/lm24/ 87th 24 Heures du Mans 2019 - 24h of Le Mans Thread #7

do not go gentle into that good nigh

>Ace 1080
RLM studio
Toyota 7
Toyota 8
>Live Timing
Ford stream

pastelink with updated streams for future threads
pass: J!=2yWv]LMJK?{M*/=VL@f}sS,-pWpCJ~z9K7oQCzDy@Za%

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Other urls found in this thread:


Anime 1st

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Post your setups for comfy lemons, mine's pic related

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>another nose change for #8

Kill list where
I'm lazy

still v4

>all this talk about hydrogen cars

what about electric cars?

Quicker to change the whole nose than to adjust the setup with screwdrivers.

>tfw you will never try sleeping track side at le mans

fresh new bread flour

Not terribly realistic for endurance I think

What's a nose change?

paired with hydrogen?

Hydrogen cars are electric. They just don't have batteries

Laptop connected to a TV.

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Are these the lads that commentate the Goodwood hillclimb? Lovely cringe/comfy

Slept trackside at Spa last year, was comfy af

Why not nuclear powered?



I'm sure this really unstable fuel cell would go great with batteries


>3.6 roentgens

Aren't they going to get this hydrogen fuel from natural gas? If so, it's not that much better for the environment.

go to the infirmary

methane yeah, its pretty pointless but it gets investors in I guess

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Sooooooo.. No?

>Shea and sleepy Hindy on now
Is this peak comfy?

That's kind of the problem with hydrogen, unless we start mining the stuff directly out of the fucking sun, it's not gonna be very green.
Much like electric cars in general.
At the end of the day they'll all still require fossil fuels to run.

>bigging up Ferrari

Oh jesus dont do this to me

>what about electric cars?

DOA, On the road and track

>t. delusional

I have no idea but I assume the appeal is efficency. Fossil fuels aren't 'green' but using fossil fuels very efficiently is pretty green

I'm too lazy to set up my second monitor
And if anyone is wondering Liberty Brew tastes like shit, like a melted bomb pop

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its a bad idea that removes the only advantage of hydrogen which is the lack of batteries

>At the end of the day they'll all still require fossil fuels to run.
that's true, but a generator can be made to run cleaner than a car, since a generator can run at a very optimized rev and temp range, versus a car which operates in all sorts of temperatures and rev ranges.


This is why the extended hydrogen bullshit talk earlier pissed me off so much.
>So you put hydrogen in the tank-
>"-which is water-"
>Yes, hydrogen is just water, that's what makes it so great!
It's not fucking water, it's water with the oxygen removed and that's kind of a big fucking deal to accomplish.

wec's live timing site is shit
some user posted a script on github for a command line thing

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Do yourself a favour and change theme to Tomorrow.

When they unbolt the front third of the car and put on a new one.

What's the prescription for?

>uh i think my engine exploded guys
>you're delusional, nuclear powered engines don't explode, keep pushing

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40mg Celexa

Normies don't know about that nucc goodness

the issue here is that during the production of the fuel tons of co2 is created, the only way to get rid of it is putting it underground or releasing it into the atmosphere
So you either make massive underground pressure bombs or release it killing the entire point
If they find some way to not create co2 that's also cheap it'd be okay

>announcers saying porsche is fucked
>cut to smug ford mechanic eating a pastry

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more like Incelexa, amirite?

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Bye Kolles

240 years of Le Mans

interesting, any link to that github?

>Windscale fire
>cracked graphite on the Magnox/AGRs
You're done here, bong.

>The absolute tent of ByKolles Enzo CLM
Enzo Ferrari could be attached to a turbine to power Maranello by now

I knew if I pulled an all-nighter to not miss any crazy LMP1 plot twists they would end up not happening.

At least we got Mishka.

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just got beer and bagels. not gonna make it though lads.

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Just did a stint on the back roller. Feeling focused

Fin du programme

bros I matched with a smoking hot blonde 23 year old on tinder last night and she wanted sex but I chickened out at the last minute because I didn't want my first time to be on a one night hookup. Will I regret this decades from now when Im a kissless boomer?

The reality behind all of this talk is very simple, you shouldn't be owning/driving a personal car. You should be using car sharing/public transport.
That is unrealistic though so we are left in this world where people offer options which are all pretty much equally negative.

Lot of race left

You're already regretting it.

You'll remember how you beat the female menace

put a shirt on you whore.

pretty cool, lots of info, i dont have that good internet for all that video donwnload tho

disregard thots
watch racing



you could have put it in her ass like religious people do

Volcels are the best of us, user. Well done

SMP ded

Seems like these eurosport commentators weren't even watching the race for a little while.

