Was this the last truly great rock album?
Other than maybe early Tame Impala or Greta Van Fleet, what else is there??
Was this the last truly great rock album?
Other than maybe early Tame Impala or Greta Van Fleet, what else is there??
i actually think this, cause i´m not a fan of the Black Parade.
nobody could top Elephant yet imo
The black parade is so good though. Why do you hate edgy lyrics, vocal harmonies, and distorted guitars user.
>Other than maybe early Tame Impala or Greta Van Fleet
Kill yourself. On Minecraft.
>nobody could top Elephant yet imo
What about this?
Black Parade
>Greta Van Fleet
That's literally a bad ripoff of Zeppelin, how can anyone talk about them seriously?
Judas priest firepower
Rush clockwork angels
Queens of the stone age like clockwork
Those are the only 3 i can think of
even though they are very derivative, they happen to be one of the only straight foward rock bands that has garndered any mainstream attention
System of a down Mezmerize but thats really metal not rock
And that's really unfortunate because they aren't gonna last very long if their gimmick is copying Zeppelin. And I don't see how they can really evolve in a way that doesn't sound like something we've heard before a million times.
Isn't everything with electric guitars pretty much rock?
Most if not all bands start off copying their influences.
If Greta Van Fleet does what Rush did I'll be surprised
No one outside Australia knows who they are
Idk. I just know im a fucking wrong-generation fag appearntly. Im 20 and all the rap shit my friends listen bores me to tears. I listen to mostly rock, jazz, and metal and all those are essentially dead genres. Ill listen to the occasional rap album but most of the ones I like are old as well, primarily outkast and beastie boys. I dont know wether to hate myself for being a boomer inside or hate zoomers for liking such trash music.
You are right. But Idk why I never felt like any band as famous as these guys made it so obvious that they were copying. Well except for Airborne copying ACDC but those aren't so famous.
Yeah zoomer music is pretty shitty, Idk why people enjoy modern rap or "trap". I don't think anyone can convince me that it's not shit.
based fellow wrong generation fag. do the latter and hate the zoomtards
I mean, there was a new tricot album like the beginning of this year.
White Stripes aren't even that great.
Arctic monkeys humbug was ok
White Stripes were great but there have been plenty of great things since then
tyranny from the voidz is how rock music will sound in the next decade. julian is ahead of his time
>this generic indie rock record is so great look rock isn't dead hehehehehehe
i like those elements in MCR. i just don´t see it as strong as Three Cheers
7 nation army music vid might be the best music vid of all time
Naw it was this
wtf? please be trolling
Always thought that Seven Nation Army was out of place in Their catalogue , it's innovative in a way that you don't expect from a Punk Blues band
tasteless faggot
They Want My Soul
Because they are only being influenced by one band so heavily, right down to the singer imitating Plant's hand gestures. They act as if they are a cover band but play it off as their own.
This is such an overrated boring drivel
only good album itt that im familiar with. everything else is either shit or stuff i have yet to listen to
Greta van Fleet... holy shit they blow
Icky Thump is a far better album. It's the production and mixing that sucks on it, the song writing is top notch.
Good pick, a lot of their material is very good. Same Thee Oh Sees or Idles, even people say they're oignons.
After Elephant many amazing rock albums have been released, of course. Whenever I mention "band's discography" I mean all the albums after Elephant.
>Literally all of Nine Inch Nails albums are worthy of being mentioned in this, especially With "Bad Witch.
>Daughters self titled and "You Won't Get What You Want"
>Swans albums in general
>Worry and We Cool?
>Car Seat Headrest discography is worthy of this as well
>As much as you may dislike the lyricism, which is cool, Indles make some amazing Post Hardcore
>3Teeth make amazing Industrial Metal
>David Bowie's Next Day and Blackstar
>Brand New's entire discography
>Just Got Back From Discomfort
>Electric Wizard
>Killing Joke discography
>Like already mentioned in the thread, Judas Priest
>Marilyn Manson's Pale Emperor is surprisingly amazing
>Queens Of The Stone Age
>Unsane discography
And honestly, so so much more. Just listen to more music, there's more to it than Elephant
Teens of Denial by Car Seat Headrest
Cloud Nothings - Attack On Memory
>the last truly great rock album
That was pic related, and everything after was just people being boomer-cucked because of IQ too low to realize it was dead.
literally false, they world tour like every year and sell out consistently
Why is "last good album of ________" always complete tourist shit?
