Entire team of superstar players

>Entire team of superstar players
>Still lose

How pathetic

Attached: C8617FD0-D658-41FB-99A7-C3FA4717650A.jpg (808x483, 32K)

something always bothered me about the way this nigga look and now i think i realize it's cause his eyes aren't brown.
what kinda nigga have blue eyes the fuck

>t. Drake
And don't say "I'm not drake" only an user with that flag and says nigga can only be drake

Well we don't got anything else to spend our money on brazilel. Why don't you spend all your money on getting a better infrastructure than play Poorball in favelas

>be Brazilian
>live in mud hut
>get beheaded


Attached: fatlogic.jpg (620x640, 67K)

t. pardo

>be brazilan
>literal subhuman monkeys as a result of generations of fucking their own sisters


>entire team plays injured unless they are injured so bad that they are going to be out next season

>Entire team of superstar players (in hospital)


Attached: 20190312_075347.jpg (1080x1524, 823K)

Canada is like 40% brown or black now, user. Get with the times, homie.

>be brazilian
>your best aspiration in life is to be beheaded or shot on camera and the video showing up on /gif/ gore threads

mama got them pretty genes

Attached: Sonya-Curry-opt.jpg (600x900, 58K)

>that flag

For real. Definition of MILF.

looks like a literal orangutan

Attached: 20190614_131732.jpg (521x452, 179K)

he's part white you mong

What's with the 56% overtaking apehoop? Before, everyone was not more than 20%

[citation needed]