For me, It's the Copa America

For me, It's the Copa America

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I love Conmebol but they are stupid to think they can just charge over 100 moneys to watch a shitty game and expect people to go.

>having enough money to go to a match

I dont get it, are upper parts that much cheaper?

Flopa America

brazilians are too poor to pay, so sad

Empty stadium for irrelevant, made-up-to-make-Messi-win cup

Yes. And to be honest, even if it was an attractive game (like Huezil x Negrotina) it would have the cheaper ones sold out MUCH faster because it's just a novelty and it's not worth it.

100 BRL = 26 USD

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brazil is going to walk this thing arent they?
is there even a point in watching?

Why are you too poor to play in Libertadores?

Have you guys tried not being poor?

People in Venezuela are literally starving and fleeing their country, do you really expect them to pay to attend football matches in these times?

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Then where are the Brazilians , aren’t they supposed to be football mad ? Even if it’s not their country playing ???

How long until its permanently hosted in usa?

please understand, the 7-1 utterly destroyed the brazilian football psyche

Negro del conurbano

Almost nobody is willing to pay a shitload of money to watch a terrible game with two NT that literally nobody here cares about. Even our NT match last night was underattended, because they charged almost 10 times more than the regular price.

Is this true tho
I'm gonna need some confirmation from a Brazilian

Not true. Actually, our average attendance is increasing over the last 5 years.

Do you even understand economics, clown?

Le starving venezuelans meme. Good jewUSA cuck.

the cheapest ticket in the bundesliga is 17 eur, and the most expensive ones are 100+
i think 26 is not much for a continental tournament

the goalocaust is the stuff of legend.

cringe commie

100 reais makes up 10% of the Brazilian minimum wage (998 reais). Have in mind that we 13% of our working population is currently unemployed.

That's not how our currency work lmao.

Unfortunately 1 dollar equals amost 4 times 1 real.

but we are poor as fuck Philipp

We like good football, not shit tier football played in Copa America.

Yeah faggot, maybe try visiting any of the cities in the north you'll see that we're full of venezuelan immigrants living in the streets and asking for money and food. Here in Belém we even had a square full of them living there.

Is true.
