
post your profile, we make fun of you

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Other urls found in this thread:



Neets itt


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2011 called, they want their scaruffi drone back


Dare you enter my realm?

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>tfw post profile and risk being associated with incels who gossip about rym e-celebs
please, I just want to post my profile and be made fun of in peace

>2011 called, they want their scaruffi drone back
scaruffism will always be with me but at least the rockism is fading away

yeah, don't post your account.


his reviews should be delisted

Just started using this rateyourmusic.com/~boroh

We got almost the same Can taste

Lorgnette, carbonado, cacespace, Franssel, jmttmnj510, banjie, armed_snobbery, classifriend, moltenhorror, herkyjerky, brandonsyl, fagix, miningtown, oinopa, Kishinev, xolotl, chumlum, carburador, tide2, insectdilemma, portraits, wqe23, anathemaddicted, 80outof1, MagaCream, bratty, epizootics, HalfPriceBento, plastictears, picha, No_, lad report in, please.


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>dude shitty obscure minimal synth but it’s cool because it’s obscure lmao

>having a profile on rym
noone cares what you rate your albums you fucking retards



she also likes popular minimal synth

Lotta Louis ck.

if you were willing to admit it's you in that post why don't you do it now, coward.





anyone know if kodi snelly is still alive?

he was a prick but i genuinely hope he was able to escape wageslavery and find something good for himself

redpill me on serialjune/thissiteiscool
why is he so bad at writing?

>middle class white kid with depression thinks he's the most interesting person in the world for smoking cigarettes

Sounds more like sal

sal isn't white he's italian

I don’t know about this autistic cult of personality shit but holy shit Vito_James has the worst reviews on the fucking site. Nobody cares about your fucking breakups or how college was like really rough for you. God fucking dammit.

another gossip thread about some literallywhos

he funny af

how's l "y" j doing these days?

You have unique taste, good for you (unironically)

certified great accounts with taste


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she knew exactly what she was doing by posting this

lol looks the obsessed incels got banned





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explain the antiwarhol list of top users

meant for

i sucked his dick in real life

filthy liar
he doesn't have a penis

I don't think I know what are the list's criteria, so I don't know why I'm there.
I'm skeptical to believe that he thinks those are strictly the users with "best taste" on the site, because you can easily perceive my tastes are very different from his, and the tastes between the other users are very heterogenous.
I think that someone there might fit his perspective of great musical taste, but I think I was added because I rec'd him a bunch of albums that he enjoyed. Maybe he thinks I'm a good person to get recommendations. I don't really know.
But I don't understand Yea Forums's obsession over this list. Maybe because I don't understand the criteria, I feel like it's a very personal list for him - hence why he never put the list again on his profile. Not the kind of meme/drone material to follow and spam all over rym threads, like his taste was a years ago.

>But I don't understand Yea Forums's obsession over this list.

>"stop droning. create your tastes!!"
>posts a list with dozens of users that he drones
Thats why this list is so funny

bitch got a penis

no bulli pls

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I'm sorry, but you really think Jesus Is King is worse than fucking MO BAMBA

he's a moderator...


why even listen to music when you only like jazz and classical music bro.



what? i like rock and industrial too

Sup drop. Did daily move to discord or something? or just die.

hey, it's dead p much. a couple trips have been attempting to revive it this week, bless their heart.
i never went on the daily discord



if I see a daily thread I will post in it, been fairly busy this week I guess. must've missed em


titan here





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>"Likes: music, drawing, animation, art history, black magic, '80s cheesiness, opossums, bats, deers, rabbits, dogs, cats, goats
Dislikes: gamers, churches, '80s cheesiness, flu, adults, kids, Steve Albini haters
Why do you think people stumbling on your RYM profile care so much? "ooh, I'm an avant-garde atheist, but also a softboi"




time to rate my music rateyourmusic.com/~macdemarcofan13299

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> "ooh, I'm an avant-garde atheist, but also a softboi"

Nah, I'm just a furry

Why is it bad?

jesus fucking christ man

mf you unfriended me fuck you

yeah, they didn't last more than 15 posts. i'll be sure to post in the next one too

sal is a miserable faggot living his best life

the light inside has broken but i still work

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who are you?


i usually remove people that i didn't have no social interaction with. i can add you back, if you want

