ITT: based posters

ITT: based posters

Attached: peru.png (1200x800, 113K)

don't post it

fucking hell

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el peruANO aryano

why these niggas got a roast duck on they flag baka

2018 wc

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Kill you're selves, nonces.


It's in 4plebs, Juan look through peruvians's post in sp



Attached: US20Flag20Color20High.jpg (2026x1066, 350K)

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rare peruANO

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What was it?

based and cunnypilled

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You have a very nice country, Perú

what happened?


Attached: 1551299674733.jpg (225x225, 8K)

peruANOS posting cp and spamming touhou on Yea Forums


some fucker got movistar rangebanned on Yea Forums

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Some underages fucking in the classroom

This, based

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what the fuck? those pedo faggots are probably the reason why i couldn't post on Yea Forums during e3


Based, actually

que fue

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Someone from here posted CP. If we get range banned at least we go with a bang. Also fucking espee lose their mind watching highschoolers fuck on classrooms when is an everyday thing here lately.

it was a guy from nido that posted touhou lolis

a peru user said it in another thread

There were TWO webms, the other one was more explicit

why are they fucking in class?


maybe in your cerro

why are highschool kids fucking in class?
is that a thing

This is based

what does cerrano mean? i heard peruanos in dota say it all the time

why not?

rip nido

nigger you are going to go to jail

It means they're not from the city, as far as I know

They look down on country people


>he doesn't know about nido on 8ch

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man from the mountains
typical brown midget peruvian stereotype

Shittiest country on earth

Its after class

im already rangebanned in v, dunno why

implying the peruANO federal police cares about some random indio posting videos he got from whatsapp

Basically mutts looking down on mutts. Dotafags should be gassed.
t. Mutt


why is sierra bad?


they are even more brown and poor


el cerrANO

what's this related to?

>posts anime
>on MY Yea Forums
not based

but where exactly is it
city name?

but they're fucking in front of others
it's just strange
can i fuck highschool girls in peru?
will i get arrested

poor and brown to unimagined levels

Some Kraut got a Mexican proxy during the last WC and posted CP in plenty of threads. He also used a Russian flag sometimes.


>can i fuck highschool girls in peru?
just be white kek

How does he do it?

Attached: nz-flag-current-main.jpg (620x349, 18K)

but WHERE is it??? which part of peru. Circle it.

During 2014 WC

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png (1280x768, 989)

but i'm brown

"Sierra" means mountain range

No, sierra means mountain user and "Cerrano" is mostly used by people from Lima, located in the coast of the country.

around here

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the brown area kek

Attached: 250px-Regiones_geográficas_del_Perú.png (250x350, 50K)

Icelandic anons have some of the best bantz here! Fucking love them

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Iceland.svg.png (2000x1440, 3K)

It's when everybody leaves and just 2 or 3 stay to fuck since they cant use hotels or their own houses since they are from shit tier public schools

You can but of course not in the fucking classroom, you just need to tell her how beautiful they are and arrange a meeting in your place

sure but if anyone finds out before he leaves he's going to die

>be brown first worlder
>whites in your country don't care about you
>asians don't care about you
>latinas don't care about you

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Attached: Washington_Crossing_the_Delaware_by_Emanuel_Leutze,_MMA-NYC,_1851.jpg (1200x769, 201K)

being brown is a sin from god now, even black people getting more pussy

Most Peruvians have shit self esteem like lower than a r9k poster. So to cope they trash people lower than them, the Sierra part from Perú is mostly poor and uneducated and lacks social services most of the time, but is surrounded by nature and people are nice and well behaved unlike mutts that go to the city like this one and even when they are brown af they still like to trash other brown people, here racism between people that look the same is normal because coping is the only mechanism to not feel more like shit. But having worked in both places I prefer people from the Sierra than mutts from the city any day.

i meant the founder. he died, isn't he?

he lives in our hearts

Fucking this. Lima is a nightmare.

i'm literally an incel
brown people discriminate against other browns
the fuck

basado. godspeed

i'm glad he is dead
his posts were very low quality


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welcome to classism paki

t. provinciANO

urbancels always talk shit on humble flyovers