Is mogging a sport?

is mogging a sport?

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poor girl on the right

>Muh fat arse
Niggers desu



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>belly button ring.
instant red flag desu.

Mutt whore

dumb whores better cover up

I want to lick those tummies

girl on the left will be obese in a couple years
girl on the right will keep her figure

what figure tho


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Damn I haven't seen this webm in years

Imagine licking their tummies and having them laugh before telling you to suck on their toes haha

disgusting. must smell like frying grease and mud

i remember going on roulette chat years ago and met some american girls. ended up giving the flat girl more compliments because i felt bad for her. they started making out but my shitty connection timed out and they were gone. ruined my evening 2bh


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Europe, ladies and gentlemen.

Fat arses is such a degenerate meme. Then again so was skinny twigs before the bikini came in

Have sex


user, do you like my clothes?

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Sorry Stacy but I'm more of a lion guy.

Kekking at all these insecure incels.

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>nose ring
nonchalant reply

Some of them are probably just gay

what the fuck is mogging?

Injecting your ass with silicone

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gibe milkies

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Stop my penis can only get so erect

for more

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girl on the right has a much better face

0-4 i fap again
5-9 i don't

based, fuck that skinny black bitch

That's what happen when you drink from plastic bottles.

why white "men" cant handle big butts?

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wish the ape would get out of the way. who is the qt in the background?

t. Bostonian

Why shitskins think fat smelly apes are attractive?

The thing about this webm is that it was ripped off a Stickam stream. I remember there was about 3 of them an hour long a solid 10 years ago, and this was only 1 of two times that she showed her ass. And 10 years ago that ass was extraordinary, everyone was thin and flat like a pancake. Nowadays it's still a nice ass but you can see asses daily on instagram, back then this was like seeing the light for the first time as a newborn.

is that a symonym for classless, vulgar behaviour?


disease-ridden shit-covered retard-level iq apes just arent attractive, sorry texas

exactly, no ass no hips

depressed when I found out those are fake

Well, that's all I'm seeing here.
What's "mogging"?

a brutal mog is when one individual looks superior to the other, for women it would be one of them having massive tits and ass while the friend is a 4/10 stick

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she's still like a 6-7, aka could prob date 95% of males. The other girl is an 8 but I doubt she minds

Seething lotest incels replying

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actually scratch that, girl on the left is at least 2-3 levels above
right girl is prob a 6 though


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tfw no nubian kween gf to impregnate with my tainted spic seed


fucking lol

It's the word that's defined by this picture

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The amount of coping /pol/cels replying to this post is hilarious


chloe moretz tier holy shit

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Somehow I always prefer the mogged girls.

you can clearly see the price tag

she is literally destroyed in every aspect

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lol @ the fat goblina lusting after chad
he probably pounded her out anyway, despite her being a swamp goblin

maybe you have low self esteem so you are psychologically attracted to plain girls since the back of your mind thinks you could only attract that one

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that paki isn't mogging anyone with that stupid haircut

the fun plot twist is he started going bald so stopped the roids and is now a shrivelled thin-haired version of his former self

daily reminder that women can only be face mogged and age mogged