I forgot the Live timing there.
Also I only got a 16MBit/2MB connection there. Dont lose hope.

>I didn't want my first time to be on a one night hookup.
Jesus, man. It's just sex. You're not fucking marrying her. Stop putting sex on a pedestal.

>suddenly 7 rets
what happen

How much do you pay for it?

yeah, that page looks like shit compared to the live timing dashboards of the last few years.

disregard, it's a sketchy link to pastebin
pastebin com / sHbDeHEK

yes goy, do not value intimacy

I think they just made it official

"Are you guys drunk, have you been on the hydrogen?"

hey /lm/ name this car

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They have been out for a while, just not officially.

Race direction computer rebooted

Hydrogen guys. Did you know hydrogen? Hydrogen is a hydrogen hydrogen, based on hydrogen to hydrogen hydrogen cars using hydrogen. Hydrogen engines in hydrogen cars with hydrogen fuel cells with hydrogen in them to use hydrogen for hydrogen power in hydrogen racing.

They all finally decided to drop their delusions and go to sleep.

it looks worried

Go find an escort so you can lose your virginity exactly how you want to.
Better than just some random hookup.

her boyfriend was probably just gonna rob you, dodged a bullet

Time to hit up the hydrogen plug

only 10 hours until celebration spaghetti

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just listen to rlm you tards holy shit

Marcos 1800GT

Not much. Goes into rent. Idk, less than 15-20 bucks I would says. *cracks open up antoerh beer*

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>sex vs intimacy
They're two different things. Saving your virginity for that special lady is something that people who are scared of rejection tell themselves.
>I would not want her to bear and raise my children, so I'm not even going to ask her out.
is a lot easier on your self-esteem than putting yourself out there and possibly getting shot down.

Hydrogen would be great if they stuck with dumping water out of exhaust.

sex is a form of intimacy manwhore

same old poorfag set up, but it gets the job done

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It does.
The problem is that what goes in is hydrogen

They should be able to collect it and dump it on command.

>genius mouse

ferrari regretti spaghetti mydickiii

Could be worse then, i was thinking it was some ridiculously jewish package because those seem to be common in some places.

I only regret that I was too exhausted to doing anything about it. Surely there will be more opportunities this summer around this horny college

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okay shlomo

nice coffee cup. faggot

pretty good desu, better than just-one-screen-fag like me

Which pit crew you think has the best catering.

>cant make Indy
>cant win with dominant team at le mans
>can only win F1 titles with dominant car and main rivals' DNFing

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>you can have intimacy with only one woman

>Failonso being BTFO by Kamui
>GP2 aero! GP2 aero!

I've only seen Ford's but it looked breddy gud

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Whatever the chip van is selling, lad

i bet you can get all the hot greasy meat you could want in the vette garage

The Super Taikyuu 24 hours at Fuji race had the pit reporter go around the pits and rate the crews dinner. That was a good way to fill time.

Being a raging anti-semite makes it harder to meet women to have sex with, FYI

>eschewing hookups must mean waiting till marriage
do you having the big brain hurt?

My other monitor is being repaired so I have to deal with this bullshit

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This is a christian imageboard, one forever.

Sounds like a comfy job lads. I bet the French teams just get a local bistrot to provide.

sex is a fun activity enjoyed between men and women.
intimacy is an emotional expression.

For example, you can have a fun dinner with your friends, and an intimate dinner with your girlfriend. You wouldn't tell yourself that you'll only ever go out for dinner with your girlfriend, would you?

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M8 I maybe could get 50MBit for 20bucks. My other m8 could get get 400MBit for around 40 to 50 bucks, but choose 50 for 20 cause "why the fuck i need that much". Doesnt make it better I share those 16 with 2 other people.

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Actually I would because I don't have friends

>This is a christian imageboard, one forever.
it will be until reddit gets super-religious, then 4channel will reflexively start tipping their fedoras

who /nightshift/ here

this is some premium cope, thank you

>until reddit gets super-religious
if anything they'll become islamic religious, just reinforcing 4channel christianity

have se--- uh, have fun.

That's a you problem bud

I can have fun with my girlfriend

You'd pick up a few Jew girls by joking around and shitting on their sacred cows. Women are transgressive


on the timing board what does "out" mean

>N-n-normies, on MY 4channel?!

Lads, im right in saying we are all only staying up to see one thing:Both toyotas hitting a fucking wall?

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It means they're on their out lap after pitting.

out of pit I think

>don't have friends
>have a girlfriend

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why isn't Juan here?

