Who is more autistic?

Who is more autistic?

Attached: why neymar left barcelona.webm (720x480, 1.25M)

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Holy fuck!

Messi is definitely autistic. But that's a good thing because he is just like one of us.

A grown man who bites people is beyond weak and cringe, but things like this make me rethink the disgust I have for Suarez. Enjoyable.

Attached: 1530125506186 neymar.jpg (720x480, 52K)

haahahaha Suarez dinked that fucker. Messi just standing there is wicked cringe though.

Watch Messi's eyes he looks down motioning to Suarez now is the time to kick the ball out from under his foot

It's weird to think that most of us have had more sex than Messi, a hugely successful footballer.

how the FUCK is Messi autistic for standing around in what seems like a cold morning? grow up, incels.

>just stands there in default mode
how much more evidence do you need? He has late-stage autism.

> most people here have fucked two women

Attached: austin.png (300x350, 221K)

How do you know that, is that you antonella?

Yeah sure, more sex...

Attached: images (17).jpg (225x225, 11K)

Messi is probably stoned

jesus christ he's so autistic

Ah yes that's totally the case haha

Messi is the hero we can all relate to.

Attached: Messi is NOT autistic.webm (640x800, 1.9M)


1) I wonder if it's all some joke on Messi's part for his own amusement. I mean he could be on the high functioning end of the spectrum but he ramps it up because a) that's precisely the kind of thing HFAs do as a means of toying with the society that doesn't understand him and b) unlike Ronaldo, he is secure enough not to give a shit about how he's perceived.

2) The mouth breathing pose women do in those pictures makes them look either contrived or retarded.

>when you notice the glitch in matrix

Attached: messi in nam.webm (720x480, 393K)

at least he chose an attractive wrangler

Dios mio...

based Messi not touching that thot so he can't get metoo'd. Neymar could learn from this.

Say what you want but Messi's autism is the exact cause of his ability. We can't imagine his focus and perception of the game.

messi is a stone cold killer.

Messi reproduced three times with Antonella. That's already more times than the times you've had a grill look at you in the eye.

Attached: 1500493570881.webm (320x180, 115K)


Yup, haha, I have definitely had more sex than Messi, what a pathetic beta haha.

Based Christian Bale.

Wtf he ate her face, a true beast.

Audible kek

>tfw equal with Messi in number of women
feels good lads

imagine the things he must be doing in bedroom and he can always bring up the fact to spice up stuff - i got ur ex lover killed
>to suareth's wife - your husband earns at barca because of me

messi hiding his smile amongst his beard

>gets angry over a little joke and pussies out of the confrontation he created

Barcelona must have been intolerable with those three autists running riot

>teehee everyone is le autist because I like saying the word and it's trendy

This word is beyond beat to fuck and a dead meme. Kys yourselves

>Arda Turan and André Gomes at the same time.

Those three manage to win a treble though.

Autism isn't a meme, it's a serious, life-threatening disease.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Messi. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical fan's head. There's also Messi's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his play style - his personal style draws heavily from the ancient Mayan ballgame, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Messi truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in his existencial catchphrase "I'm 5'9," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Barcelona tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Whats autistic about this, i was expecting him to do a floss or some shit


>when the rice krispie edible hits

>trying 4th for a girl
Based Messi

You can see Messi gesturing to Suarez to do it.


Messi was clubbing with Ronaldinho and Deco when Antonella decided to break up with him for like a year.
It is safe to say he fucked all the whores in barcelona

Attached: 2012.08.10.messi.fcb.borracho.goteborg.000[1].jpg (629x472, 34K)

I think it's safe to say he didn't.

I bet Neymar is popular in the dressing room heh

stone cold lionel austin

Just a bit of banter between the lads

gee I wonder

Attached: 1519882747255.jpg (720x960, 51K)

Messi is autistic, Suarez is retarded, Neymar is brazilian

>Messhits roid gut

Attached: 1560076398134.png (420x420, 387K)

t. autist


This is what I do when I don’t know what to say to a girl. Just throw shit at them

If you can't immediately see the POTENT autism in his behavior then you are definitely autistic.

>the neck posture
>inability to form an expression
>literally looks like he’s on some shit
Tbf he could just be on some shit, the sweating kinda makes a case for that too

Does it work?

Only in India.

>making rosties awkward with your awkwardness

Based & Redpilled

Attached: 1550935403545.webm (640x640, 1.11M)

Attached: was it autism.gif (296x166, 3.59M)



>oh shit he's still hitting the drum
"yes! I support you"
>what the fuck do I do

/OurGuy/ and that's a fact

yeah messi is based