Can't tell if it's always just b8 or people are this incompetent at finding good music
Jack White's a fucking fagola, dude, he was never cool.
Yeah but most bands have more disparate influences. Like if someone copied both Led Zeppelin and Miles Davis, both very popular, they'd end up with something original (although at this point that's definitely been done by somebody).
I think Greta Van Fleet should dig their heels into the Led Zeppelin shtick though. Level up their songwriting and playing ability to match Led Zeppelin's at their peak, use their fame money to use analogue recording technology for their upcoming releases, add weird reverse reverbs and non-sense free percussion sections to songs. Go full 1969/1970 aesthetic.
Because that's really what's missing. It's not originality, because true originality is jarring to basically everyone, including me and everyone else on this board. It's real commitment to their aesthetic that they're lacking. Basic 2000s rock songwriting and hyper clean 2000s production both detract from their Led Zeppelin imitation. If they go full 1970 prog songwriting with production emulative of the late 60s, they'd definitely win some folk over.
Fuzz s/t
The last truly great rock album was Green Day's garage rock masterpiece Father of All Motherfuckers
I didn't think it was especially good, The Pale Emperor was better, or Beady Eye - Be, or Temples - Sun Structures.
Uncle Acid also produced a better album.
There is rock better than this released frequently, what are you even talking about?
holy shit what a pleb thread
Everything stops being cool the minute Bowie stops doing it. If you have low standards and settle down with listening to a has-been genre which had no soul to offer for decades now, that's your problem, but don't pretend it's anything but cope.
>He says as he posts the most fucking tourist Post-Hardcore album known to man
Congratulations, kill yourself
Although none of these had huge hits, unlike elephant
How can something as drenched in irony and obsessed with style be the last great rock?
Not sure what the actual last great rock record was. Appetite for Destruction maybe?
Kys. I'm an amerifag and me and my friends are die hard fans
I can't believe that nu/mu/ is so fucking retarded
I'm this fag and OP is talking about a rock album that was both pretty good and massively mainstream
The only real candidate is MCR's The Black Parade. But that's debatable, cause i don't get that album that much, so my vote is for Elephant. Another choice can be AM by Artic Monkeys, but i guess we can agree that they had nowhere to go with the Stripes
Now in terms of REAL quality, i'm going with this one. Yea Forums is just being contrarian as usual or can't see what a masterpiece LTIY is. Your levels if contrarianism need to be high to pretend that there's a better Unwound album. It's a fucking double album with all incredible tracks, not anyone can do that. Only the Glow Pt.2 is a fair rival, but idk which came first
It’s not great though.
All those bands are highly derivative.
At least pick something that sounds more like modern rock
it isn't even post-hardcore
kys plebnny
Jam of a lifetime indeed.
also one of the first CDs I bought myself with my own pocket money when it first came out
Is Elephant this generation's "Fleetwood Mac- Rumors" in terms of how broadly popular it is?
How did the White Stripes manage to stand so above the rest of the Blues punk Revival at the time?
The only other band that got close is the Black Keys
an inkling of originality
raw fucking talent
as much as people hype up Jack White's obsession with "authenticity" there's no getting around the fact that his best asset is being a bloody good guitarist and a great songwriter, the hipsters trying to emulate his success in the latter half of the 2000s didn't have the pure charisma, youthful energy and riffage present throughout those first four albums
meant for
>Is Elephant this generation's "Fleetwood Mac- Rumors" in terms of how broadly popular it is?
I was 15 when it came out, and was already too schooled on more interesting and rich music to even care for it. So were most of my friends who were into music at the time, same age or a little older. So definitely not that broadly popular, as Rumors was always respected by pretty much everyone.
literally all shit. grow up and listen to adult music already kiddo.
