Name a more punk rock candidate

Name a more punk rock candidate.

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So he banned concerts at a certain auditorium.

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Donald Trump

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He's just pandering to zoomers.
His plan is to pretend that he's their cool granddad and when he gets in he'll go back to the old him and ban rock music.

As much as i Love bernie, he is kinda cucked on guns and immigration. his votes against open borders and gun control are based desu

I mean every candidate is pandering to someone. Bernie is the cool grandad type that millennials like. Pete butigeg is the perfect child older people like. Trump is a person people think is offensive and edgy and panders to teens, as well as people who know nothing about politics. Half the topics discussed in the democratic debate, he hasn't made his mind up on.


based motherfucker wants safety and consent and to hold corporations liable for their actions


>americans judge their presidents based on how punk they are
>americans judge their presidents based on what they tweet
>americans judge their presidents based on how they trigger the opposite party
No wonder your "country" is almost beyond repair by now pathetic mutts

Jew Sanders gave an interview in 2015 talking about that open borders was a Koch Brothers plot to lower wages. Now, take a look at the immigration section on his website. He wants to decriminalize border crossings and taxpayer funded education and healthcare for illegals. He's a sellout to liberal cosmopolitanism.

jews and immigrants aren't the reason you're still a virgin

I really don't understand how anyone could see Bernie as "cool." He's a crotchety old jew that talks with his hands and repeats the same five sentences over and over.

fucking idiot

no argument.

This, even John Lydon says so

you know i'm right. that's all that matters.

the immigration crisis was literally created by decades of US intervention in south america, the least we could do is provide the people wishing to have a better life than the generational poverty that we created with education and housing.

Those positions aren't at all mutually exclusive. I hold all of those as well. You're comparing macro issues with human rights issues

beto o'rourke before he dropped out, iirc he played in a punk band
also this lad

You are illiterate. Go back and read what wrote

Nice mental gymnastics

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seething eurocuck

He sounds pretty reasonable.

Yeah, he's a Jew. So what? I heard that the World Jewish Conspiracy denied his application, and he's been left out. So, don't worry about Bernie.

Lydon may be in the right tax bracket right now, and he is rather self-interested.
Decades? It's been over 100 years. Ever heard of the Banana Wars or the United Fruit Company? They were almost as evil as the British East India Company.

Nope. The paramedics are obligated to help. Nice try.

You're just pissed because you can't vote in the US election. You're going to miss all the fun!

Wasn't even hard

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Bernie should drop out and endorse him

finally a decent take ITT



Caring about politics is for immense faggots. Free yourselves or die like the rest of them.

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Being an obnoxious apolitical cunt only shows privilege

yeah? well you have the "privilege" of licking my nuts

>muh privilege

So you've chosen to die like the rest of them. What a shame.

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ok and?

>muh smug anime pic
not an argument. you're too comfortable for your own good.

Do you live in a community of human beings or do you not?

I live in mom's basement

>wow he smashed his hand on a table ANGERILY, so quirky and punk ^.^

Fuck you

Goodnight poorfag. Enjoy your politics, or whatever gets your lil dick hard.

>dude trump will change everything!
>gets in and nothing happens
>dude bernie will change everything
>repeat x oo

giving up so soon?

this seems to be a recurring theme.

socially isolated, bitter losers with little to no experience with empathy are often right wing, who would have thought.

Listening to punk past the age of 16 is intensely cringe, same with being a socialist. Checks out

>Bald old jewish man in a suit wearing a tie talking about taxes
You don't really know what punk is do you

I drank some soimilk once and ended up listening to punk all day. Never again.

Correct. They're the reason this country is being gutted and run into the ground by a bunch of mean homosexual retards.

>nothing happens
Is that what the people who spent billions of dollars in fraudulent investigations, lawsuits and an impeachment trial that didn't produce a single witness said? That resources man power and hours used because nothing is happening? That's the story you're going with?
Ok retard

>mean homosexual retards
Oy vey

Literally anyone outside of the two major parties.
Wayne Lambright.


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>be a complete socialist cuck pandering to black people
>overwhelmingly lose in a majority black primary
Who knew blacks were so based

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Redditchan is full of berniebots though

Nothing is as punk as a rich old jew

Bernie is based, but no contest


>sucking israeli cock
>punk rock

>soviet bootlicker
"punk rock"

Punk rock was started by jews

if by “privilege” you mean 100% superior to bugmen like you, yes

Bernie Sanders-CRASS
Donald Trump-Skrewdriver

Donald Trump

Bernie's not punk because he has actual goals and policies. Punk rockers are full of impotent rage and just aimlessly break the property of other poorfags, punching street signs to masturbate their violent urges.

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American here, you're right. It's grown so tiresome. I'm much more into accelerationism these days and just embrace the collapse.

no arguments, no solutions, all you can do is call people incels. The hallmark of the high iq

>some redditor took time to make this

the woketards completely took over the left. Berniebots are too stupid to realize it though

I said you're a virgin, not an incel.

