"Cricket world cup? Yeah I don't watch it bro"

>"Cricket world cup? Yeah I don't watch it bro"

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Cricket? I love it!

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t. brainlet and beta

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kek saved

>Cricket. What the hell is a cricket?

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please come to /cric/ and watch our wc highlights

thank you

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>Cricket. What the hell is a cricket?

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fucking based

THIS is the thread

>”Cricket? Nah, I don’t like insects bro. They creep me out.”

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>Oh would you look at that? Cricket must be starting soon.

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This is NOT the post


Ahh yes, a low IQ Brazilian

>scared of bugs
pick one lad.

umm, that's our meme sweetie

this is the post

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>literal tranny capital of the world
please never call anyone a soiboy again lad

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No thanks I don’t watch a sport that can be btfo by a little rain

>Why yes, our players do dive into a swimming pool with a heavy trophy and get it stuck underwater and then literally do the exact same thing two years later, how did you know?

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How the fuck did you find this photo of me?

he was in coldplay's adventure of a lifetime music video m8


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whats the best /cric/ meme ill watch the wc if this is any good

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It's funny because op pic looks like a pajeet and pajeets love cricket

Is that even a human, technically?

I mean, I don't feel comfortable just giving him the classification of human. It seems wrong.

shane warne talking shit about the worst poster in cricket threads
happened yesterday

I mean, how good can cricket be, if it's the national sport of poo in loo?

There is a lot because of Indians and other 3rd worlders being memes and also good anglo banter

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better than soccer which is the national sport of all of south america and africa lmao

just a brazilian mate


>threads are filled with australians and englishmen
of course the memes are good lad.

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based will be watching

/cric/ has a lot of based posters, more autism and memes than any other community on Yea Forums desu

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You see, the problem with that argument is, I could find a much better country which national sport is football, but the same cannot be said about about cricket

England literally beat India 4-1 last year and they're the favourites to win it this year.

Australia and New Zealand are the two best countries on earth by virtually every metric, lad.
England is also better than 99% of the planet and they're the best team in the world at the moment.

Happy for Pakistan beating their rivals, but I wouldn't say it's a better place than India.

But their national sport isn't cricket, now is it?

England only has like 1 darkie on their team.

Any of those countries probably have a soccer team comprised 80% of players from a country you'd consider a shithole.

it literally is the national sport of england you fucking mongoloid.

Their national sport is acid dodge, my didgeridude.

Right, the insurmountable number of cricket playing fields vastly outnumber the little football fields they have, my bad mate

your country is literally responsible for the refugee crisis that you're memeing about.

It is their national sport LMAO

Cricket is literally, by definition, their national sport. You are legitimately retarded and trying to backtrack now that you've been exposed.

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I don't remember us bombing cities in the near and middle east, so no. We are not responsible for the mass emigrations from places the French, Arabs and anglos have meddled in.

>chancellor literally invites them to come to europe
KEK shut the fuck up hans.

>If you go to war with a country you have to accept their entire population into yours
Terrible logic

>german banter

>portugal showing off their brainlet status
can't say I'm surprised really

Rain looms

Shouldn't have mattered as we have no outer border of the EU, so if Greece, Italy, Spain etc. would have respected the conditions of Schengen none of those people would have gotten any further.
>inb4 b-but Merkel said to let them in
It is not within a German chancellors power to decide who foes or doesn't cross the borders of another sovereign state.

haloooo (i'm not girl)
septic tank yank
rain looms
i've had enough of this shit
boomer guitar

some of the freshest ones

is "this is the post" ours as well

>Germany is to blame that people whose homes we bombed now swarm toward Europe
Sound logic, Nigel.

>tell the world that your country is open to them if they come
>millions of people start start migrating to europe
>they arrive at the greek/italian/spanish etc borders in the hundreds of thousands
>said countries have no way of dealing with them so they just let them in and train them off to germany
you can just look at the application to see where they were all headed

you started this mess by trying to be a humanitarian super power and now you're trying to claim england is le pakistan 2.0 or some shit.

yep but that's an oldie. same with so true, oye hoye, etc

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There is literally no obligation to house people you go to war with you voluntarily took them in

Yes, they headed here, and they should've never arrived here if other countries would uphold their ends of the bargains they agreed to. A chencellor saying something doesn't make that something law or legal. This isn't China, Daniel Wang.

If the leader of a country tells millions of displaced/poor/impoverished people that they can seek refuge in a safe first world country, do you GENUINELY believe they would not take up the opportunity. And once lhundreds of thousands of them were at the boarder of those southern european countries, what the fuck were they supposed to do?