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nah don't

Accept my friend request you faggot

Dude wtf, why? Is there a specific review you hate? I try really hard, and devote a lot of time to them because I'm a colossal faggot, I'm just the hughest faggot to have ever existet, i suck gigantic dick every day dude, i just want to drown in a pool full of cocks

For me, anyone who has +1k ratings automatically has shit taste. An album can only be a 10/10 if every time you listen to it, it becomes better than the last time. You guys just listen to albums like robots, replayability is the most important factor of quality in an album. Ye ye i know my english sucks, it's not even my second language so fuck off.


this isn't everything i've listened to, i've been lazy
also im a basic bitch

>doesn't consider that an album can be perfect while you're imperfect and therefore can't fully appreciate it

>An album can only be a 10/10 if every time you listen to it, it becomes better than the last time.

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What an insufferable faggot.


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I do, check my ratings. I have no 10/10 albums.

she literally DMCA's rbt.asia

based and spicypilled.

>For me, anyone who has +1k ratings automatically has shit taste.
More like the opposite: anyone who has less than 1k ratings is a music novice.

im not posting mine but just so you know, if i see singles rated on ANYONE's profile then i immediately disregard anything they have rated. that shit is retarded


cringe as fuck

it's ratings bait. people rate singles instead of albums just to get their ratings higher. or that's the only reason i can think of anyways.

die you retard

>For me, anyone who has +1k ratings automatically has shit taste
Scusa, in che senso? Posso capire la parte dei 10/10 ma in che modo aver ascoltato molta musica equivale all'avere gusti di merda?

what if I do it because the song was never released in album format and it's the only way to rate it

sounds like you're the one who cares too much about meaningless stats (because you clearly do care about the amount of ratings and are a purist in terms of what should count towards that number)

reminds me of those fagtards who make lists on the site with users with the most genre votes or something

Fuck you profile, but I agree with a lot of your ratings

this is so untrue and u are cringe

based retard

no i just think it's annoying trying to look at someone's album ratings and just seeing a shit ton of singles from albums on there (AND the album itself). it's pointless to me

I think you can narrow down the view to show just albums, and if not it's the site's fault not the user's


I'm the first user in the thread and I'll tell you a few reasons why I rate singles
1. Some singles aren't on any albums
2. Some genres (and artists) are more focused on singles rather than albums e.g. R&B, EDM, Pop...
3. There's a lot of older music that was released before the album era e.g. Blues, Jazz, Rock & Roll...
4. It's fun, fuck you

just started using rym

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hi frens :^)

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unimaginable musictard cope levels
>n-no, its actually the people who DONT know music that are b-based!!

because your taste is shit

go for it

nobody cares

bratty's orbiters do it FOR FREE

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>american football is a 10/10! but so is never meant... guess i gotta rate both :DDDD

(not true by the way)
1. American Football is boring and is a 5/10
2. Rating both the album and the singles that appear on the album is kinda dumb, hence why I don't do it.

never lunch

namaste :^)

well that's what i was mainly talking about. ive rated singles that aren't on albums. it's just annoying when i look at someone's ratings and half of them are singles.


How so?

Have you seen him? He's jacked.

Because you aren't developing your individuality, everyone with 1k+ ratings always lacks that. Their opinions feel always stale and regurgitated. You can tell they aren't really personally involved with the album they say they love. Also their opinions are always so decentralized, they'll hate something for whatever reason and then say that they love something for that exact same reason. That's only because they still haven't developed any musical depth, and still have no idea what they really like and dislike. This is the same for movies and any other medium.

>rate music solely based on how much I like it
>re-listen to old to see if I still like it, and re-rate accordingly
>be brutally honest with how you feel about a release and not afraid to go with or against the grain
>understanding that listening to a lot of music isn't about the destination of finding your favorite things, but the journey of new experiences
I feel like I'm gonna make it bros


are you overweight or a twink




fuck trannies tho




are you really that obsessed and bored

most of us are


that's a stupid question

it's not you're just ashamed

Hey this is a great account

acetone are based

Hey this is a shit account

Post yours

There’s too much music to re-listen albums, I only do it once a month nowadays

>rym literal autists made this
What the hell is up with this album
It's shocking that it's not shit





I think it's pretty clear you're one of the autists promoing your release

redpill me on heyrobot

incredibly based

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why is this a meme now

because two or three miserable people are making it one

is that reviewbrah on the left

no, it's john maus

this right here

this but literally

Haha you said I have OK taste
do you plan on getting into classical music any time soon?

