
I made a spotify playlist of Yea Forumssicians, so we can all follow/like each other profiles and leave the playlist playing. This makes us look more attractive to curators, etc.

If you want your track added, follow everyone on the playlist, like the tracks, and leave the playlist playing (on silent if you want).

As the playlist grows bigger, I'll cycle older tracks in/out, so keep up with the threads. Trying to keep it around 1hr max.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Released about three weeks back! Subterranean, wintered, chill and catchy

Followed. Will leave the playlist running while I'm at work.

Here's a song i wrote about being vored by a planet

Added, fren

Remember to follow the individual artists, etc

Sure bud

aw, you just took my song off. I've been leaving the playlist on repeat most days so far.

it was this:

if u wanna wait a while to cycle it back it or choose a different song, that's fair too

The idea of cycling is to cut down on people dumping and not playing it, fren, I wouldn't take it personally. I take off whichever song is at the top

You took off my song a few days agp and it was at the bottom you ass.

Which song?

i'm too embarrassed to talk about it you ASS

Ok fren.

i'm not taking it personally, i saw you mention cycling through things in another thread. it makes sense to me.

thanks for putting it back on.

You got it bud


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Pick a track. Follow everyone on the playlist. Leave the playlist playing.

>post-metal, post-hardcore, noise

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>harsh noise, turntable music, free improvisation

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Follow the artists, like the tracks, and pop it on repeat guys.

Already done~~

Holy fuck this is actual ear rape. If this is on the playlist, I'm not listening.

Got a shorter track bud? 13 minutes would make up about 1/4 of the playlist, wouldn't be fair to others who's tracks get cycled out.

Can't account for taste bud

Try this one, 4:30 odd

>noise, drone, power electronics, free improvisation

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Great, added. Remember to follow the individual artists and like all the tracks on the playlist, and to leave the playlist playing. Getting a few individual plays from me isn't going to do shit for you


Followed, will listen to everything during lunch.
Here's my favorite song of mine:

Awesome idea.

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Added frens.

Remember to follow the individual artists and like all the tracks on the playlist. Getting a few individual plays from me won't do shit.

hey bro I dig drone like grouper drone so playing through now.
hoping you have drone that is

add yung chuck! im not him, but he's the homie. He's in soundcloud threads all the time.

I'm already on here, but I'm gonna like all you newcomers :) some of you guys are amazing by the way.

By the way, you guys should be following the artists too! Not just the tracks (I can tell because I have such little followers)

Also, putty head is totally 90s sounding. I love it.

Also shout out to all the 30ish people who liked the playlist, but are not musicians on the playlist. They are the MVPs

How many plays you guys getting out of it?

A decent amount not like hundreds or thousands.

It's people that have been cycled out bud

Like 40 plays a day and 5's obvious people aren't following/playing, which is the point. It's not about getting a few plays from 4 people, it's supposed to be about 20+ people continually listening, which raises metrics for spotify playlist curators.

whoever said this thank u so much!!!!!

imma have to second what he said. add yung chuck! he got hella bangers :) hooters, eunuch, dirty boy, mini symphony, crooked, stupid country song, dear diary, etc. followed everyone and added playlist to library. thank u fo rputting in the work to do this for everyone!!!!

love u all lets be famous musicians togwther!!!
single from my latest EP, i'm gonna hop into the playlist and start following etc

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>followed everyone
Bruh we can see you didn't

Gotcha senpai

Followed 65% fuck off

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>Followed 65% fuck off
Bruh fuck off, get in or get out

Am I being worked? This guy same fag a lot?

yeo ok, sorry sorry im followin 100percent of the people featured in da playlist now. sorry for being catty idk what was wrong wit me i was bein a lil bitch pls forgive me thatsnnot the real meeee! truce? Sorry :'( i didnt mean it i really do want the best for everyone im gonna go do some streams ok? im really sorry man!!!! i hope u have a good day. my streams usually register as being from "benton harbor" so if u see streams coming from there that's me to prove that im not a fucking phony. sorry again hope we can still be friends

no god i should have never posted in this fucking thread!!!!!! im getting fucking CLOWNED right now yall are making me look like a fucking douche

im just a normal guy i swear :'0 im having a meltdowwwn!

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Good gimmick desu

I'm OP just came back from work what the fuck happened with that guy, frens? He schizophrenic or something?

I didn't know these threads and playlist have been around that long

Been about a week now bud. Between 3 and 20 people per thread, it's doing okay.

Yung Chuck here, Lol no I’m not schizo I’m cool I swear I’m just playing around

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this is a cool idea, I just uploaded some ambient tracks to spotify:
followed and listening

yung "that's the power of yung chuck" chuck in the thread? wat up big chuck

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Oh so people get cycled in and out every thread. Gotcha. Part of me was hoping random listeners followed the playlist too.

Would appreciate if you added this electronic track I made a few months ago, thanks!

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Yo, if anyone drops their instagram if they got one I’ll follow u. Then we could make a group chat and be in closer correspondence and give each other shoutouts and make our lil community even stronger. Just a thought :)

Pick a track bud

Gotcha bud. Getting a bit on the long side though, you got anything shorter?

A lot of my songs are long fuck around jams and all my short ones are garbage but I'm planning on uploading an album with some shorter, more abrasive stuff

Fuck off with this Spotify bullshit already. Jesus.



*sits down to rapturous applause*

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How come the playlist is being kept to an hour? Seems like you're shooting yourself in the foot because people will just stop looping when they're taken off

People stop looping anyone bud, the idea is to get fresh people following/liking/listening. Getting the plays isn't the point, it's the diverse listener base.

You should maybe think of a way of filtering this down to an actual playlist of liked songs in the community so that it appeals to people outside of these threads

There are lots of people who would actually want to listen to community made music but leave because some of these songs sound like death

Yeah it's called "if you find something you like, make your own playlist" fren. I've got like 6 songs I really liked and put them on a separate playlist for in the car.

Who's the best and who's the worst so far? There's one metal kinda song that's legitimately terrible.

Hi partna!!!!

Good response

Kek good point.

Hilarious quips aside, I meant as you are getting a lot of songs essentially submitted to you, it would be interesting to post a separate playlist in these threads of like a 'greatest hits'

It may help get rid of the 'Fuck off with this spotify shit' posts as it actually has some use outside of the current 10 or so people who are on this playlist

Ah I see. I probably could, but it would be very subjective as I have a niche taste. I guess if I see songs getting good responses I could throw together another playlist. Something for the future as the threads tick over I suppose. Good call fren.

The idea of an overall big Yea Forums playlist would be cool.

Great idea man, followed the playlist.

Indie, 80s influenced stuff:

Followed the above because I like them!

Here's me:

my bad, shudda posted a track.

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Good idea OP. I followed/liked/am listening.

>house, atmospheric, dark

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This is cyber circle jerking isnt it