>England is also better than 99% of the planet and they're the best team in the world at the moment.
Good to know we’re the best in a sport no one gives a shit about

just like every other sport, you're not good at cricket.

lmao go watch wogball normie trash

Hi, newcomers to /cric/! It seems you have stumbled upon our nifty old sport.
You're probably wondering: what the hell are these guys in whites doing? Why are they playing with a paddle? Is this a new meme? But did you know that cricket has been played for over 200 years? Wow! That's really something. Here's something that might help you understand the game more:

And while you're here, it's best if we introduce you to some of /cric/'s finest memes so you don't feel left out :) Here are a few of the classics:

>Is David Warner related to Shane Warner?
Referring to 2 famous Australian cricketers, this is a humorous play on words of current Australian batsman David Warner and Australian spin legend Shane Warne (spin is a form of bowling that you'll come to know and love).
The similar personalities of the two players also makes this amusing, as it's likely that they are probably related!

>Will Smith score a century?
Another delightful play on words. Here we're referring to current Australian captain Steven Smith, and the question is whether he'll score a century. However, this question is always answered with "Will Smith is an actor m8", a reference to popular African-American actor Will Smith, someone I'm sure you're familiar with!

Daniel is a cricket fan from New Zealand well known for his idiosyncrasies, such as his worship of progressive rock, the English County Championship and infatuation with average Slavic girls (surely a step down from the babes you have in Europe or America, haha).
It is common to reply to New Zealander posts with "hi daniel", as a reference to /cric/'s most popular Kiwi.

>Holly or Ellyse?
This is an ongoing debate as to who is the better looking female cricketer: Australia's Holly Ferling and Ellyse Perry (who represents Australia in both cricket and soccer - wow!)

There's so much more in /cric/ to offer! Stick around!

how do the poos respond to this banter?

/cric/ is a racism-free general and we >still have the best bants


hockey retards

The same that Hungary and Macedonia did with great effect? Putting up fences and actually securing their borders?Greece and the like, they always refused the propositions of a joint European border control and accepted the responsibilities that would come with being in Schengen. A worst case scenario dhould've been calculated, but their governments were never un it for the treaties and agreements, they just wanted to pocket the subsidies and hand-outs that come with being a member of EU.

right, and like baseball in the US, their national sport isn't nearly their most popular. so, even with that historical leg up, it still loses to other sports...

>Can't really tell a difference between cricket and croquet, bro

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It is not our national sport.
It is not even a sport that is played nationally.
Football is our national sport and long may it remain so, because it keeps all the chavs out of cricket.

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Yeah nice one mate, not as if that one didn't get old about 3 years ago.

Rugger is the second sport ?

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Arguably, yes. Don't have a problem with that.

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>It is not our national sport.
>It is not even a sport that is played nationally.
The state of this delusion

boggle my mind that the french don't play cricket

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Well, you'd know about delusion.

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They've got the wrong temperament.
Too excitable, too emotional, too keen on frog's legs.

National sport of India is Field hockey
Cricket is the most popular sport

cricket is fucking gay and for muslims, unlike basedball

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Barfball is gay and for rednecks.

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>Why yes, I am watching the Women's World Cup

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>unlike basedball

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>most of the players are religious and conservative
>popular in the US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, The Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela

i'll take rednecks and spics over pajeets, ahmeds, and angl*s

lose weight

Of course you prefer a sport that has a lot of fat athletes. Why am I not surprised?

USA is a BIG country which only likes sports with BIG players

Cricket is too long to give a shit about . It's unnatural to be watching TV 10 hours straight. I understand attending games but fuck investing a full day watching it.

cricket is gay and so r u

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tony gwynn would have been the all time goat at poverty paddle

True desu

What the FUCK is Southern Africa doing? Playing bloody test hog against Afag? Bloody hell, just how bad is this team?

>run for 10 mins
>collapse and faint
Ahh yes, Americans on """"""ATHLETICISM""""""


>National sport of India is Field hockey
that's false, there is no national sport

>read it in funny french voice

bartolo colon would dab on these faggot paddle niggus so hard

>body wiggles like jelly for 2 minutes

he hit a homerun, as a pitcher

>as a pitcher
Bowlers hit sixes too, what's so impressive?

pitchers specialize in pitching, don't really bat very well. In the AL they don't bat at all.

>he thinks that homeruns and sixes are on the same level

Cricket has fatter players than baseball. Both fine sports, more different than they are similar.

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>pitchers specialize in pitching
Similarly, bowlers specialise in bowling
>don't really bat very well

>he thinks that homeruns and sixes are on the same level
They're probably not since homeruns are rare and sixes are common. Also, fat cunts make running a big deal.