>I was 15 when it came out, and was already too schooled on more interesting and rich music to even care for it.
So you had a Progfag phase?
Nah, always liked music too much to get into restrictive gay ass arguments. I did listen to King Crimson, ELP, Jethro Tull, Soft Machine, Gentle Giant and already made the intersection from that into kraut and RIO. But never thought that was superior to more raw sounds, only would get that from Grand Funk Railroad, Television, Johnny Thunders, or to that mixed with more complex stuff, like Magazine, Pere Ubu or PIL. And even listened, even without understanding too much but interested, to much more complicated stuff like late Miles, John Zorn, Pierre Boulez, Neubauten, John Cage. Those were still somewhat early days of the internet, with a lot of wonder, and people who loved music for real and wanted to discover stuff didn't let themselves as much waste time with fads and getting an inbred taste. We were all firing up Soulseek 24/7 and burning our tiny hard drives with new stuff, from all directions constantly.
Calling Greta Van Fleet great is the same thing as being a sex offender
nah, at least half of those are good picks
>Daughters self titled and "You Won't Get What You Want"
>Worry and We Cool? (lets call that Worry and I Look Like Shit actually)
>Car Seat Headrest (only Teens of Style IMO)
>David Bowie's Next Day and Blackstar
>Brand New's entire discography
I would say "b*sed" if it didnt get banned the other day
daughters is literally the only noise rock on the list, you need to listen to more music kid
listen to some more music you fucking retard
Rock peaked with Nirvana.
>t. 13 year old
seriously, who actually believes this shit?
Are you gonna cry?
>I'm going to cry because Nirvana isn't the best band of all time
Go ahead, let it all out.
like the white stripes?
The other thing that is "Noise Rock" is Unsane, but the guy who was citing bands he agreed with didn't even cite "Daughters", so yeah, he is a retard
>it's not loud so it's not post hardcore
Bet you think Slint also isn't Post-Hardcore, huh? It's Post-Hardcore/Indie Rock hybrid, but still post-hardcore you deaf cunt, learn music yourself you fucking disgusting pleb.
it's post-rock faggot
I prefer gumboot soup personally.
But still
>early Greta Van Fleet
You fucked landing. Great until then.
>all legacy rock acts and indie shit
rock is dead
what album is this, reverse image search doesnt help
Does Currents count as Rock? Because it's fairly mainstream and decent
Otherwise Maybe AM?
What's so bad about "indie"?
That sound became oversaturated like a decade ago, and now is a parody with the likes of Soccer Mommy getting acclaim for doing generic Indie Rock
alt. rock unironically did, but rock itself definitely did not.
there's literally less than five indie artists i would ever want to listen to
name them
i used to really like elliott smith
that first album by the strokes is decent if they count as indie
...that's about it
It’s gotta be Saturday Night Wrist
Daily reminder rock music died with American Don.
that's very little and very basic
AM by the Arctic Monkeys was a huge rock album, although people don't seem to count that one :/
it's very little and very basic because indie rock is not something i've explored in-depth since it largely interests me. i also haven't explored hip-hop very in-depth because i don't care about it.
Of course, it is, these people ave a very basic understanding of music and just dismiss anything with the "Indie" label on it for some reason, even though Jeff Rosenstock and Elliott Smith are absolutely different musicians but are both "indie".
Because it was released in the 2010s where nothing makes a huge impact anymore outside of Adele , the concept of Culture defining Albums is dead sadly
>last truly great rock album
There have been a lot of great rock albums since Elephant. Many are not as well-known as Elephant though. However, if you were to look to albums with the popularity like Elephant, then you could easily consider My Chemical Romance as releasing the last truly great rock albums. My favorite is Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. :)
It's decent but how is it rock?
Priest have teased they're back writing a new album, but at this point in the game I can't see them topping Firepower
Lonerism is definitely rock and also better
>Indie rock is not something i've explored in-depth
How do you post on Yea Forums? 50+% of the conversation here centers around indie and alt rock
unwound - leaves turm inside you
I like we cool? more than worry
Truly based, tyrannys fucking awesome
This + Black Parade