Let's see how well this goes

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what rym users are worth following/droning other than germanon, plastictears, and nuhskinup nowadays?

Fuck I'm retarded I reposted another user's page off to a good start

>stereobread, coptic_cat, ratteu, Sisu, NoveltyCondom, boldfaure, brandonsyl
This is the shortlist of users I drone.

GrimesCuck left us just when we needed him most

>2 years after the fact
Shit job
Besides have you seen the one guy in the comment box? He talks about his mom liking the production. I don’t think a high functioning autist could do a shill here


I miss him like you wouldn't believe.


So you guys are so INto yourselves like you are so committed
that you're just gonna go and try to get my RYM deleted now

Oh you have an opinion of me so you're just gonna try and ruin my entire career


Is THAT what you're going to do?

Oh I'm sorry Scaruffi never showed up oh I'm sorry the mods are all about CuckBoy because turns out didn't break a single rule so what do we do? Oh well our opinions have been invALidated SO many TIMES of em that WE're gonna disABLe his RYM


Wow you would really do that

yOu WoUlD rEaLlY dO tHaT


YouTRIIIEDto do Scaruffi it didn'twORK

YoutRiIiEdto do the mods it didn'twORK

So instead? You resorts to the sTAR click!

And ya GOT it

YA got it

All my ratings have been dELETED

Are you happy



[unintelligible grunting]

Is this what you want? Huh?
Is this what you want atOtAl


Ya like kombucha??


woOOo owoowooOooo ooWOooooo Owoo
woo ooooowOOOOO oowowoowooo

Drinks like pee and smells even worse...

wooOo WOoo Oooo Owowooooo
All my ratings deleted
My ratings

What am I gonna do?
What am I gonna do noooOOooww?
What am I gonna do nOoOooooOowwww??
What am I gonna do...
What am I gonna do

I'm covered in kombucha and I have no more ratings!

aaaaHAHahHhhaaaaaaaaHHHHHaaaAAAAH[barfing noises]

You did this to meeehhhh...
All of yooouuuu

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fuck grimescuck

yaaayy im here again!!!1

ok amigo, eu não quero julgar ou nem nada não mas como caralhos você consegue dar 5 para um álbum do xxxtentacion?

>Besides have you seen the one guy in the comment box?
didn't even open your promo link


Absolutely Based

cringe rockists

>Because you aren't developing your individuality, everyone with 1k+ ratings always lacks that. Their opinions feel always stale and regurgitated
What does this even mean? Two users might listen to the same exact 1.000 albums and have completely differing opinions about them. Just like one could have rated 500 albums and yet have the same exact fantanodrone / rymchartdrone taste that everyone else has.

In a minute

I miss Sal


Titans: nuhskinup, thissiteiscool, bratty, origamierotica

Fallen Gods Tier: TheHorbgorbler, Zizekian, BAYAR, tankpit, I0000Days, greenway, herkyjerky, stilton, sodr2

UHS Tier: Esichio, sp59, Verkrah, lad

Wise Old Man Tier: AlRog, toolshed00, Grampus, TheScientist, sp59, sluggo714, Euphemos, Magicsxxxxx, Piezo, Patricksmash

Newly Ascended Tier: lad, aciid, cacespace, sodr1, respirateur, jazzthreadguy, Sisu

Rising Stars (AKA Post-Avant-Teen): jmarvin_orbiter, jmarvin_, velocifish, duckstab_tenthousand, mihr, TriplePositive, prostagma, apotos, owl_jolson, poiret

Missed Apotheosis Tier: fruitfork, Gallifrey, geldofpunk, Qwerty100, marsbars, Vito_James, flyingwill, troutmask, RNG, Fastro, notebooks

