What does he listen to?

Attached: download.jpg (238x212, 12K)

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His brother playing Ravel & Prokofiev.

anything until Mozart. after that I seem to recall he "heard the tanks"?

I saw a documentary comparing the philosophy of Wittgenstein to Schoenberg’s music but were they even aware of each other?

math rock lol


he fucked his students right?

Also Wittgenstein is a meme, "Dude we couldn't understand a lion if he talked to us" retard



idk but he slapped a girl so hard she died. I agree he was a retard
>bro you cannot even like define red
When I was like 7 years old I would lie awake at night and wonder about the phrase the straw that broke the camels back and thought that after a certain division of time that movement is basically teleportation. I apparently could have been a lauded german philosopher.

Fuck you niggers for making shit up about Wittgenstein. I hate you both, lying bastards.

I was slightly misremembering en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haidbauer_incident

woah please dont hate me user...

I was joking when i said he fucked his students but he was gay and he did like younger males, how young though idk

What does he listen to?

Attached: Hegel.jpg (185x249, 17K)

100 gecs both incoherent and stupid

Heidegger was the one who fucked his students. Hannah Arendt, very briefly.

Math rock.

Post Malone

Jhon cage

Trash, pseud avant-teen schlock to match his pseud personality.

As far as I recall, only boring Kraut shit. Was prejudiced against anything after Brahms.

He hit a kid and KO'd him for getting a math problem wrong.

Probably he was misusing his talents teaching kids math desu.

dude all these guys were fucking students lmao. Its how they met their wives, almost everyone of them.

I'm pretty amused you call the man whom Bertrand Russel said was an utter genius that made him feel like a drooling retard a 'pseud'.

Spoken word

He also visited Hermine Piribauer, the girl whose ears he had pulled, who apparently replied to the apology with a "Ja, ja."[5]
That can be interpreted basically as "Yeah, fuck off."

I don't get it. I wouldn't apologize to all the kids I managed to get away with fondling when I was a teacher. Jeez.