Notice how the poorest and least civilized states in the US tend to hate football/soccer...

Notice how the poorest and least civilized states in the US tend to hate football/soccer, while the wealthy states tend to like the sport.

Why is that?

Attached: soccer-map1.jpg (759x526, 141K)

Handegg doesn't match with RV interiors

More like states with the most shitskins

b-but muh poverty ball

New Mexico is literally like 75% spics, there is no way this is accurate

Maine is one of the whitest states in america. It's 95% white

>washington and oregon
faggot onions boys

DC is also the blackest areas in the US

t. sister fucker white trash

dc is basically even black/white and those whites are all yuppie gentrifiers
t. i live there


but the northeast is actually the whitest region you have in your country

Attached: white population in the US.jpg (310x1861, 396K)


Based Utah
Best basketball team too

In the US, soccer is a sport for women, hipsters and literal faggots. Soccer enthusiasm is correlated with progressivism. And hispanics.

Attached: QinqMHr.jpg (1075x845, 165K)

Why you fuckers ruined football there and put it with the degenerates? Football is the world sport, if you'd see how hardcore and bloody the millwall v west ham, redstar v partizan, Russian/greek club fans nobody would dare to compare it fag shit like lgbt and women shit. Goddamn fat fuckers, why don't you stop eating and acquire skill??

México its a baseball and boxing country

American fan culture is pure cringe. Fans actually call their teams "franchises" unironically.

Your whole country is shit, no need to nitpick a few states.

Because that’s literally what they are. They aren’t clubs.

The age of CTEball, basebore, basketdive and leafpuck are over. The time of football(soccer) has come.

Attached: The empire of Footy.png (4867x2164, 458K)

>living in a single sport World

Communist faggot

look at new york, retard

shut your fucking faggot ass mouth, dip shit,

t. nigger who had to leave the country his people made because it was awful and just makes Europe worse, but doesn't understand the correlation


so you admit the states with the most minorities are the most prosperous
whiteoids btfo

Attached: 1555774750494.png (808x1300, 381K)

Retarded graph. Even in "enthusiast states," soccer is still irrelevant and just seen as a baby sitting activity. Ratings are abysmal for all professional soccer here, comparable to tractor pulls and bowling. America only tunes into the World Cup.


When will people realize that spics in the US prefer baseball abd football over soccer?

Im surprised Georgia is not more. I have been starting to see a lot more interest in football in Atlanta United came out since I moved here

2bf, it's probably just Atlanta though and not the rural areas in the rest of the state

You guys have the best airport in the US btw, MUCH better than the shithouse that is JFK