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Idk what's with all this trannies everywhere nowadays, the art of spreading degeneracy i guess

WEC has weight limits

It's pretty common.
You get your first girlfriend and spend all your time with her, and ignore your friends.
Your friends move on without you and now you're completely dependent on your girlfriend for all social activities.

too based for this


so alonso is getting cucked by kobayashi or i just dont get it ?

Not the same guy but never had friends but also never had problems scoring a girlfriend

I understand you're seething at the realization that you're in the presence of people with superior moral fiber, but perhaps you should stop shitposting.
Alonso is cucking himself

>Tips fedora like a boss

I think you're getting your terms confused. Seething would imply I'm mad, but I'm not the one trying to pin "moral superiority" to my inability to talk to girls without spilling spaghetti.

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Is his car falling apart around him? Or did he get the shitty car this year?

Potential floor damage.

alonso 2fat

you should be in bed

We're talking about alonso, not montoya.

>in the presence of people with superior moral fiber
Oh, I thought incel meant "INvoluntarily celibate".

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the g in g-drive is gay apparently

Whoa! G-Drive is not family friendly! This is a Christian race event.

Well, at least he got one.
It will be fun to watch him get increasingly desperate to win the Indy 500.

toyotas are not built with the iberian in mind
rip alonso

Or Greco Roman, as in wrestling...

Of course, the G in Greco stands for fag anyway.

I don't think Putin will like that.

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Boys will be boys

nothing wrong with a friendly cuddle OwO

I was thinking that, aren't they a Russian outfit?


Why is the Snow Leopard going extinct? Leave it alone ffs

cyka what is this

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>Hindy wants to listen to Flat 6
>Stream switches away as soon as he brings it up

They are Russian but they aren't a full team, TDS racing is the one running the operation.

Kill list? I had to go out and missed the las three hours.

bratislava is in slovakia

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I think its 4, 17, 95, 98, 64 and 10

>ford 3L

very nice

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71 as well, and 49 has been out for a while but not officially retired

49 made it back to the pits and did a lap so it's not dead yet.


And there goes the Aston


aston is the new ferrari

Has Ferrari ever done anything noteworthy post-Enzo?

It's just not Aston's years.

I think they made a really pleasant-smelling cologne a couple years ago.

RIP aston

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Oh good, more yellow flags.

They showed their true pace too early, so they end up getting BOP'ed.

>sunrise soon

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trying to get acestream for mac to work it won't let me paste
fdcba05d63a5b9692c45ee14abdffe4abad883da or type it in
what am I dong wrong?

Tfw sun has beeb up here for a whilr

go get some coffee dude

>sun has beeb up here for a whilr
I wish to someday visit your exotic homeland

Already bright dusk in Germany. Idk. Should be at least get lighter by now at LeMans.

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do i have enough time to go for a beer run before the sun rises in lemons?

BOP is the least of their worries, even if they fixed their LeMans pace they are still awful with tire wear after struggling with it the entire season.

>Next driver awake
Why don't they sleep?

Be quick about it.


get some cachaca instead.

rip in pepperoni dancing numbers

I see sunlight!

They sleep. But you need some time beforehand to get into yourself. Blood circulating, Breakfast. Also updating what is happening. At least around an hour before or so.

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Sky getting noticeably brighter

Using a mac.

Can confirm I have it

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Where's the bingo sheet?

It's what I'm stuck with ATM

Rain in 5

It is finally getting some LIGHT in the stream of cameras. Soon sunrise here in "some" part of Germany.

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Very bright here in NW England

Anyone know the story behind this ?

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How come all the pit cameramen are boring, staid Frenchmen here, and the Nurb 24 gets cool spinning camera mustache man?

what do you call a hydrogen/electric car

tip your waitress

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gay lads itt sup

>As a race engineer, you can be lucky enough to develop a healthy relationship with your driver(s)..... However, had this been any other driver, he'd have been royally slapped by me AND my mum.


Basically Andre is a CHAD and fugged Leena.

Its actually brighter than the cameras show sun is still not over the horizon which is when cameras pick it up

grab breasts


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Time for comfy afternoon racing. RIP Aston.

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just put some pretzels in the oven
what should I drink with them:
or beer

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Missed about an hour. Anything interesting happened?

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how is bourdais doing?
why is alonso losing?

>chevvy in first for GTE pro suddenly
what did i miss in those 30 seconds

I know, I know.
Sunrise happened here already since 10min.
I am sometimes confused by those cameras. Sometimes they pick up more light. Sometimes less.

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beer desu

for me, it was the 333 sp

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Pit stop rotation.

