White countries dominating the Women's World Cup

Looking at these scorelines it's clear that "white" countries are absolutely thrashing their non-white counterparts. Why are white women so superior when it comes to football/soccer?

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But, America is the best team so far.

>Alexandra Carrasco
Dios mio...

Indeed, the country with the highest white population on earth

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The team is like 90% white....

Because only middle class white thots have the time and resources to play football extensively.

every single american is fat nigger

so it's not due to superior genetics like every other sport? what makes women's football unique in this respect?

football is as much a mental game as it is a physical game with tactical battle formations and on the fly decision making. it's a basically a chess game of war fought with a ball.

so how can france be so successful with a midfield of all low iq niggers?

america churns out a huge population of bulldyke tier softball, rugby, field and ice hockey and soccer women. these women are from upper middle class backgrounds and get good training and get all the steak and pussy they need to gros up into big strapping braphogs, literally every country on earth combined cant compete

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At least here every sport consumes money and time, so many people cannot afford to practice a sport as professionals. They have to work instead of devoting themselves to sports, due to the lack of government support.

The only exception is football, where you basically play everywhere, but the lower class tends to delve deeper into it, the problem is that many of them also get into crime and drugs, so that's the end for them.

better trainers, infrastructures etc

why is it so hard to understand for u thick skulled virgins

meant to quote OP

can we keep this racist bullshit on /pol/ please? I don't give a flying fuck if the player is purple as long as he scores for my team.

Because you have to force women to play these sports. Average woman in some shit country is never going to be forced into soccer.

Average girl in USA is forced into soccer by parents who force them to get good with soccer camps and shit. Go to some shithole and watch who is playing soccer on the open fields. It's not girls past the age of 11.

So in terms of who has more formal soccer training and incentives (scholarships for good players) it's all women.

Title 9 in USA

Every male scholarship (free college) must be matched by a female scholarship. This means for every signed american football male player there must be a female soccer player who gets the same perks.

This gives financial reward, worth $100k easy for being a top female soccer highschool player in USA. This subsidy is higher than any other countries support for female soccer or sports. This is why USA dominates women sports, because our minor league system (NCAA) gives equal pay to men and women. AKA the stud basketball player male that brings in hundreds of millions is paid the same as a woman bball player via scholarships.


they are coached in a European system, that's why. that's why nogs suck when they appear in Asian teams.

only western liberals makes their daughters play football/soccer

girls in less developped countries got other shit to worry about than playing football and following a strict diet

Stricter gender roles too.

Fuck you and fuck your feelings, gayboi

>girls in less developped countries got other shit to worry about than playing football and following a strict diet

Well yeah, they get raped and acid thrown on them but frogs and englets are still doing well

In US and Canada in particular, massive affirmative action in college sports. North American college sports are its own kind of corruption and anomaly.

Generally white countries aren't corrupt so sports associations give 'em pittance money from income streams originating from men's teams in name of virtue signaling and there are massive indirect benefits from money involved in men's sports. Coaches, specialist trainers, physio therapists and medical staff paid by men's teams in both national team and on club level. Their semi-professional leagues pay 'em bit over minimum wages, but most of 'em are educated and hold actual professional jobs off season to earn living or manage to work part time in professional jobs to pay for their more or less hobby. If they aren't carpet munchers, they might have support from husband. Even carpet munchers have support from their mostly middle class parents if they want to play professionally full time at actual janitor wages.

It isn't just football, it is same thing all major sports for women. Ice hockey, basketball and so on.

>so it's not due to superior genetics like every other sport?
It isn't superior genetics, most of it is about culture. It suitable culture, more than bit devotion to a sport and semi decent funding coming from men. The reason US has, I believe, mostly black professional women's basketball league is because NBA pays for pet women's teams and basket ball is pretty black thing.
>what makes women's football unique in this respect?
Nothing. Little bit dedication and enough money have semi-professional or semi-amateur leagues for people willing to sacrifice at least some of their income for hobby. Essentially old school amateurism of upper class sports diluted to relatively well off middle class level.

back to roddit, cuck. real men are talking.

Now you made me think... why is it that the US women team has so few (if at all?) niggers? Where is Shaneequa?

so blacks excel at basketball due to genetics but white women excel at football due to money?

black women don't play football. 1. they're too fat and 2. they're too poor.
you need money to play soccer in this country.

Back to /pol/ fuckface
Fuck you and your 1950s idea of skincolor amerifat.

It's all they have dude

Americans are literally this pathetic all they can talk about is race. It is in their face from birth and they have no other value or meaning besides taking pride in something they had nothing to do with

I'd honestly love to meet you in person, monkey

>Tfw feminists are now upset because the USWNT is winning

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american black female athletes play basketball or run track. they couldn't tell you what a soccer ball looks like

Blacks excel at basketball mostly due to fact that basketball is a mostly black thing in US. Football is majority white because football in US heavily suburban middle class hobby for kids. In case of women's teams those are heavily funded in college sports as those in general are sort of semi-professional in reality. Since they are educated and middle class to start with, they can choose have their hobby as their profession for some years, case of best female players they can make pretty good money though personal sponsorships and shit. Their sacrifice for excellence is few less luxuries.

Success breeds success. When you have people willing to pay for coaches, good idols for kids to later become coaches and they will train more success. Some stuff is determined by greater societal things. Finland used to be great at long distance running until 70's and last vestiges of past glory dying in 80's. Let me introduce you to concepts like world wars, mass destruction of propertu and economic development. In Europe cars, full mechanization of agriculture and urbanization were generally delayed by twenty or thirty years by destruction two world wars. Things that happened in US during 20's and 30's, happened in most European countries in 50's and 60's. Suddenly rural kids didn't run or walk to schools. By sixties we also could afford to build some not that necessary stuff like indoor hockey arenas. By 70's we had semi decent professional league, by 80's and 90's it was actually good enough attract NHL rejects.

In eastern Africa kids still walk and run long distances to schools and shit. They might get good at that by every day activity. Good enough to make good money as professional athlete.

When it comes to genetics and youth development in hockey. Not being retarded in it helps as well. Our hockey association has started to kill the stereo typical Finnish pro hockey players to be competitive with pretty heavy handed affirmative action.

more money