A thread to discuss the four major American sports: Baseball, Basketball, Football, and Hockey.
Last thread went well enough
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Literally who can stop us?
Gtfo, pro sports only
Cant wait for cfb this year
And literally anyone can stop fsu
Screw off customer
>t. midwesterner almuni from nowhere uni
off season sucks lads.
Watch baseball, your team is playing literally right now
1. Hockey
2. Football
3. Basketball
9999999999999. Baseball
How to improve basketball season.
Cut regular season down to 58 games, each team plays each other twice, one home game and one away.
Add a march madness style single game knockout tournament around the time of the all star game.
Get rid of the conferences and just have a 30 team league where the top 16 teams get into the playoffs. Have a draw to determine the fixtures, top 8 teams are seeded and play one of the lower 8 playoff teams.
need another powergap after football but still based and redpilled
Switch baseball and basketball
baseball is gay as fuck
Would MLB and NBA benefit from adding more Canadian teams?
they already tried that in the NBA. no one outside of toronto gives a fuck about basketball because that's where all the nogs live. vancouver has like 1% black people and montreal wouldn't be able to support a team.
Expand NBA to 32 teams and give Seattle a team then Vancucks can bandwagon them, not sure where they would put the other team though
>1 million people
>0 sports teams
Put one in Austin
t. cletus praising "his" college team despite dropping out of middle school
Move the Warriors to Austin and call them the Austin Info Warriors
Yea Forums told me baseball was dying
how does it still make so much money?
Despite Austin developing at breakneck speed, it happened too late. I know Texas is a big state (I live in Houston) but the Cowboys, Oilers/Texans, Astros, Rangers, Rockets, Spurs, Mavs have all been staples for long enough that everyone who is native to Austin has already committed to one of those teams. On top of that, anyone with money to spend in Austin is from somewhere else and is either a homosexual hipster who rides a unicycle and doesn't care about sports, or is loyal to their real hometown team.
San Antonio would be a fucking great spot for an NFL team if it wasn't for the fact that everyone there is already a Cowboys fan.
Who should an outsider support in each one?
The Canada teams + the Bills.
London could get an NFL team in the next 10 years however.
How come Buffalo Bills specifically?
>NHL ahead of European football leagues
Well played Gary
They’re Canada’s team
>tfw baseball team is sucking shit and football/hockey season is 4 months away
I'm from the future, here's how expansion/relocation breaks down between the four leagues:
>The A's to Portland and Rays to Montreal
>Expand to Las Vegas and Charlotte
>The Panthers to Quebec City and the Coyotes to Houston
>Doesn't expand ever again
>The Chargers back to San Diego
>Doesn't expand ever again, but the Oilers name/jersey rights go back to Houston
>The Grizzlies to Seattle
>The Clippers to Mexico City
>The NBA contracts, eliminating the Nets, Suns, Pelicans, and Timberwolves
The chargers are in LA until at least 2040, and could stay as long as 2060.
The oilers are the Titans, they have no connection to the Texans. That’s never gonna happen.
t. Paco in LA
Even if Houston got the Oilers name back they probably still wouldn't use it
wow im surprised nba isnt no 1. literally who watches the nfl and mlb outside of america?
A jounalist made a ranking of american cities by titles. He divided titles by seasons played by uts teams. The resulting number: number of years to win a title. He excluded cities who.only play in one major sport. espn.com.br
Mls is more popular than nhl
I would put baseball over basketball
MLB maybe Japan
Yes in Los Standos Unidos.
As you see, toronto.isn't an underdog after all. And boston is titletown.
Name a worse 4 sport city than Filthadelpha, both in championship, ownership, and fanbase. I bet your ass you fucking cant!
Phoenix. Retard.
If you're a delusional illegal maybe
You have to go back
Did a philadelphian steal your gf? Why allow us to live rent free in your head?
>Lost the QB who meme'd that sole ring and paid for a Sam Bradford/ Andy Dalton hybrid instead of him
Cope with that large sum dead money by the end of this season when he break's his back like an old man and retires early.
Yotes are just as creditable in location as the Cowboys are to Dallas
meant to reply to
Just add all the soccer leagues together for total soccer revenue vs gridiron revenue and see which sport is really bigger
Support your local teams, Boston. But not the Patriots because obvious reasons so pick either NY team or the Dolphins if you're an homosexual.
Open question: How do people end up supporting a team other than their local one? Can't understand it.
Surprised Bundes isn't higher desu. Also kind of wonder where KHL falls.
Except the stars have won a Stanley cup and Dallas has more than one (1) championship across all sports
Not fair, the NFL is in one country and so all of the smaller leagues are counted in their own countries too
>Add a march madness style single game knockout tournament around the time of the all star game.
and you were doing so well otherwise
St Louis stole our rightful cup this year
i would be so fucking mad if the grizzlies went to seattle. i'd actively hate them
Minnesota sports teams
>bucks: 0
>vikings: 0 owls, 4 losses & NFCCG anal devastation twice
>wild: 0
plus they're so cucked they talk up the packers as their ULTIMATE RIVALS when packers fans generally view them as incompetent retards and are too busy BTFOing the burrs for 100 years to care
Definitely not Michigan.
oh shit i meant timberwolves. whatever. goes to show how irrelevant they are
What's wrong with these teams?
never heard of any of these shit teams
they're in a fucking desert
1. Baseball
2. Pro Football
3. College Football
4. College Basketball
5. Hockey
6. Pro Basketball
D-Backs and Suns were cursed with long periods of some of the most incompetent ownership in pro sports. Coyotes are a hockey team in Arizona. Cards really have no excuse and should have won when they had Kurt Warner.