So whats the status on the GTE racer bois?

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yeah they're pitting now

I knew you didn't have the patience to do the whole race

Why do girls pretedn to like le mans?

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car guy racing?
more like
/ourguy/ racing.

What happened to the #71 Ferrari?

lol I was here the whole race but didnt post bonbi

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>tfw no job that is just driving at night

Engine problem.

Sunrise in 30 min

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they don't have uber in Jamaica?

porschewinslol, vette hasn't given up though

less than 30 dumbposter

Night posting most comfy des

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How can such a chad also be a Formula E driver?

>getting in random cars at all
>letting strangers get in your car
>using a new enough car to qualify for uber as a taxi

thats how your body gets found half burnt
it will never work here

How is it porschewinslol when Ferrari is in the lead?

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If Alonso crosses the line second, does this mean he did not win Le Mans?

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Exactly. Same here in the US except for that half burnt body thing


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I guess it's bullet holes over there.


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desu its not even an exaggeration
from time to time we have scares when people start getting abducted when getting in taxis. it doesnt help that robot taxis are a thing so people will get into cars without a red plate pretending to be a route taxi

what the heck my timing was frozen

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I've seen some shit in that industry. You'd be amazed

doesn't look like i was fast enough

>not showing open tabs

Aston in 3rd for gte am


>robot taxis
is that what we call gypsy cabs or literally robot AI controlled taxis?

>fresh pretzels
>dawn le mans
maximum comfy

>is that what we call gypsy cabs
i think so
basically an illegal taxi without any of the required licensing

'cause race drivers are amazing relative to what ever your job is

>yet another nose change in the 8
they are just doing it as a placebo at this point

right on

where do the racers drive into the sun

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Why are they needing to change break pads on so many cars, did they figure out it's something that changed things into being more safe, did they find out they would wear too much over time?

Why isn't there a limit on new noses

why does he wear the mask?

Why would there be, you think they want 15 cars driving around looking like shit?

a lotta loyalty for a hired mechanic

They will just be swapping noses around after making a few adjustments to the one not on the car.

Average pay for the mechanics?

how much wear is done to a vehicle during this 24 hour race? Are the engines still good after this?

>Are the engines still good after this?
I think they get "museumed" and i've heard that some engines are borderline fucked after the race

they buff it out

>Are the engines still good after this?
They would sell them to NASCAR cup series teams but they still have too much HP and torque

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GTE always changes them, you lose too much braking power towards the end of the race.

Anything can go at any time, depends on how well you prepare. In theory if the car has no issues it is okay at the end, aside from wear that anything would take for using it a full day without stopping.

It is mandatory now over the 24h race for all cars and not even only in this series. There are even some webms Audi LMP1 changing whole brake assemblies in about 90s. It was since ever surely safe. it would wear out, but no one would ever take time for it unless mandatory (like now)
PS: Brake instead of break

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You get about 12 hours out of a set of pads.

A nascar car would smoke any of these cars if this were a. Oval

I just never seen this happen until this year, I'm glad they are doing to tho

My mechanic charges 2 hours of labor to change my pads

This year is the first year it's mandatory right?

they mentioned that the car was brushing against the asphalt earlier, maybe they are just trying to limit the damage to the front end

Any one of the LMP cars with a properly oval developed chassis would smoke a cup car on any large oval these days.

taxis soon

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Aw man I went to get a bite to eat and now comfy night racing is over.

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why don't they just raise the cars so they can drive over the kerbs without getting fucked
these people are dumb

obviously you need a new mechanic

No it isn't, atleast not for the prototype classes because they have the benefit of carbon brakes.

Those poor guys waving blue flags for 24hrs

Which is why you should do them yourself.

i cant believe Ford is fucking DEAD

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how do I buy a used lemans ford creeper? that looks awesome


Honestly how hard would it be to pack a few cots. Hell even an inflatable mattress.

Ah shit, fell asleep for a couple of hours.
Did I miss anything meme worthy?

find their contact information and call them, they probably will at least entertain the idea[spoiler] and then give you a price that's retardedly high[/spoiler]

>Missed the sunrise cause I was busy jerking off

You missed the ABSOLUTE UNIT of an M8 meme

Yeah no way I would probably do it wrong and die. I’m too scared to even change my own oil. I spent $40 for that...

Shit I went out for a couple hours and missed it too.

