Leftist core
Leftist core
Other urls found in this thread:
Top 40
public enemy is good
Andrew Jackson Jihad
If you want to go further than this, listen to Robert Wyatt's album Old Rottenhat. It was one of the albums he made after becoming a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain, and is probably his most political
Gang of Four-Entertainment
Dead Kennedys-Plastic Surgery Disasters
Minor Threat-Complete Discography
AJJ-People Who Can Eat People...
Crass-Feeding of the 5000
Woody Guthrie-any compilation
The Clash-London Calling
Godspeed You! Black Empreror-Lucifarian Towers
Manic Street Preachers-The Holy Bible
Refused-The Shape of Punk to Come
Skyclad-The Wayward Sons of Mother Earth
This Heat-Deceit
Xiu Xiu-Fabulous Muscles
Real comrade shit, anarcho-communist here.
They're not us. They're not opposed to capitalism. At best they're social democrats. Liberalism as an ideology is what was developed by the likes of J.S. Mill and Adam Smith. It's not left wing, it's centre really.
Dead Kennedys
SPK are also leftists.
>implying any famous american musician or celebrity is actually left wing
funny funny
henry cow - in praise of learning
surprised no one has said this one
Shut up you fucking autist. You people spend all day defining and labelling others and then you have the nerve to turn around and go "um, actually what I believe is". Go fuck yourself.
>leftist core
but most of these aren’t leftist.
if I recall, RTJ and P.E. hate today’s modern liberals, especially the white liberals.
>american politics
liberals =/= leftists
He's openly stated he isn't a communist, but there are a lot of leftist themes on this album.
No this whole thread is just as cringe as the /pol/ speds who jizz off to European black metal they think is racist
Exactly, thus making them leftists
based retard
your mom is gay
>hating liberals makes you right wing
do you think leftists are liberals?
Then what defines leftist?
I keep seeing different definitions on this site.
There’s an album on here that’s infuenced by Communist ideology to make an anti-Communist album. I don’t know if I call that leftist core.
Songs From Under The Sink - Mischief Brew
Die For The Government - Anti-Flag
t. I browse /leftypol/ every day.
how about you read a fucking book you retarded anime poster
tpab is not leftist it's vague "I'm pro black and revolutionary, I think?" gibberish, doesn't stand by anything or say anything of value, just looks pretty
CCCP fideli alla linea
Have you ever heard of a man named "Karl Marx"?
TPAB is total woke suburban coon shit. Not leftist in the slightest.
The whole message is “maybe cops just kill niggas cause we violent”. Literally idolized by white suburban centrists who wish they were woke.
in end end we're all liberals
bingo ding ding ding this guy figured it out
but dumbass crackers will tell you you're racist and a republican if you don't see through it
>uses Yea Forums as their primary source of information
Disagree. One of the album's main themes is the disenfranchisement of black Americans, a topic leftists try to emphasize
yea and it's incredibly shallow and pointless, a bunch of literal nothing advertised as being deep and insightful for a suburban audience
Am I missing something? Is there a hip hop album that tackles the same commentary and themes embraced on TPAB that's better? I doubt it.
In what world is surface-level political hip hop that Dead Prez offers better than TPAB
Yeah lemme just blast a song telling me to eat healthy
better than the enlightened centrism of tpab
>"black culture is bad and toxic but it's also good and better than white culture which is bad but also good too"
DRI - Thrash Zone
user is not using this site as primary source of information.
this site is legit filled with larpers who pretend to like Marx and Sanders for internet points, but fail to understand economics
surface-level political hip hop describes tpab perfectly
what makes godspeed you black emperor leftist? how can an instrumental band have a political ideology?
It’s basically being empathetic to Communism, but understanding that it would never work in modern society because people are lazy and untelligent
What to you is an example of a non-surface level political hip hop album?
Literally most of music in existence.
>understanding that it would never work in modern society because people are lazy and untelligent
thomas sankara would like a word with you
so basically /leftypol/ has invaded Yea Forums?
how is that new?