Metalhead Tier: Electriclizard, asadv, mishanspace, toolshed00

Neo-RYM Tier: AntiWarhol, gay_, dzzytrll, zzane, MalcolmXWing, JamesCairns, MichaelKeating, doctor_frosty, kanaberal, cancherito, harakiri_, bluzz, GonzoLewd, TelegraphRoad, Zed_Lamp, MetaFalls, ailurus, MatuX20, sailingedvard2, brihgt, taconelli, deathmaumau, a_toaster, ranhe, aeroslut, ModernJester, MQuestionable, savagebear, WaylonFunn, XerTeX, caviarrr, ThisNameWasStolen, SuicideByCandlelight, /daily/ users

Creamey Tier: FutariSaison, Pate, iloveyou, phlg, mrminio, hamtrax, neverdenudesz, EishunK

Actually East Asian Tier: FutariSaison, KareA, ckcy, shj990512, AnimeHeck, HaruyaiShizuka, ParkFish, TheVince, kaxk, purplerain, skytothelimit

Fuck You Tier: TheCrystalBird, gay_, Decibelle, Montie, Sal, Hotel_Trivago, Jangle_Bojangle, Mercenarion, debtinjune, PyramidPostcard, yoozy_cutie, mookid, theo_g

stumbled on your profile the other day. thanks for sharing those kyle vids, some were p funny

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It means that you are still in the process of finding what element's in an album you truly enjoy. Listening to 200 albums 10 times gives you a lot more depth than listening to 2000 albums, even tho you are essentially devoting the same time to listening to music.


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Roast me pls

I can bring him to you, if you'd like. Is there anything you'd like to say to him?

so is ~pinokiwo an actual pedo or what? what is up with all the lolicore shit?

He prob browses Yea Forums a lot

Yo mama's teeth so yellow, she could butter a whole loaf of bread.

Yo mama's so fat, she jumped out of a plane and got stuck in the sky.

Your mom's so black she sweats coffee.

Yo mama's so old her breasts give spoiled milk.

Yo mama's so fat, she's taller laying down than she is standing up!

Yo moma's is so fat, when she goes outside with a yellow raincoat on,
people yell, "Taxi!".

Yo mama's so fat she gotta wear pillow cases for socks.

Yo momma is so fat, I took a picture of her last Christmas and it's still printing.

Yo momma's so fat and old when God said, "Let there be light," he asked your mother to move out of the way.

Just stopping by on my lunch break to see how the neets are doing.

Yo momma is so fat her bellybutton gets home 15 minutes before she does.

Yo' momma's so fat, she can lay down and stand up, and her height doesn't

Yo momma's so fat, she plays pool with the planets!

Your momma is so fat, after i fucked her, i rolled over twice, and I'm still on top of her.

Yo' momma's so fat, Neil Armstrong landed on her in 1969!


Yo momma is so fat, she was kidnapped by a cannibal tribe, and they
all died of cholesterol!

Yo' momma's so fat, in school when she stood up and turned around,
she would erase all the black-boards in the room!

Yo' momma's so fat, to her, 'light food' means under four tons!

Yo' momma's so fat, when she walks down the street in a green
dress, everybody yells, "Run for your lives! It's GODZILLA!"

Yo momma's so fat, she bungee jumped and went straight to hell!

Yo' momma's so stupid, she tried to drown a fish!

>Yo' momma's so ugly, I can have sex with her in any position and it's
still doggy style!
>Yo' momma's so ugly, she entered a dog show and won!
>Yo' momma's so ugly, her doctor is a vet!

Why did you do this user

the (obvious) big brain move here would be to post a profile of someone else, especially someone you don't like

Yo' momma's so ugly, she has to trick-or-treat over the phone!

These threads are good because if you ever want to ruin someone's life you could with a few posts.

Yo' momma's so ugly, when she was lying on the beach, the cat tried
to bury her!

Yo' momma's so old, the candles cost more than the birthday cake!

Yo momma's so old, she's older than your grandma!

Yo' momma's so black, they die bowling balls in her bath water!

Yo' momma's so nasty, Ozzie Osbourne refused to bite her head off!

Yo' momma's so hairy, Bigfoot took a picture of her!

Yo' momma's breath is so bad, we don't know whether she needs gum or
toilet paper!

maybe, but ~nakedflames definitely is


Lol np friend

nothing will replace the high i feel from being vastly superior to generic drones when i post a new rating - it's intoxicating that i've determined the objective value of a piece of art and nobody will dare to challenge my point of view