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>Crashtor Maldonado on my tv
>Tv goes kill

bruh its easy just ask /o/

If I removed the mask, would Porsche win?

mobeel juan radio le mong

>I’m too scared to even change my own oil
have someone do it with you
the most important thing when working on cars is confidence and that comes from taking stuff apart and seeing that it still works when it goes back together

shit i completely forgot that fox was doing broadcast

I looked away for like 5 minutes and I swear it went from full blackout to daylight wtf

are inflatable mattresses against the rules?

I would hope so

where do you live Ill help you do that stuff


Why aren't the Cadillac prototypes racing?

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who here watching from the start and doesn't plan on sleeping until after it's over

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because the european fears the chadillac

wtf? negrito si estuvieron toda la semana haciendo la promocion.

Do it yourself then.

No, it is very recently. Just a few years or so.

Maybe. I am just sure about the GT classes. But even there. They wont have simple steel brakes. At least CSic-brakes I guess. Also Carbon-brakes detoriate over time too if especially not in right temperature-usage. But that is only talk about discs. Pads are still a thing to change over the 24h. It is still somewhat a research how the braking-mechanism really works at all.

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hoping not to go over 1 cup per hour

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Serial killer stay away

in the past drivers have switched between cars midrace. Is that still legal?

>implicando que veo tv durante la semana

Me, but sometime in the next few hours I wont succeed, like in the 24h of daytona

I just want to work on a car with a friend

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can't sleep, must bingo
I swear I can make it this time
9am is just a few hours away

Yeah lemme just go buy $1000 of tools and change my own brake pads

here, i know i can easily get to 5 am, the last 4 hours are the tough ones

>$1000 of tools and change my own brake pads
you most likely can do it with the tolls that came with the car

you can do it with a jack, wrench and screwdriver

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It's only about $100 in tool but enjoy being cucked by your mechanic

>rock auto for pads and rotors
>need one wrench and 3 sockets
>will need to bleed afterwards, can be done with a bottle and a foot of tubing, also need an 8mm open wrench for the valve

you got this I believe in you

>$60 jack and jackstand set
>$80 socket set with everything you might ever need
>$80 for a set of pads
>$20 for a C-clamp to push the pistons back in
>optionally, $120 for a pair of rotors
>now you can do your brake pads whenever you want
>all for less than the cost of a single brake job

ffs it isnt even that much. Especially in the long run. Guess you are even afraid of the 3rd pedal.

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I'm drunk as hell and I'm going to race La Sarthe in Gran Turismo in honor.

Lmao I swear to god they're making the M8 look bigger

rip fatboy

have you ever actually worked on your car before

Too bad this absolute unit is not winning.

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fug, meant for


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Ferrari got bullied by Ford



>That really was quite naughty

Everything sounds better with a British accent

Oh god what is that dirty nip doing

I'm having flashbacks to my recent track day, being stuck behind a novice group miata that ended up in the advanced group some how, holding people up by not pointing them by while being slow as fuck

>changing pads without jack stands

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I was never taught to drive manual..

stop photoshopping M8 to be big! Its not funny anymore!!

i just rest the car on the rotor

not him, but what's the biggest job you lads have done? For me it was tearing apart a prius battery and replacing some of the cells to get it running

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Were you raised by a single mother?

>not using concrete blocks

I only gave him the shadetree tools because he's obviously a rube
just wanted to demonstrate how cheaply it can be done

But that was a screencap.

Im changing the rear engine mount right now. btw chevy in first boys


>The 1955 Le Mans disaster occurred during the 24 Hours of Le Mans motor race at Circuit de la Sarthe in Le Mans, France on 11 June 1955. A major crash caused large fragments of debris to fly into the crowd, killing 83 spectators and French driver Pierre Bouillin, and injuring nearly 180 more.
>The crash started when Jaguar driver Mike Hawthorn cut in front of Austin-Healey driver Lance Macklin to reach his pit stop, prompting Macklin to swerve into the path of Levegh, who was passing on the left in his much faster Elektron magnesium-alloy bodied Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR. Levegh rear ended Macklin at high speed, overriding Macklin's car and launching his own car through the air. Levegh struck a protective dirt berm at 200 km/h (125 mph), disintegrating and igniting his car, throwing him onto the track where he was instantly killed, and sending large pieces of flaming debris cartwheeling over the berm and into the packed grandstand—including the engine block and hood.

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Jackie Chan!

Where did Audi and Mercedes go? No interest in Le Mans this year?

the floor is concrete, does that count

I really find it hard to believe that all you guys actually change your own brake pads. Especially if you live in an apartment complex

The company that wasn't been at LeMans since '99 because they decided to bring an airplane to a car race?

Yo ChrisFix! Big fan.

Guess I will have let mercy on you. Just dont text/drink and drive ok. And be aware of everyone around.