>college basketball above pro basketball
not really. the level of play in college basketball is too poor. although yeah i would argue the NBA is the worst run league in pro sports.
NBA is not badly run it's just that I can't stand the 16 team playoff format. I don't understand the point of the 5-8 seeds and it waters down the regular season. And memechucking is annoying and NBA has the most soulless playoffs.
The nba has the worst fucking commissioner of the major 4. The league wouldn't be the utter shitshow it is today if Stern was still in charge. But yeah, the talent differential makes NCAAM unwatchable outside the tournament.
what about 12 teams with bye weeks like in the NFL. i agree it's completely retarded to have half the league get into the playoffs.
this is because of NBA's retarded rule changes. it's not the NFL. they can afford to be rougher than they are today. this opens the floodgates for complete memes like Harden and Curry that just make me fucking angry when i watch.
plus silver just does tons of other retarded shit i can't wrap my head around.
I think 12 teams would be good.
/hoc/ master race checking in
why is hockey the best sport?
stanley cup playoffs are GOAT
there's no trophy as desired in /4/ as much as the lee cup
relevancy doesn't correlate with quality very well
hockey is an awesome sport
but most people prefer dumb sports for some reason. maybe cause they are dumb
people watched baseball for 100 years straight lmao
I have a special plan for this world. I am VERY based and redpilled.
yeah another thing i noticed, for example basketball game threads are too fast and too retarded. basically a 'write only' garbage. i lurked there a couple of times for the sake of the raptor memes. and when i had some questions about the game nobody cared to answer since the thread was moving so fast and it was total garbage. so it is not just the sport itself. /hoc/ threads are comfier in general
Stanley Cup is the GOAT trophy and hockey has a pretty solid balance of strategy vs. team skill affecting the outcomes of games. The period break system also adds watchability.
I personally like each of the 4 in their own way, but if I had to watch a random game of any of them, I'd go with football. I appreciate that it's a coach's game.
replace children with girls
You dumb chode. Talent is spread too thin across each league barring MAYBE MLB as it is. Unless you plan on abolishing the concept of free agency which has already been established by the fucking supreme court, enjoy having 46 trash teams and 4 contenders in each league. And lastly, the state capitols were chosen for geographic accessibility in old times. They do not correspond well to population density across the state, meaning they leave out most potential fans. Keep the fucking government out of sports.
This is called college sports ya dingus
dumbest shit i ever read, kys
VERY dumb and VERY bluepilled posts, the longest one being the worst. College sports are boring and do not matter-what is needed is a state-by-state professional system. The longest post is the dumbest one since he doesn't understand that considerations like talent and population centers SHOULD NOT MATTER. All sports should be played in the state capital, 0/10 (see me!)
Pre-season is 2 momths away, and training camp is at the end of July
listening to baseball while driving is incredibly based and also redpilled though
>almost every major market doesn't have a team within hours of it
>albany, harrisburg, sacramento, tallahassee, springfield over nyc, philly, la/sf, miami, chicago
Soccer is really growing, it's gonna be fighting in a few years with NHL and NBA in a few years in terms of fans
this man is unironically the worst commissioner of any of the 4 major sports and ill fight anyone who says otherwise
Dbacks won the 2001 World Series though.
Austin Have MLS Team (in 2021)
legit fucking moron
This faggot is going to force half the teams to hire fronthole head coaches. Kikery truly knows no depths
Let's be honest the only league that matters is the NFL
based opinion
>the reply
imagine getting mad because you were outed as an idiot
they were really onto something with the whole 'one game a week' '17 weeks of death' 'instant elimination playoffs' thing.
quite a based sport if i do say so myself
aussie who likes the idea of NHL
season just finished right? when does the next start
also who to support, I have no ties to any city in particular
I'm from Perth if that helps
Add together ALL the gridiron leagues in the world m8, then it's a fair comparison.
not only that but then hes gonna force them to coach how he wants them to, fine teams who rest players in a ridiculously long season in favor of TV ratings, and whatever other bullshit money grabs he does
and the worst part is fans will keep praising him because MUH POLITICS
Calgary flames, breh.
do I bother getting into NHL with the time difference? I'm on +8 for reference
I like NHL but not so keen on only ever watching highlights and delayed
>nigger collision
>frostnigger stick fighting
If you follow a west coast/mountain team it should line up with around midday over there for most home games.
>put one in Austin
Sounds pretty gay desu.
midday WST or EST? I'm in Perth
Do they play on Saturday's too or is it NFL tier where it's mostly just sunday and monday.
NHL is practically every day, what days one team in particular plays depends on the schedule.
And I meant midday in eastern Australia, so it would be 9/10am in Perth.
>Sounds pretty gay
Just like Austin in general
are the flyers any good? their logo is aesthetic af and philly is goat
ah yeah, well that's fine I can keep a track at work or watch on tv on the weekend
wonder if there's a flow chart for picking an nhl team