Are people in your country still pretending to care?

Are people in your country still pretending to care?

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Eve this bald cuck who has stats for everything didn't bother to cover it kek

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Why are they trying to push childless women soccer players as role models to little girls when they should be focusing on how to be a good wife and mommy. It's unnatural and against God.

Sort of. The number of people who care and want to see the US team do well is pretty steady. The number of people who care enough to voice their because they hate women has increased dramatically.

Brazil is about to be eliminated. Then people will bail out

oh fuck
I now remember this is happening

Have sex

Not before they make either very harsh critics about players they just googled their names OR pledging people to keep supporting those very strong and inspiring girls (who aren't either strong or inspiring in any way).

probably because your team is shite.

>Have sex
Well, no. I'm afraid of and hate women. If I could have sex, I wouldn't be here, rageposting at the idea that women play sports.

copa america overshadowed it too hard


Based self aware poster

Women's football would be comfy if they:
1. Played with a smaller ball
2. Played on a smaller pitch
3. Played with a smaller goal
4. Shut the fuck up about equal pay
5. Shut the fuck up about being as good as men
6. Killed Hope Solo
7. Banned USA from the sport

>8. Played wearing bikinis
>9. Played on mud


lol, every team is shit
they are women

I have sex on the regular and even still I hate women's football because the quality of play is poor. The conclusions aren't mutually exclusive. Lose weight.

Yes. It is time they get scrutinized. Those excuses can't secure them forever.

I wouldn't even know that there is a WWC going on if it wasn't for this place.

Thank you, average monkey.

Do you like any women's sport?

great to gamble on just like all women's sports. quality of play sucks and yeah they spend most of their time complaining but taking TAB and bet365 to the cleaners is just too much fun.

This is current year so obviously the headlines are about the women being better than the men, equal pay, strong womyn meme. Just wait til it comes out that one of these bitches is like a week pregnant so we get buzzfeed news about “CARLY LLOYD JUST WON THE WOMENS WORLD CUP WHILE PREGNANT AND THE INTERNET CANT EVEN”

the non soccer fans that have come out of the woodwork to shit on usmnt legends because of it is annoying desu, thank god they don't watch the hex games

Ever since US dumb fucks did what they did the other way I'm watching the games but not theirs. Going to go see men in black 3 tomorrow instead of their game.

I’ll watch if the USA gets into the semis and the final but not watching before then. It just doesn’t fucking matter. Men’s sports are the ones that matter.

I only want to watch asses, but motherfucking camera operators pieces of shit won't point at them

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Our goalkeeper said, like 2 days ago, she identified more with the right wing party, and the lefties on twitter went crazy. They forgot all their discourse against misogyny and sexism; "muh tolerance", and they just treated her like shit. I guess every time she plays they'll cry like always

not people, just Bra7i1ians

Based and bluepilled

Here nobody even thought this thing existed until last month: the female national team returned in the competition after a 20 years absence, and so they started shilling it like it's the most important event in history, with somehow all channels and journals morally obbligated to only have female journalists reporting about it.
Also they are doing very good and already qualifed for the next turn, so the obsession will continue. Good for them if they win sure, but i still think it's kinda ippocrite support the team only when they started won and not just sucking badly

Nobody else is saying it so I will. The women's world cup has been way more entertaining than the men's:
>Teams actually attacking
>No endless timewasting
>No passing between the defenders and the keeper for 5 minutes
>Players constantly adapting, new ideas, new plans
>No tedious dive-stoppage-freekick cycles

I'm not saying they're more talented than the men. They're not. But they're playing how the men should play. This is positive, enjoyable football.

based chilli,
havent been following this shit for exactly the reasons you mentioned but
what chance do your lasses have against those american skanks 2nite?

I think part of it is that the media and Legacalcio want to forget that Belolli (I had to goggle his name) called them "quattro lesbiche". So now they are pretending that we al support and care about them.
Italiani brava gente and all that.

i need to know...
...for a friend

>1. Played with a smaller ball
>2. Played on a smaller pitch
>3. Played with a smaller goal
I'd really like to see this, because has a point a point.

>smaller ball, pitch & goal

100% this.

Not the same user
Zero, they defeated "us" 7 - 0 in a friendly a few months ago


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i watched my first match yesterday, canada vs new zealand. it wasn't less entertaining than men's footy

They are so fucking shit

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Women's football is shit. The only thing women are even good for is looking at naked.
>inb4 faggots call me sexist
I am. Shocking I know, but I weighed up the facts and that's where I landed. If you don't like it? well, you better learn to deal, because I'm going to be posting a lot around here from now on.

We never pretended to, if our team won they might get a half-assed parade. Doubt they even qualified tho

>1. Played with a smaller ball
>2. Played on a smaller pitch
>3. Played with a smaller goal
Then people would complain about how the sport sucks because they don't play the full-sized game.

Just be honest like It's about hating women, no matter what they do.

Media and companies are shilling it.
Can't say many care tbqh. No one talls about the games in the office like last years world cup.

Did your father beat you, ignore you, or abandon you? All of the above?

More to the point, why do you blame your mother?

literally no one care, euro games have more topic than woman football

>because I'm going to be posting a lot around here from now on.
lmao, well you sure ain't leaving mom's basement. :^)