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Audi and Porsche pulled out due to VAG dieselgate
Merc are dominating F1

i did my own brake pads, took about 2 hours to do 2 wheels because i had no idea what i was doing, car was parked out on the street, its doable just tedious.

Are they going to do a >Hypercar?

How much of a pussy are you that you need stand for pads? You aren't even going under the car.

That's pretty based.
It doesn't sound like much, but the hardest job I've done is putting a front sway bar on a Volkswagen. It was mostly easy until we had to put the subframe back on. I had a kit for it and my dad got frustrated and crossthreaded the bolts. Such a mess...

The hood actually flew through the crowd and decapitated some spectators.

Pierre was worried about the car all weekend as well. some of his closer friends said he didn't feel comfortable at all in the car and that it didn't drive right.

dealerships and shops want about 3100 to put a new battery in it. You can do it yourself with just a few tools, a multimeter, and insulated gloves. The cells themselves only cost about $20 on ebay. I did the whole thing for about $140 for tools and cells. Saved a fuckton of money

The trickiest repair I've done is changing a blend-door actuator without removing my dashboard.

Not with the amount of money they are wasting in F1 right now.

>On lap 35, Hawthorn and Fangio were racing as hard as ever. In his biography, Hawthorn said he was "momentarily mesmerized by the legend of the Mercedes superiority... Then I came to my senses and thought ‘Damn it, why should a German car beat a British car.'
>The lap before, Hawthorn's pit crew had signaled for him to come in the next lap. He had just lapped Levegh (running 6th) after Arnage (one of the corners of the race track) and was determined to keep Fangio at bay as long as possible.
> Coming out of the Maison Blanche portion of the course, he rapidly caught Lance Macklin in his Austin Healey 100S, who had seen him and moved over to the right to let him pass. Putting another lap on Macklin coming up to the main straight, Hawthorn then raised his hand to indicate he was pitting and pulled across to the right (from Hawthorn's testimony).[8][9] What caught Macklin out though was that Hawthorn, using his advanced disc brakes, braked very hard to be able to slow the Jaguar from such a speed in time.

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not gonna lie, hauling my full jack up and down two flights of stairs to get to the lot from my apartment every time is absolute hell

I am him and I'm a 10 year diesel mechanic
probably changing the clutch or transmission on a Kenworth (pretty much the same job)

it takes some work but it's worth it, unless your time is worth more than what the mechanic charges

New convertible top installation with my dad.

it's not fun on some cars.

>ebay cells for 20
I don't know if I would feel comfortable with that.

Rebuilt a Rover P4 engine. The guy who designed it had a nervous breakdown. As did I.

Pretty sure it’s illegal to work on your car on the street

I've helped a friend with suspension shit on his truck. Biggest I've done on my car is take a door apart to fix a window.

that sounds messy

I've heard the clutches on those are awful

surprisingly, the sound of race cars flying by at the track is the easiest thing to sleep to

>Macklin, who also braked hard, ran off the right-hand edge of the track, throwing up dust. Macklin tried to avoid Hawthorn, whether it was an instinctive swerve from surprise, or a loss of control from going onto the change of road-surface, or his car's disc brakes operating unevenly. As a result, Macklin's car veered across to the centre of the track, apparently briefly out of control. This however put him into the path of Levegh's Mercedes-Benz, closing at over 200 km/h (120 mph), intent on doing another lap and in front of Fangio, who was patiently waiting to pass. Levegh did not have time to react, but with possibly his last action, raised his hand warning Fangio, thereby probably saving Fangio's life. Fangio, with his eyes shut, but with his own quick reflexes, squeezed through the carnage, just brushing Hawthorn's now-stationary Jaguar in the pits, but getting through unscathed.

>Levegh's right-front wheel rode up onto the left rear corner of Macklin's car, which acted as a ramp and launched Levegh's car into the air, flying over spectators and rolling end over end for 80 metres (260 ft) Levegh was thrown free of the tumbling car, but his skull was fatally crushed when he hit the ground.

>The hood actually flew through the crowd and decapitated some spectators.
fucking metal as fuck

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Europoors can't buy Weathertech?

Safety first user. Shame on you.

this documentary is pretty good, the jaguar and mercedes drivers still blamed eachother after all those years

Not if we don't have a licence.

Me and the boys after getting drunk at the pub

>ebay cells for 20
I sold it right away once it was running, so idk how long they lasted. But I tested them and they held charge, so I hope it's still running

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>that sounds messy
a ratcheting box-end wrench was my friend there.

