*wins copa america*

*wins copa america*

Attached: co.png (550x367, 560)

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*dabs on messoy*

Attached: dab.jpg (750x1000, 68K)

Worse than Brazil with number of black players. And there aren't that many black s in Colombia



What fucking ugly flag

>tfw want to visit colombia for dem delicious traps but dont wanna get killed by cartels


My brother is gay and visited colombia without dying pussy

lmao I was thinking on going to Culombia to take a break from cartels, don't be a faggot

>tfw freshxdollts will never be your mommy gf

*chokes on quarters*

wow, just stay in your country faggot. imagine being such a pussy.that literal faggots who dress up as girls got more balls to be here than you

flag checks out

i'm going there for my second trip in 1 month, you have nothing to fear if you don't act like an idiot
God tier women, they love frenchmen

The best possible outcome

As they say in Paris: Asalam alakem & allu ackbar to you, mon ami

*blocks your path*

Attached: Venezuela_flag.png (255x170, 7K)

Read this
Just avoid using the cellphone in streets and use beats instead of taxis.

Honestly I think we can do it. Let's go lads

Beat is an app like Uber

They'll get 4th, right before PerĂº.

The guy with the flying kick should've been red carded.