Finnish football culture

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what did that guy do?

wtf i love suomi football now

Watch the video clip in the link.

>No, don't pepper spray us!

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I'm embarrassed

The guy in the pic getting sprayed? Nothing. A few fans went to celebrate their cup win on the pitch (which isn't generally that big of a deal, especially since ilves fans are probably some of the most harmless football fans there are)

well, tampere is called 'manchester of finland' for a reason


Be from Tampere. He fully deserved that spraying.


Why do Ă…land police fuck Finland!?

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>Literally an other Tienanmen
What a coincidence !

I love the bi yearly Finnish football culture threads
keep it going you suomi mad men

Have a nice, my friend

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WTF, I thought finnish were one of the most harmless people on Earth. Why would they do that to some lads just trying to hug their players

Some authorities have this unexplained big boner for football "hooligans". Not that hooliganism doesn't exist, but it's rare, small, predictable and certainly not happening at fucking IFK Mariehamn vs Ilves when the other team is celebrating a cup win.

doopin mental brah

pitch invasion is based

that's just banter

Should beat him him nothing wrong with a little police brutality

Those fans got dooped

Proof that policemen are absolute subhumans no matter which country they work in


redpilled as fuck

fuck da police

these are guards who wanted to be policemen but couldn't make it

Is he spraying diarrhea on that guy? Imagine the smell lmao.

They aren't even the police, they are just some security guards.