>Everyone expected the race to be red-flagged and stopped. Given the scale of the disaster, however, the race officials kept the race running because, if the huge audience crowd had tried to leave en masse, they would have choked the main roads around, severely impeding access for medical and emergency crews trying to save the injured.
>Levegh's co-driver, American John Fitch, was suited up ready to take over the car at the upcoming pit-stop and was standing with Levegh's wife Denise Bouillin. They saw the whole catastrophe unfold. Levegh's lifeless body, severely burned, lay in full view on the pavement until a gendarme hauled down a banner to cover it. His wife was inconsolable and Fitch stayed with her until she could be comforted. Half an hour after the crash he realised that news was probably being broadcast on the radio, and he needed to telephone his family to reassure them that he was not the driver of the crashed car. When he got to the media centre to use a telephone, he got his first inkling of the sheer enormity of the disaster, overhearing a reporter filing that 48 deaths were already confirmed.

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Yea the dealership asked for $2k aud and private $500(if i got the parts)
So i got the part and just decided to do it myself.
If you know any electricians ask if you can buy bigger cables to run to the motor. its an easy way to save some power loss especially when flooring it.

Idk. What kind of batteries there are, but I know when a stack of batteries are burning of without hope of extinguishing and burning of everything near around in the room. So I wont touch high voltage stuff. I h8 electricity desu.

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One of these commentators sounds like Lemmy from Motorhead.

any stream that doesn't play phone alarms every few minutes

definitely thought I was gonna die a few times during it (nickle metal hybrid btw)

im in NYC, you gotta do what you gotta do


>AM drivers



can you do the good deed and tell me, please, i've been lost since the russian stream died

Pizziola in the dirt.

Here comes the SPOOKY part:

>On 22 January 1959, only three months into his retirement, Mike Hawthorn died in a car accident on the A3 Guildford bypass while driving his comprehensively-modified 1958 Jaguar 3.4-litre saloon (now known as the 3.4 Mk 1) VDU 881 to London. While the circumstances of the accident are well documented, the precise cause remains unknown.
>The accident occurred on a notoriously dangerous section of the road, the scene of 15 serious accidents (two fatal) in the previous two years; the road was also wet at the time. Driving at speed (one witness estimated 80 m.p.h.), Hawthorn overtook a Mercedes-Benz 300SL 'gull-wing' sports car driven by an acquaintance, the motor racing team manager Rob Walker. On entering a right-hand bend shortly after passing the Mercedes, Hawthorn clipped a 'Keep Left' bollard dividing the two carriageways, causing him to lose control. The Jaguar glanced an oncoming Bedford lorry before careering back across the eastbound carriageway sideways into a roadside tree, uprooting it. The impact caused Hawthorn fatal head injuries and propelled him onto the rear seat.

Holy shit, this is some Final Destination shit, 83 people died as a result of a Mercedes overtaking a Jaguar, and several years later, the driver who caused such carnage dies overtaking a Mercedes in his Jaguar

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Its beautiful

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Didnt sleep on the first one either

based pussywagon hasn't even appeared on tv

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read the OP newfag


Try this one

For me, it is Manuela

I would Gostner Manuela

>did first brake job ever at apartment complex
>left job part way done overnight
>jack was under car
>jack was stolen next day
surprised they didn't steal my wheels too

>Didnt sleep on the first one either
desu im usually ok most years but the coffee makes it easier

Is this the accident that caused the Swiss to ban fun from their country?

If you come over to my place we can watch it together..



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God I would ram Frey in missionary position on the hood of that beautiful car


manuela got those soul piercing crazy eyes going on


idk if the team handed them a flawless car but those girls are driving quite nice.

>Holiday videos of Frenando a Alonso

Attached: maniac alonso.png (681x727, 567K)

i didnt drink coffee.. maybe I shouldve, wouldve been healthier at least..
first time, drank two monsters
now, two monsters actually lol

wanked 2 times, ate some mac&cheese and so on

They got 2nd in the first ELMS race.

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Should I crack a 10th beer, lads?

Hmm. It where some LiPo batteries here.

desu it does better than the male car


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Weird how these super cars use Michelin but formula 1 use Pirelli and Indy Firestone and Nascar Goodyear. Why can’t there just be one tire.

Motorsport is still a sport

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americans are the worst posters

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bratislava is officialy out or they are just taking their time to repair the car?

Super GT has 3 tire manufacturers

You've never wrecked a car at high speed before?
That's OK, I understand

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please understand


It might be able to run but they don't want to risk it so will send it out with 2 laps to go.