Jew bolshevism worked out for russia real well. America has degraded so much that we willingly vote in jews in . In russia and germany jews had to stage an armed revolution

The entire point of Trump's media visibility is to rile up the puritans.

>punk rock
>owns more than one house
I admit he has corporate america sweating, and a lot of people on the left are really trying to sabotage him, but I don't completely think so...

Jesse Jackson 1988. The rightful first black president.

>human rights issues
It's not a human right to live wherever you want and expect that country to bend over backwards to placate you, especially at the expense of the citizens who have actually invested in that country.

bernouts better hope he doesn't get corona

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what are you talking about you fucking boomer? no one is asking to live "wherever they want", people want a roof over their heads of which plenty are available in the US and maybe to not die and/or be financially ruined for life from one instance that demands medical attention
And this is a human right believe it or not
>Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

the strokes......... kek, shitty band for shitty candidate

>Zoomers like rock music

It's a boomer thing. My parents had two houses while I was growing up.

> dude, I'm so above politics, that means I can criticize everybody else while also not having any positions of my own to be criticized, I'm so much more enlightened

>I'm too retarded to understand politics, so I'm gonna pretend I don't care voluntarily.

nothing happened, and it was a big waste of time, and the democrats looked like retards. Even the media didn't pretend to think they would get Trump out of office.

Okay, what would your reaction be to a Native American saying that to you?

refugees are 500 years of the white mans chickens coming home to roost

You're gonna get cucked again Bernouts

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You think Billie will vote for him once he starts talking about gentrification and how wrong it is?

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Probably. Gentrifiers are almost never self aware. Especially when they’re Yakubians.

>a more punk rock candidate.

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>punk rock
actually a fucking oxymoron, punk is anarchy and the antithesis of government as much as the tankies want to hijack it

fuck representational politics in the digital age
at least demand that your public money that the government automatically takes from you be PUBLIC.


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Her brother keeps posting left-wing stuff on Twitter, so maybe.

Take your meds schizo

Being a diehard Zionist is the new Punk Rock. MAGA 2020 libtards.

>When Billie was accused of being an “industry plant” during the growth of her popularity, people on the left were the ones who came to her defense, because they saw her success as the result of a dissenting teenage girl actively taking the power back from the music industry’s corporate elite (and thus upstaging the capitalist foundation of the industry).

Except genuine leftists NEVER supported this dumb thot. Maybe liberals but leftists were the ones critiquing her and her fake organic backstory from the beginning.

i wish you werent right, but you are.
fuck you anyway

yeah when they say "people on the left" they mean twitter trannies and such

you argue like a woman.
and no, thats not a good thing.

The author mentions capitalism quite a bit in that article, so I'm sure when they say "leftist" they really mean "Marxist" or something.

immensely based. apolitical truly is the new punk

It's an actual, official poster

twitter trannies had capitalism because "i can't get muh hormones."

Vermin Supreme

Blessed Post

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WTF is this word salad shit?

>okay but what about if you compare yourself these people who were pretty much wiped out and replaced
why do you retards think this is a good argument?
>muh magic dirt

came here to post this
pretty obvious answer

Her mother sounds based.

fuck politics

partisan hack faggot

>bernie sanders employs redditors to make posters for him

Shut up pussy. Gentrification is actually good. Get rid of the gangs and take out the trash.

Being intelligent is a privilege I suppose.

t. /pol/

that's some silky smooth brained shit right there


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Much like a billionaire on the other pole, the poorfag is everyone's enemy, even other poorfags. Sucks to suck.

nigga your brain so smooth black dudes put it on the stereo while they fuckin they chick

I agree that "racist" et al. are inflated by the left but if your biggest problem is being called a bad thing then you have no problems

Wow cool it with the racism, dude. It's not the 90's anymore

>white flight
shut only /pol/ cares about
>sees color vs doesn’t see color
meaningless abstractions
>doesn’t partake in culture
nobody cares. more like *engages in censorship of other cultures

What's wrong with Israel then, if racism doesn't exist?

Enjoying those stage 4 brain worms I see you fucking idiot

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west bank + gaza occupation, constant betrayal of the US despite it being it's only real lifeline, constant destabilization of the middle east, shall i go on?

>"racism doesn't exist"
>"jews in israel are racist, they believe they're superior to the goyim"
Pick one. Just one. BTW this is coming from someone who has been a pro-Palestine activist for years.

I'm not the lad saying that racism doesn't exist.
Third party responder here

"he was sympathetic to lifting a ban because of the question of civil liberties"
"young people have a right to listen to rock music"
did you even read this or did you just think you got him

What's wrong with the people who made up the holocaust to justify their horrific actions? I feel that's self explanatory.

>Old Jewish millionaire
>Punk Rock
Sounds about right.

that isn't what he said and you are a legitimately stupid piece of shit

>I'm not the lad saying that racism doesn't exist.
and also nobody was saying that in the first place, the faggot you replied to just saw it that way because it was convenient for him

I'm feeling the Bern bros, he's gonna do it

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kys nazi

nice, rock music is for retards anyway

i live right near this nibba

Imagine defending an apartheid state and calling someone else a nazi