"user, am I a good golf student?"

"user, am I a good golf student?"

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Remember it's only sexual harrasment if the guy is ugly

Kill yourself you fucking spic

stupuid fucking game

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Fat mutt.

Monkey beaner

Autistic Whale

Come on you shit breathed faggot. Are you going to let Brazil beat you so easily?

eat sopa
eat less sopa

Mind your business or I will beat your muslim ass so hard you'll miss the next Ramadan.

Was that your defence at the tribunal?


if so, the verdict came back guilty.

"I have much respect for islam, but only the beheadings" -some favela monkey


t. ugly guy

I think she's that girl from Community.

I think this is some kind of porn.

Sauce? Kate beckinslae?

>allison brie
not yet

Kate beckinsale has 1/3 of those boobs even bowing down.

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For me it's Robert Lewandowski.