>Headphones are rated with a 24 hour battery

8 hours to go and I have yet to hear the beeps.

almost napping on the floor bros

low energy shitposters

look at

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>only 8 hours remaining

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Giver her a break maybe she just wanted to let off steam with that post

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give your liver a rest

>10th beer
>liver problems

everything comes to an end

Why do they leave their headlights on now that the sun is up?
Doesn't that cost energy, increase inefficiency and carbon output and contribute to climate change? Seems wasteful

Tires are decided by contract. At one point, Michelin and Bridgestone supplied F1, with Bridgestone handily winning the tire war. Both brands pulled out eventually, since tire research in F1 yields limited benefit in real world applications. Pirelli picked up the contract since. Meanwhile, Michelin's sportscar tires made a big name for themselves, and now you see everybody wanting to use Michelins in sportscar racing, and in road cars you and I can buy tires for. Look at Formula E's long lasting tires with tread, and tell me they don't look an awful lot like Pilot Sport 4S'.

24h of Nürburgring next weekend

Are AM cars slower than Pros?

they likely forgot their lights are on

>heavy blinking
not like this
8 more hours

M8. I've binned some work for Uni a few days ago, been shitting explosively after every meal since a week and I dont feel anything after such an amount of beer. My liver is the least of problems I have and I would be happy if I just fall asleep and wont wake up.

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What's for breakfast lads? Thinking sausage, eggs and tomatoes with toast and a cup of tea, when I can bothered going to cook it.

Casual racing fan question. Is Le Mans considered a good racing track? I ask this cause a few weeks ago even though Monaco is a somewhat prestigious race people shit on the track and say its a bad place to actually race.

It's ok, they don't have turn signals to burn blinker fluid

based harumin poster but cringe suicidal poster


chicanes ruined it

It's good for endurance, but there's lots more tracks far better for wheel to wheel racing

its not time for breakfast here

I love how the hybrids exit the pit box so quickly

Imagine being in one of those sleeping bags out on the grass and get woken up by one of these cars spinning out and hitting the guiderails

Shit opinion.

I actually had Pilot Sport A/S 3+s on my Infiniti because they were top rated tires. I could have gotten 4S but I was worried about only having a summer tire.

uh when did #8 get a full lap behind #7

>crashtor maldonado

you can't watch le mans next year if you die

Monaco gets the bad rap because it was a track designed in 1929 on small streets in a time where cars have gotten bigger and bigger. So there is barely any passing now because 2 cars can't fit into a corner and you can be fred flinstone and still win because tire wear doesn't mean anything.

Based Harumin is ma waifu to be with. Feels like a mommy. Sry for being such cringy, just cant help it sometimes. Have a present.

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LigaMX thread is >>/thatway/

it must get spooky



It's always time for breakfast

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RIP dragonspeed


macdonaldo needs a nose job




He's not a full lap behind but they have lost time. They have been complaining about the aero balance.




Races at Monaco are boring because the cars are massive nowadays compared to ye olde cars, it's extremely hard to overtake.
Le Mans is a good track.

>Maldonado wrecked

In other news the sky is blue and water is wet

thanks, very based pic
what do you think of yagakimi

Pastor keeping up his reputation I see.

>people still let crashtor drive race cars

They've been saying something about possible floor damage messing up its aerodynamics, but they've been slowly slipping behind for several hours now. Also I think Kobayashi is faster than Alonso in the car to begin with. Kobayashi and the #7 kinda deserve the win IMO after all the absolute fucking-overs they've had in the last several years.

The big hero of this race isn't Koba, it's Conway. He's been ridiculously good.

I like GT cars because they don’t look so futuristic

How come this guy is still allowed near a car

modern prototypes are ghastly

They have both done pretty well given they have driven with a handicap.

This needs updated:


Id like how they looked if they did not have that giant divider or whatever going down the back.


Sry was just looking at thumbnail. Meant to post more Harumin.
I watched it and enjoyed it in a way, but I hate Yuu for a particular reason I had irl.

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Just came back from a few hour break, everybody seems tired. Has the racing still been good?

Yeah, they should have 5 full height fins on the back

I'm gonna go into the garden for a short walk to wake myself up a bit.

You missed

Where do you live? If it snows where you live, even a little like in WA, it's always worth it to have winter tires. They perform better at temperatures around 0. All seasons are no seasons. If you've got space to store an extra set of winter tires on cheap steel whees, you should do it. Then you'll have better grip in the summer and winter. A good summer tire should have plenty of water evacuation ability too, so not to worry about hydroplaning. Check out TireRack's surveys.

new one

Based Japs

V8supercar engines last about 2000km before needing a rebuild.

Just put the rim under the car you pussy.