instagram, twitter and youtube. No-one does anything special with them. Computers are for grown-ups.

Well, you get to travel around the world on a wooden ship, pillage and plunder passing ships, and coastal towns and villages, and have a cool parrot on your shoulder that keeps repeating "Pieces of Eight".

>Watches varg vikernes video essay once

op - support the artists that lift you up. ok?

what the fuck you think? no one has to buy your shit in your business?