Do Argentinians fanboy over messi in their country the same way as the Portuguese do for Tsuuu or do they think he's a fraud compared to Maradona?
Do Argentinians fanboy over messi in their country the same way as the Portuguese do for Tsuuu or do they think he's a...
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This boomer Argie I worked with said he'll never be as good as Maradona
They dont trust Messi
>Portuguese do for Tsuuu
Do they though?
>the same way as the Portuguese do for Tsuuu
I think you mean Arab guys with lots of hairspray. That's Ronaldo's key demographic.
Compared to how you lot treat the best athletes in your countries? Or how the other top footballers like Messi, Neymar, Hazard, are regarded? He's practically a god, I reckon.
>26 years without titles
Não chorem hermanos
The average Argentinian loves Messi. Many of them try to set their computer password as "Messi" but then it comes back and says "sorry, password too weak."
Mudhuts dont have internet
holy based
>Putting fake subtitles over Champions League because the football world is still SEETHING over Liverpool winning
IMAGINE promising your fans the champions league then chocking against Liverpool’s B team
Yes , we worship him like a god
Everyone already forgot about this..
Truly embarassing. Why is the Spanish League so weak lads?
He never promised the fans a Chanpions League; he said it would be Barcelona’s priority, even over winning the league, to win one. It’s sort of embarrassing how much misinformation this board contains.
Yup. He did:
It's funny Argentina lost but are Colombians still chimping out becasue they are embarrassed about loosing to England on penalties?
From the (very few) Argentinians that I talked to, they generally don't like Messi. Especially when compared to the coke machine himself.
speak for yourself mindless normie
Based and tsuupilled
How pathetic can one samefagging gyppo be? Find out next time on O TWAIN CIAO.
to be fair you probably are twain
What about your other threads, gyppo?
>once again Twain comes out in another thread to cry about a "chicano"
Christ, and he even thinks I live in California kek
statistically chicanos have a higher chance to be in california, it's basic math. either way you're crying over a boogeyman in the middle of the night
>guys pls believe me this time, look at this proxy reply I made
Mental illness, and he's still at it
>A massive electrical failure has left all of Argentina and Uruguay without power, according to a major Argentine electricity provider.
>Reports said the power cut had also affected parts of Brazil and Paraguay.
>Argentine media said the power cut occurred shortly after 07:00 (12:00 GMT), causing trains to be halted and failures with traffic signalling.
reminds me of the 80s
We don't. Only homos like do
holy fucking based
the absolute fucking state of this ''''''''''continent''''''''''
I promise you these posters are all proxies. No one suffering there would have time to shitpost on this board
it's a weird relationship, deep down we know he's not the GOAT but he is the clutchest player we've ever had and he delivers most of the time so we cheer for him in an unironically ironic way
The atlantic coast of the continent is ok (except memezuela).
>I think you mean Arab guys with lots of hairspray.
Yes, he said Portuguese didn’t he?
Go back to Catalonia jordi
fanboying over one of the best players of all time?
ohh non no no no
for most people here, it's fanboying over boring slow bums like riquelme
>speak for yourself mindless normie
>english "banter"