Afternoon, spee

Afternoon, spee

45 decides what I do with my cat

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give him a treat

It’s a she

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Give him to a less fat family

put a cute bow on her head

Fuck it

Donate it to the local cat lady

Cute cat. Give her an expensive toy mouse with catnip inside it


kill it

tell her she's a retarded cat

pet her

clean her with your tongue for 1 minute

Post it on reddit

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Please rub that belly

pet and love and snuggle el caton

Snuggle her

Sharpie in pooper

care deeply for el gato

Kill yourself lad

Penis on head

Kissu every foot

I give her belly rubs all the time lad

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Give it attention and treats until it dies

give the cat a snack

idk dude

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suck her dick

Rape it.

eat its most recent pile of shit

The fuck is wrong with you? Yea Forums is a wholesome board.


Good stuff mate.

Yea Forums space program 2019

Edgy fresh off to boat from reddit newcunts tb h


he cute

pet her

Love her

Rename him Donald Trump.


What an anti climactic ending

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shove the cat in ur ass

based user


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Pet and post a nice pic


I hate leddit newfags i heard they actually watch gore there wtf

Better than the Yea Forumstard replies
Post the results



She likes it when I lightly pet her head

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I heard they shared videos of Tarrants mosque visit!

Dab on it

She looks comfy

Are there a few extra links on that watch user?

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Is your name Luigi and do you live in New Jersey?

warriors tattoo

You have pudgy bitch wrists

Post your belly

We did it Yea Forums!

seriously? that's fucked reddit should be shutdown

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but would you have actually done anything malicious to this cat if someone said some bullshit ending in 45? cmon bro. cats are some of the best creatures on this planet

Finna bouta go to jail for opening this image

Say hello to Saint Tarrant for me.

sorry m8 i didn't mean to get you in trouble

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good post

comfy thread

Top user

give her a pat and tell her shes your favurite girl

here's one of mu cats

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sleepy kitter
