What does he listen to?

what does he listen to?

Attached: Wojak groomer pedo.jpg (680x540, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Brand New, David Bowie and Led Zeppelin

If there was ever a point where this shit needed to stop, we are clearly past it.

Gary Wilson - You Think You Really Know Me
Oingo Boingo - Only a Lad

"whatever's on the radio"

t. groomer

How about you go lick a n*gger's bumhole?

what would you like them to listen to op



based lmao, but what does drake listen to?

Perro caca
Sneed's feed and seed
Fantano's ooga booga wife
Black guy who cucked music crticism dean
op's stepdad molested his dog


when you have to eradicate the problem from the source

brand new


pop punk

Sexy Gambling Game
03/01/20(Sun)18:43:41 No.93495163
35 KB
what does he listen to?
03/01/20(Sun)18:45:01 No.93495182
(OP) #
Brand New, David Bowie and Led Zeppelin
03/01/20(Sun)18:45:12 No.93495185
If there was ever a point where this shit needed to stop, we are clearly past it.
# #
03/01/20(Sun)18:46:10 No.93495201
(OP) #
Gary Wilson - You Think You Really Know Me
Oingo Boingo - Only a Lad
03/01/20(Sun)18:47:20 No.93495214
"whatever's on the radio"
03/01/20(Sun)18:48:02 No.93495225
t. groomer
03/01/20(Sun)18:49:48 No.93495251
(OP) #
How about you go lick a n*gger's bumhole?
03/01/20(Sun)18:51:10 No.93495271
what would you like them to listen to op
03/01/20(Sun)18:52:16 No.93495289
# # #
03/01/20(Sun)19:05:28 No.93495458
03/01/20(Sun)19:11:39 No.93495566
based lmao, but what does drake listen to?
03/01/20(Sun)19:14:59 No.93495615
Perro caca
Sneed's feed and seed
Fantano's ooga booga wife
Black guy who cucked music crticism dean
op's stepdad molested his dog
03/01/20(Sun)19:17:52 No.93495651

when you have to eradicate the problem from the source
03/01/20(Sun)19:21:28 No.93495693
brand new
03/01/20(Sun)19:27:28 No.93495764
03/01/20(Sun)19:50:06 No.93496115
pop punk

Attached: d4e.jpg (444x580, 26K)

Attached: 1582789484146.jpg (468x713, 76K)

Bach, Billie Eilish, Schubert, Drake, Migos, Kate Bush, the list goes on..

you okay there mister?

zoomers are now seething because older guys are taking their girls? lol

I listen to Bowie.

Was this made by an aging roastie who can't get guys to appreciate her used up beef flaps any longer?

Nah, normal people just don't like creeps taking advantage of those who are immature and vulnerable. If you had a kid I think you'd understand.

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File: Wojak groomer pedo.jpg (35 KB, 680x540)

Anonymous 03/01/20(Sun)18:43:41 No.93495163▶
what does he listen to?
Anonymous 03/01/20(Sun)18:45:01 No.93495182▶
Brand New, David Bowie and Led Zeppelin
Anonymous 03/01/20(Sun)18:45:12 No.93495185▶
If there was ever a point where this shit needed to stop, we are clearly past it.
/20(Sun)19:27:28 No.93495764▶

Spotify playlists from the young women he stalks.


If I had a daughter I'd want her married as soon as she hit puberty so she couldn't go become a whore like most girls


>If I had a daughter I'd want her married as soon as she hit puberty so she couldn't go become a whore like most girls

I kind of understand your perspective, but I don't agree. If you raise your kid to have values and not succumb to hedonistic youth culture, you wouldn't really have to worry about that. It's probably better to just to raise them correctly rather than marrying them off.

typically this. im convinced anyone making pop punk as a 25 year old is/was exclusivelty doing it as a chance to get close to and be idolized by middle school aged girls

literally nothing wrong with your daugter having sex weirdos. your the type of incels that complain women wont have sex with you then complain if women do have healthy sexual relationships with others

Oh, don't you say.
So you think you aren't a creep just because you haven't hit the 35 mark yet? Got bad news for you.

Incels don't have daughters. Females really shouldn't be engaging in these types of conversations, they'll never understand.

>your the type of incels that complain women wont have sex with you then complain if women do have healthy sexual relationships with others

I don't know why or how you made this inference, but ok.

>So you think you aren't a creep just because you haven't hit the 35 mark yet? Got bad news for you.

What are you talking about? lmao

>nooooo! older guys CAN'T steal my crushes nooooooo


based pedo

>nooooo what do you mean you're fucking my 23 year old crush and you're over 30? total pedo! noooo

>Implying that OP's pic refers to a situation like that

low cognitive ability.

Zoomers be copin'

Oingo Boingo - Little Girls

Attached: Pedos get the bullet.jpg (901x1200, 378K)

no yeah definitely kill the pedo but i'm still gonna be fuckin your 19 yr old crush while you play minecraft at home

1000 Gecs

zoomers don't even know how to cope, disastrous.

I had a 20 year old girlfriend when I was 31. She used me for sex. She didn't want to be a virgin anymore. She was crazy.
Cool story, huh?


Attached: 1581613332999.png (600x800, 50K)

Looks like tooth number 3 has an abscess. We may have to do a root canal here, dude.

Billie Eilish

Don't bring Brand New into this fag

>Sexy Gambling Game

Jux-362 kaori

Yea Forums Pass users can bypass this verificationwould you like them to listen to op
# #
03/01/20(Sun)18:52:16 No.93495289
# # # #
03/01/20(Sun)19:05:28 No.93495458
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03/01/20(Sun)19:11:39 No.93495566
based lmao, but what does drake listen to?
# #
03/01/20(Sun)19:14:59 No.93495615
03/01/20(Sun)19:27:28 No.93495764
03/01/20(Sun)19:50:06 No.93496115
pop punk
03/01/20(Sun)19:51:41 No.93496134
26 KB
Sexy Gambling Game
03/01/20(Sun)18:43:41 No.93495163
35 KB
what does he listen to?
03/01/20(Sun)18:45:01 No.93495182
(OP) # (OP) #
Brand New, David Bowie and Led Zeppelin
# #
03/01/20(Sun)18:45:12 No.93495185
If there was ever a point where this shit needed to stop, we are clearly past it.
# # # #
03/01/20(Sun)18:46:10 No.93495201
(OP) # (OP) #
Gary Wilson - You Think You Really #
# [Learn More] [Login] kaori

Attached: 66f.jpg (1242x1394, 156K)

No that's fine I can wait til your TMJ gets better
Though it might feel better Haha
